Her Anticipation 7a

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"I do enjoy making you my toy....I love to hear the desperation in your feathered breath. Watching the struggle you have as you play....look at you....my beautiful girl"


In the outside world nobody knows the tastes you have....how behind locked doors you like the treated.

You sit at your desk....not really there...your mind elsewhere, you keep nervously glancing at your watch...time ticks slowly...as tonight....you will be a completely different person to the one your co-workers see....the person everyone sees....as tonight you're seeing...him. It's been a week....a very long week since you last knocked on that door.

"Everything alright?"

You brush your hair behind your ear and look up sheepishly. It's a nervous tell of yours....the playing with your hair...you pat your hair down the side of your neck....unsure if the mark is still there or not....it isn't but it feels like it is. The mark of your collar...the simple strip of leather that bounds you to him.


You look up again....your co-worker looks likes she examining you....again...she's your partner in crime in the work place....you gossip with her....about anyone and anything....but not this....

"I'm fine..."

You give her a fake smile....a nervous smile, like you have been caught with your hand in the cookie jar and you hope no one has noticed.

"Seeing your mystery man again?.."

You shift in your seat...your skirt raises slightly...caught on the suspender strap...your hands fighting under the desk to hide it...you've dressed for him...dressed the way he likes you to dress....you love the way he looks at you...in your lace and suspenders...he told you to wear it...and it makes you smile to please him....

"Yes....after work"

"I hope he's treating you well...."

Your mind flicks to last week....over his knee....your head hanging over the side...ass on show...."

"Judging off the colour of your cheeks he's doing more than that"

She has that rather giggle....you like it. She sees you as such a shy girl...not timid...more quiet. She was the first in your little group of friends to notice the little marks...the little one on the side of your neck....and the other just on the inside of your knee....you made something up....but you both know that neither believed it. The girls night she had noticed it....the 'party tattoos' as she would call it.

She's prying for information....but how can you tell her the things you have discovered about yourself....the things he's found....the things you didn't know about yourself.

You did let somethings slip. You were six gins in when you told her that you....he liked to use cuffs...in her head it was the pink fluffy cuffs from ann summers. Just a little bondage play. Not the thick leather cuffs...

But the degradation.... something you never even dreamed of that would turn you on....not the pain...the impact....the being treated like....

'fuck.....I can't think straight'

Then you realise....she's still stood there...an eyebrow raised.

"You naughty little thing"

She giggles and walks off....leaving you to your thoughts....the phone pings....it's him....


Without even opening the message your heart jumps a little....

You casually glance at your phone and then quickly push the phone against your chest....hoping no one behind you saw.

Just a picture....a picture of a chair....all set up...cuffs around the legs...toys laid out on the seat.


There's no caption....a picture paints a thousand words...and the thoughts of how the night will play out race through your mind....your body already reacting to the picture as you squirm a little in your seat...no chance of getting any work done now.

The world blurs around you....the noise of the office blends and melts....the phone against your chest buzzes. It makes you jolt back into the world around you. You glance down and angle the phone up.

"I want you"

You smile at the words....and the words make a warmth grows between your thighs....another buzz.

"I know you are wet....I can feel it....not long now....and I'll have you....here...with me...."

'fuck, he's got me...how did I let this happen'

Thoughts of the last time you were told to strip....while he stood there....watching every move you made... captivated by you. You felt so self conscious...but as the layers fell to the floor you changed....became more confident...began to play with it....you have never done anything like that before...but then again you have never been in a relationship like this before...never been in a dynamic....never been someone's submissive....their plaything....their toy....

'fuck....I'm doing it again....losing myself in the moment. In the thoughts of who I am when I'm with him....my Dom....I have a Dom....how the fuck did that happen...and why do I like it so much....want it...'

The rest of the work day swirls around you...you feel calm....the eye of the storm of life spirals around you....a sea of melted colours....of sounds....none of them indistinguishable. You float along in your own world...leaving work....hailing a taxi and it's only as the taxi pulls away and leaves you in the silence of the quiet little cul-de-sac that your heart starts to pound....the pitch of your best changing....leaving you light headed....with each step towards the door you stop being you....the you the rest of the world sees....and become someone else....the other part of you takes over....the little demon within you coming out....a deep breath....as you hold your hand up to grasp the iron ring on the door....your fingers curl around the cold metal....it does something to you...just the feeling of it in your hand...like gripping the bars of the cage.....there's that pulse again....deep within you....you let the weight of the ring fall....the oak door booms....the sound sending a shiver down you....you lick your lips....and your eyes widen....as the door opens....and you see....me.

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