20 Marionette

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You stand before me as I sit in the leather chair in the corner of the room. Music playing low, the room dimly lit. The atmosphere feels thick.

You stand in heels, stockings and suspenders. Lace bra..your collar tight. Hands by your sides as you hold eye contact with me.

You see me laid back against the leather chair. Elbow resting on the arms, hands clasped, fingers interlocked. Studying you.

You feel nervous, my eyes seeing through you.

"Turn around my kitten"

You smile and slowly twirl, your heels clattering on the wooden floor.


The words spoken softly as you return to face me, you see the smile across my lips, see it in my eyes.

"Now kneel down little one, and come to me"

You go to reply and see my finger reach my lips. You stay silent, and just smile. Bow your head slightly and start dropping to one knee, then the other.

The anticipation within you sends a little shiver through you as see me reaching down to the side of the chair, but you can't see what I'm reaching for, the corner of the room is in the shadows, the only brightness comes from my smile, the white open shirt I wear and a glint in my eyes, you feel your nipples harden to the words

"Come here"

You place one hand on the floor, then the other and slowly crawl towards me

"Slowly my girl"

You move cat like, slinking your way towards me, you move to the seductive sounds of the music. You give me that look, the little bite of your bottom lip, you know you have my full attention, watching me lean forward as you approach. Nothing but you is seen by me in the room. Just you.

As you reach my feet you feel my hand on your chin, tilting your head up gently, your hands go from the floor to the tops of my thighs as I lead you to me. Our lips meet, my hand moving from your chin to the side of your neck. The kiss is tender.....slow, as tongues dance together, you moan and feel that pulse within you.

Time pauses, just briefly as we are all that matter. There's just me and you.

As the kiss comes to an end and we hold eye contact. You smile at me, and I smile back

"Now turn around little one, and show me"

You give me that look again. The one that caught my eye when we first met. You slide your hands down each of my thighs and turn on your knees, glancing back at me before slowly dropping your shoulders to the ground rising your ass to me, the arch of your back...you know it drives me wild, you place your hands on each cheek and spreading them, revealing your ass and pussy. Your honey starts to run, as you feel my hand sliding up your inner thigh, the touch light, almost tickling you before fingers slide up your clit.

"There's a good girl"

You smile to yourself at the words, always wanting to please, happy that you are indeed being a good girl for me. For your Dom. Your sir, your daddy. You start to softly purr.

You gasp to the feel of a toy, sliding slowly inside, it's hard and cold. You purr again to the feeling of it pressing inside. Slowly the toy moves back and forth. The moves, graceful, not jarring or harsh.

You let out another gasp of surprise to the feel of my thumb circling your asshole. Your honey coating you. The thumb rotates, opening you before you feel another toy. It's large and tentatively moves a little deeper. You gasp as the toy inches further....deeper. it feels tight, both holes filled.

Both toys start to diminish in movement, before ceasing to move.

"Move back my girl, let me watch"

You let go of your cheeks and place your palms on the floor, arching your back as you rock back onto the toys. You feel them stretching both your holes and you hold your breathe to the toys opening your tight ass and pussy

"That's a good girl, a little more"

You let out a small cry as you push back a little harder, your ass and pussy giving in to the toys as they move deeper. Your breathing becomes deeper, more rapid as you push harder, as you struggle to take more. Muscles ease and the toys move deeper

"That it, come on my girl, a little more"

You let out a cry as you take all of your toys. Your hips, shaking as they completely fill you. You feel my grip on the toys leave. The toys held firmly inside.

You glance back over your shoulder at me, gritting teeth yet smiling to the feeling of being so full. You see a beaming smile on my face.

"Well done my kitten, now crawl to the wall, and do not let those toys go"

There's a change of tone in my voice as I speak those last words, a hint of threat. You don't know what it will lead to, you know your pleasing me, and want to keep it that way, you want o be a good girl.

You look forward and start to move. The other side of the room looks so far away as you inch forward. You clench your muscles as you feel the toys sliding back. Beads of sweat breaks out across your brow as your desperately try and hold on to the toys inside you. The crawl feels like it's taking forever. Each step has you crying out, whimpering to yourself as you slowly get closer. The feeling of relief floods over you as you finally reach the wall. A giggle, a little laugh of achievement leaves you.

"Such a good girl!, now turn around and stand up, your going to fuck for me, your going to fuck hard.....do you understand?"

You go to speak but stop yourself and just slowly turn and slide up the wall. As you move up the wall you press your cheeks against the wall. Keeping the toy in your ass from falling, your hand moving to the toy in your pussy keeping it inside. Once you're in place you arch your back and flick your head back, catching me looking at you. Examining your movements.

You start to move. Bouncing back against the wall. The toy in your ass now stuck on the wall, held in place. You ease yourself back, slowly at first, moving with more force to each thrust. The toy in you hand now moving as you fuck your holes for me. You start to lose yourself. The feeling of both toys moving inside you. You close your eyes, honey starts to cover your hand as you let out a cry.

You don't hear me approach. Your eyes held shut as you fuck. Only the feeling and shock of my hand griping the back of your hair makes your eyes spring open. You let out a gasp of surprise. Your head now pulled back, held in place. The arch of your back now more pronounced. The toys move deeper

"Fuck .....harder"

The words calmly growled into your ear, the tone low.

Your body commands as you push back harder, the toy sinking deep with each thrust. The toy in your hand moves with more grace as you step up and fuck yourself harder and faster.

A spank of your breast stings....


The tone more commanding

You scream at me, fire in your eyes as you look into mine. The slap as sent a spark inside you as you feel and instant need to cum.

Your first words of the night leave you


"Keep going little one, a little more"

You cry out in frustration, your thighs burn from the position held. Pussy swollen and needing release.


You hear the count, the tension so high within you, like a coiled spring. Just waiting to be let free


The pulse and shock of the final thrust as your body shakes hard, you collapse forward, as the toys leave your body. As you fall forwards, only to be caught in my hands and softly brought down to the floor. Both of us kneeling on the ground, I hold you tight to me and move the hair away from your face. Kissing your cheek as you breathe hard. Words whispered

"You are amazing my girl. Such a good girl"

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