25 Your BDSM Demon

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You've been pushing me, the signals you've sent me, the week has been long, the messages....wanting....I know you want the play to be hard next time we meet...harsh....brutal...you want your demon.

It takes a lot for me to summon the demon within, it lurks in the shadows...locked away.

I've always flirted between being your daddy, your sir....the 'daddy' in me comes from my past, before this life....before I became a Dom...a womaniser, a charmer, a hopeless romantic with an unquenchable thirst for sex.

The sir in me was found as I explored the world of BDSM. The love of impact, to be strict, the joy of measured control....but there are moments....like now, where you want something more....need it....ask for it....you brat...but more so....you tease....defy....you want to anger me....yes it's a game....it's the play...we know the boundaries....the limits of that play....lines in the sand that cannot be crossed....but there, right on the edge....lurks something dark....and now you knock on that door.

I pace the rooms of the house. Thinking of play that will happen. Time moves slowly as I place items around the house, the path I will take, I start at the beginning, the front door....I remove objects and obstacles. It will be fast, hard...a clear path to the living room needed....you'll be dragged...not by a leash, but by my belt...yes...my belt. The one I'm wearing. I'll need another...hung by the door....one to hit you with. Looped, the buckle in my hand.

The floor must be clean, the rug removed, the space cleared as I drag you into the living room. But first, the doorway, cuffs above the door. Hung on their hook, ready.....waiting. velcro straps, quick...easy to tighten...easy to rip off. Toys placed on the table near the door....plugs.... vibrators....a cane....a paddle....choices available...a gag, an o-ring perhaps....there will be a moment....a moment where no safe words or signals can be used...a design to give that element of pure unadulterated fear....

It's the danger that you crave, as well as the brutality. To feel it. To live it. I'll know if I will give that, I'll read you. See it in you. If I can push that limit.

I'll take a drink, one drink. I'll have it ready, a single malt...something that will burn... something to help keep the demon where I want it. Let free, but like you, leashed....controlled.....owned. just enough rope to give it reign.

There are demons in all of us. But it always has to be controlled. It's easy to let it free, give it too much freedom, to get lost in the moment. That's when things can go wrong. Your soul tainted....someone can get hurt....trust shattered.

I clean the room, the cage placed in front of the fire. Straps and cuffs ready. Other toys are placed and easy to reach. Batteries charged. Cables in place. Candles lit and ice buckets ready. The room set. I've given myself choices.

I play through the scene in my mind, the viciousness....the force....the progression of when and where....I know things will change, and I'll adapt....plans in my mind are never set in stone....where would be the fun in that.

The next stage has to be set.....the aftercare will be lengthy...it has to be perfect. Clean sheets. The temperature of the house, set. Fresh towels....oils, lotions... neatly laid out.

Setting the scene out helps set my mind....I have to reach down within myself. A task of my own, set for myself. I shower, shave....clean, file and cut nails....I dress, all in black....suit trousers...no underwear...black shirt....cuffs kept unbuttoned....this shirt will be torn by the end of the night. Left in tatters on the floor. I gaze upon myself in the mirror, wiping away the steam to peer into myself. I'll be your demon.

The house sits still. Not a sound. I glance at the clock, I know you're going to be late. It's part of the game. It's a trick you play on me, and one that works. The thought makes me smile. She knows me well. Time for Gnt. Gin, tonic, ice and a slice of lime. I let the cooling liquid sink into me. This is the calm before the storm. I let the stillness of the room consume me.....the demon within stirring, a shark circling prey.....I feel it's close....wanting to play....

Three knocks on the door....

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