3 (You) Hello, let's play.

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Hello my girl....I see you have come back....you look comfortable there, lay in bed reading through my stories....

Now I want something from you....yes you....there's no one else here, just you and me....

I can feel your heart beat increasing....can you feel that? Place your hand on your chest.....that drum of your heart....yes that....fantastic isn't it...

Now it feels like there's a change in the air....that charge..that static electricity....that surrounds you...

I can....I feel it...that slight rise in temperature, that flush of heat.... surging up the sides of your neck ....your breath deepening...the tiny beads of sweat forming over your body.....the rising and falling of your chest....your nipples hardening....now your biting your lip, aren't you little one....you make me smile ...How delicious....

You've kicked the covers away from your legs.....the heat, a little too much?....you brain now fighting.....trying to figure out if your hot or cold.

I've got you haven't I?...

Now roll over onto your front my girl...do as I say now....place your screen on the pillow....now my girl...do as you're told....rest up on your elbows....that's better ...

I know your squirming....your mind lying to you, are you just getting comfortable....or are you really brushing your clit against bed?.....

I know your smiling....if not a little embarrassed.....don't be....your safe here with me. So don't be shy.....theres no need to hide.

Just breathe...... slowly....in....and out....now rise up on your knees, keep them together.....push down your bed.....slowly...

Deep....long....breathes....that's good....keep your body pressed against the bed....your ass raised up .....arms out in front of you.....take a moment....can you feel me?......my thighs pressed up against you.....kneeling behind you.....my hands gently running up your thighs to your hips....I trust your doing as your told .....being a good girl for me.....my hands stroking your back.....submit to me.....

Now part your legs, slowly spreading your knees apart..... raise your body off the bed.... slowly now....take a hand from in front of you and slowly slide it down your body until you reach your thighs....keep the back of your hand against the bed.....there's a good girl.....slowly let your finger tips caress your thigh and you spread your legs wider.....your finger tips touching closer and closer...as your ass goes lower and lower....spread your fingers....don't let them touch your clit.....two fingers on either side......don't do it......I'm watching you my girl......don't rush.....let your fingers stroke either side of your clit.....feels good doesn't it......your hand is my hand......such a good girl.....

My hands stroking along your back.....up to your shoulders......

Press your fingers down on either side of your clit......the pressure parting your lips.....let your honey run.....your clit getting wet.....

My hands pushing your shoulders down.....your body pinned against your bed ......the warmth of me behind you.....you can feel the hardness of me pressing against you.....as you wait......wanting me.....

Now move one finger as from the tip of your clit.....softly stroke downwards......I can hear you.....that gasp.....that excitement.....that flood of chemicals starting to flood through you.....hairs standing up......press a little harder for me......your finger moving through the folds of your clit......wet.....swollen.....your hips moving....... rotating.......there's a good girl....

Now bring three fingers together.......curl them......bring your ass down......press your clit against your hand......grind against it.......what a beautiful sight.....my girl playing for me.....let your finger tips dip inside your pussy ......I can hear you moaning......slowly now my girl.....don't rush......I wouldn't be rushing with you....I'd take my time ......enjoying every part of you......press harder .....that's it.....fuck for me.....

Keep your hand still....fingers curled.....let your hips move, let them find a rhythm....fuck your hand for me.....as keep you held down....a hand moving to wrap your hair in one hand.....the pressure increasing.....as I slowly pull.....

You have to as permission..... remember that.....you have to ask to cum.....you have to say it out loud.....your close.....I can feel it.....let your hand move too.....your hips and my hand working together......that's it my girl......


Ask me.......ask for permission.......there's my girl......

Come for me.....

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