9 Impact

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"Violet....what are doing?"

You lean in the doorway. A little glint in your eye. A little cheeky grin on your face. You have your heel up on one foot, swaying your overly long slender leg side to side. A short tartan skirt, a tight top that shows off your cleavage perfectly. You know exactly what you're doing.

And that's the game we play.

You've turned up to the house with a purpose....a need. A scratch that needs to be itched. You've been setting the tone all week. You've been a complete brat....and you know it.

We are due to go out....and have turned up late.....and you know I hate it when you're late.

So now here you stand.....with the look of a petulant child.

"Come here little one"

You stamp your foot.


"Really.....so this is how you want to play"

"Come here"

I speak calmly, not taking the bait. Sitting on the poor sofa that has seen so much....too much.

You look at me, eyes unwavering. You stand tall, brimming with confidence. A little wicked smile on your face.

"I said.....come here"

You take a step forward and put your hands behind your back. Swaying on the spot.


You smile an innocent smile


As I stand and I see you take a half step back on one foot. Before placing them together again and standing. Your chin up slightly. Defiantly looking at me.

You see me smile. My demeanor still calm. I make a point of looking at my watch.

"We will be late"

'I really hate to be late'

But then again, sometimes it doesn't hurt to break the rules....well for me anyway.

"What's wrong daddy?"

You say with a lilt in your voice.

This time I command.

"Get.... that... ass... here..."

I point at the floor in front of me.

The change in my tone jolts you a little, you confidence waning slightly....unsure if you have pushed it too far. A little fear mixed with a touch of excitement....you start to feel wet.....honey slipping through the lips. You take two steps forward, head down.

Then you quickly turn and make a dash for the door. A little giggle leaving you. You know this is going to hurt.....but you want it to.

The game is on.

As your hand reaches the handle you feel my hand on you. Your heart racing, adrenaline now pumping. Your chest heaving against your tight top. The room spins in a blur of colours as you're twisted around on the spot. Your back hurts as you're slammed against the door. I'm so close our noses nearly touch. Your vision now filled with my dark eyes.....the hairs on your neck stand straight as a shiver runs from the top of your spine down to your pussy.....the energy floods your pants...soaking them.

I move in and kiss you hard, the back of your head hitting the door. I move my foot gently as we kiss, spreading your legs slightly...I pull away, your eyes alight with excitement.....your expression quickly changes as a sharp spank burns on your inner thigh.

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