Toy... continued, a mirror story(H&V)

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For the beginning of this story please visit agirlcalledviolet

The door closes and all you can hear is a tap feel stunned as to what just stand there staring at the restroom door for a moment, before coming too.


You soon around and look at yourself in the mirror...your hair is a mess, make up and lipstick smudged. The taste of yourself in your mouth....

'cant believe he shoved my knickers in my mouth!?!'

You turn the tap on and lap at the running water. The taste of you being washed stand up and take another look at yourself...smiling.....I've never fucked you at work start to sort your make up out as the door opens....making you fluster. You start randomly grabbing at paper towels and the taps.

You glance your eyes to the side in the mirror and see your boss......


You steady your trembling hands, the adrenaline of being bent over the sink and quickly fucked still courses through you....

Instead of going into a stall your boss walks up to the sink next to yours and gives you a side eye glance while she washes her hands

"Everything okay violet?"

"Ye...yes thank you.....I've just been running around today....god it's hot today"

'whybdid I say that?' you wince at your own words. Your skin feels clammy and your cheeks are still flushed. From the fun you just had.

Small talk over you turn back to the mirror to clean yourself up....that's when you feel it.....your eyes widening....the feeling of cum dripping.....that's when your boss has the best timing....

"Do you smell that? Do you think it smells odd in here, I can't put my finger on it"

Your mind flashes to my hand scooping up my cum and pushing back inside you...

Your cheeks burn red and you close your legs turn to go and walk into a stall then remember you were told not to clean fluster on the spot in indecisiveness before heading towards the door.

"Um....I'm not sure....better finish up....have a good weekend....."

'fuck, fuck,fuck.....that will teach me to play games'

You rush out the door, while trying your best to not show your feel like you're burning up as the shame spreads across your face....

As you get to the end of the corridor you can hear the commotion of everyone getting ready to leave for the take a deep breath to compose yourself and push the door open.

'why the fuck is my desk so far away'

You walk through the room, the feeling of cum dripping from your soaks your underwear with every step. You try and not think about it and while doing so walk straight into your friend.

"Now what have you been doing?"

She raises an eyebrow at you.

She knows about us.....not the dynamic....but she stupidly told her.

She leans in and sniffs at you and whispers

"You... dirty... Little slut"

Then giggles and pulls away before turning to walk off.

The words reverberate around your head as you slowly start to walk towards your feel the eyes of everyone in the room as you walk across the room, convinced everyone knows, that everyone knows you have cum sat on your pants and you have just been bent over and fucked like a cheap whore in the toilets.

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