6 Kittens in a cage (Trinity Cat fight continued H&V)

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This part of the story follows on from a part written by agirlcalledviolet

What a sight....my girls....my toys....a chorus of screams....both staring each other down in the mirror....I watch as the toy disappears....sliding in you....my eyes flick to katrina....she moves in response, bodies trembling......sweat breaking out....wet patches forming on the floor beneath you both.....

You start to lean forward....looking desperately for relief...needing the toy to not push so deep.... determined not to break first....you hear movement to the side of you...you watch as I walk over the chest of drawers....

'What now!?!

You see the smile on my face....my eyes flicker with darkness....a chain swinging around on one finger.....you stay still and watch in the mirror....Katrina does the same....it's hard to focus....to concentrate....you feel your collar being spun round.....the click of a clasp.....then you watch the same being done to Katrina.....her collar slipped around.....then a tug.....you scream first....followed by Katrina as the toy inside you both sinks deeper....the chain....linking you together, desires now matched.....bound together....

"That's better"

You watch as I place a finger on the chain...pressing it down....you feel the collar dig against your throat.....your body leaning back.....the perfect curve of your backs...the toy slips further.....you both scream out.....you catch Katrina's eyes through your tears.....drool hanging down from the ball in your mouth....then the feeling of my fingers slipping through your cunt....you watch katrinas eyes start to roll back.....you know I'm doing the same to her....

'hold on....'

My hand rubs at your clit....slick with your every flowing honey.....you look at me through the mirror....you watch as I stare through you....seeing your soul....a rise forming in the corner of my lips as I smile

Your eyes start to plead.....

'oh fuck'

You feel fingers parting and holding your lips open....a finger sliding inside your drenched pussy.....the finger presses up against the wall....the toy in your ass, now feeling ever so slightly tighter.....

' oh.....fuck no'

You look passed me as you dance on the edge....you watch katrinas expression change....you know I'm doing the same to her....

The toy jerks inside you as Katrina jerks and bucks....she thrusts back.....it has you howling to the stars.....

You can't help it....you try and fight it....but your body's needs surpass your fight for control....your hips thrust back....now Katrina howls....you cum hard..... Katrina too....both of you fill the room with your moans of pure pleasure.

The sting of the crop burns across your lower back.....followed by another on your ass....you cry out in surprise and howl in pain....the punishment for moving....swift and biting....

There's howls from behind you to....as you look through tear filled eyes to the strikes on Katrina's back and ass....the toy, jolts and shifts....you come hard.....it came on so sudden.....so swift....it left you powerless to stop it....

The toy finally grows still inside you....your ass, tight and the burn starts to grow as you pant and moan against the ball in your mouth....

You glance at me in the mirror....both of you do, you feel the toy move....being slid from you....the sense of relief washing over you....the feeling of being empty. You watch Katrina's shoulders drop.....she matches your trembling

"This chain...."

A finger bounces the leash that links you and Katrina together...

"This bond between you two will remain for the entire day....you two will learn to work together.....you will be rewarded or punished as one....do you both understand....."

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