23 Bound

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We kneel together in the middle of the bed, your body riding mine. Your arms straight behind you.....fingers interlocked. Your collar, the only clothes you wear.

We move slowly together as leather is bound slowly around your wrists. Your grinding, meeting with my hips, bodies pressed together....and it's so deep. There we kiss.

The kiss, long and slow.


We move as one, tiny movements at first....sweat drips and forms across both our bodies...you feel the firm grip on your ass as I dictate our pace, the rhythm changing by tiny increments. Both of us, feeling that rush. That explosive energy building.....the intensity is deafening as we look upon each other. Faces so close we steal each other's breaths.

But I keep the pace slow....I can feel that urge within you, that need for more, but I keep our bodies held tight together, pressed hard against each other. Our senses flooded, we've reached that wonderful feeling of not knowing where one stops and the other begins. We are completely....one.

I slide my hand up your back, fingernails cutting through the sweat on your skin. Reaching up to pull very slowly on your collar. The leather around your throat, growing tighter and tighter, restricting.... slowly restricting air. I lean forward to kiss you as you moan onto me as your back arches. I pull back sharply, breaking the kiss as you gasp and you take this chance to look to the side and see....us. You see the beautiful outline of us in the mirror. We look..... exquisite.

You watch us fuck, turned on my the form we create together. Your hips grinding hard against mine.

Your pussy, soaking my thighs. You love the way our bodies fit. My cock inside you feels....perfect. A perfect fit. As that is what we are.

We are made to be together. Moulded perfectly, two sides of the same coin.

You watch as I devour your breasts. My mouth, kissing, sucking....biting upon your flesh. Your nipples, hard and aching. You peel your eyes away from the mirror. Closing them and tilting your head back as you lose yourself. Sinking back into your senses.

I feel you, your fighting for control. You want to grind harder, to move faster, you try and move to form longer strokes.

Being on top does not mean you are the top. I squeeze at your cheek. You resist the urge and let out a cry. One of pleasure, one of frustration. I pull at your collar slowly. Pulling my mouth away from your swollen nipple.

"You are mine, to with as I please. To use as I please"

As you grind a slightly longer stroke, pushing down on my cock

"Yes sir"

Just saying the words turns you on further. I feel that pulse within you. A shockwave sent out from your body ripples throughout the room. Your honey floods my lap.

"That's it.... Such a good girl"

We continue to move as one. I allow the pace to increase. Your finally unable to resist. The pressure within you too much.


You grind a little harder

"Please sir"


You grit your teeth. Hanging on as you fight to control the urge to cum. You cry out as I move my hip with more force


Now you start to whimper....start the beg.

"Please sir"

You feel the grip on your cheek lessen, feel my hand move to the top of the crack of your ass. A finger tip snaking down.

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