2 The dance floor (H&V)

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The club has an electric atmosphere tonight. We sit in our booth, you fidget in your seat, the plug moves inside you...sliding.....touching parts of you....you keep smiling to yourself...your fingers, laced with mine....as you soak in the alcohol.....and the atmosphere....you watch the dance floor....watching how people move together.....

You look through the crowd and catch a glimpse of the woman that watched you last time.....flashbacks of that night flick through your mind....pinned back against your seat....legs open.....my fingers inside you....you watched her suck his cock.....she watched you being fucked....you feel your temperature flare....your nipples hardening.....your hand rests on your thigh and you just can't help yourself.....finger nails gently brushing slowly on the inside....your pussy beginning to swell.....becoming wet.....'fuck I'm horny'

You continue to play and then like a child caught you flick your head to the side....

"Now what are you up to little one?"

My hand frees from yours as I turn to stroke the side of your neck....a nail trailing from your shoulder....all the way to behind your ear as you continue to tease yourself.....it sends a signal through you, a spark inside you that moves like lightning, lighting up your nerves, your back starts to arch to the touch....

"I see you have a friend that wants to play...."

You look over through the crowd to see the woman smiling at you....

"Let's dance little doll"

You look up at me as I stand....it breaks the zone you were falling into....you smile and raise your hand for me to take...you see a warmth in my eyes, you see how happy you make me.....it melts you and you smile back as you stand and follow me onto the dancefloor.

We meander through the crowd and find a spot in the middle, I turn to you, a hand snakes around your side, the other rests on your neck, fingers dripping over your collar.....the toy inside you moves with us.....your so wet....as we move well together....the lights dancing light across us ...the bass pulses through us.....

You look over my shoulder to see the woman....her eyes....cat like in appearance, the look she gives you has your hairs standing on end....she rests her fingers on my shoulders, nails long, like claws....painted black....you feel a little uneasy as she turns and whispers into my ear.....you can't hear what she says so you look at me for reassurance.

You watch a smile break out on my face....you watch me turn my head ...you follow my gaze to the girls Dom....who raises his glass and nods.....you look back at me and see me nod back.....

"It's okay little doll, she wants to dance with us...."

I feel there's a tension in you as you follow me lead....we continue to dance to the music....becoming one with it's rhythm....my hand on your hips, your arms over my shoulders.....you keep your eyes on the woman....there's a fire behind those eyes as she snakes behind me.....you suddenly feel like prey....stalked.....as she slinks her way around....you feel her hands rest on your sides....feel the heat of her body as she presses against your back....the three of us moving as one.

You feel unsure......but also excited.....your body moves without thought, your ass pressing back against her hips....you feel me move closer to you......prey trapped....as hands wonder....

You close your eyes as I move to kiss you....we sway to the music as you feel your skirt riding up a little.....the women's hand on your hip....the other moves around to your breast.....your pussy starts to ache....the warmth of her body, the smell of her perfume.....the thump of the beat....it's intoxicating .....

You feel my finger loop your collar, pulling you tighter towards me....your hands explore me as we dance....her hand squeezes at your breast, your nipple finds it's way between two of fingers, she pressed her fingers together and pulls.....you moan into me....your kiss growing stronger as my hand finds your clit.....I smile as we kiss....your so deliciously wet.

The touch of my finger stroking your clit makes you press your ass back against the woman, you feel her thighs pressing back as her hand on your thigh slips around to your ass....she squeezes and moves her hand further back...sliding a finger down and presses on the stone....she keeps it there as I break our kiss, your head flies back, your hand reaching around as you grab the women's ass. You feel my teeth on your neck and your collar goes tight as I sink a finger inside you.....your cry out....the sound drowned out by the crowd....the music....

I curl my finger inside you as I draw it back, in time with the music. I feel your body shake.....bucking to the feeling of my nail drag the nail along you walls.

You feel her long nails drag across your chest as she too bites down on your other shoulder......your trapped between bodies....trapped in pleasure.....as I slide another finger inside you....the pressure of the toy in your ass changes, you feel your skirt hitch up....nails gripping the stone.....pulling the toy....your ass goes tight....not willing to let go.....

As we continue to dance and fuck your hand going to my crotch....feeling the hardness that lies within....you stroke me.....wanting me .....but your hand moves and grips my side hard as I fuck you harder.....the toy becoming free.....only to be pushed back harder....as you cry out you hear laughter from the girl....it becomes too much.....you wrap your arm around me and beg into my ear .....


"Come my doll"

You grind against my hand as I press deep......the toy pushed deep and held there as you let go....bucking wildly.....you hear laughing from behind as you come....

You let out a gasp as the toy is taken from you.....a whisper in your ear.....

"Until next time...."

You turn to look at the women.....but she's gone.....slipped back into the crowd of prey and predators.....

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