41 The dance of light and dark

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"Ssshhh....it's okay little one....just a little more"

You feel the toy.....it pushes deeper....so deep....you feel so full....

The rope wraps around your forearms behind your back....a beautiful knot keeps you in place, the rope wraps around your shoulders....framing your breasts......pushing them together....your shoulders pressed against the back of a wooden chair....the top of the chair, stained dark with your tears.

Threaded through slats of the chair sits wooden pegs....a metal loop sits around each peg....a thin strip of wire runs through the slats...the wire leads to clamps on your nipples...the pegs have been twisted....stretching.....pulling your nipples.....swollen....sore.....the pain....the beautiful pain you desire....need....it makes you feel alive....part of the connection between us....

Your breathing rapid....swallow....as you curl your toes....the toy inside your ass.... increasing in girth with each squeeze of a pump. You feel the stretch of your hole.....the muscles fighting..... Your back arches....your ass sits over the edge....a pool of your honey collects on the hard wooden seat.......

"That's it.... you're being such a good girl for me....aren't you?"

"Ye....yes sir....."

You let out a cry.....as the toy expands once more.....tears streaming down your cheeks.....

"You look beautiful"

You feel my hand.....gently cradling the side of your cheek....my thumb runs through you black tears.....smearing mascara away from your eye.....

"Fuck.....you are so beautiful....."

Your body shakes.....vibrates......every nerve ending sings.....sweat drips from you.....your pussy pulses......dripping....running down your thighs.....

You whimper as you watch me put the pump down....tears of relief.....of the ever constant pain of the clamps....of the toy inside you.....you feel so full.....

"Such a good little whore......trapped....used.....nothing but holes for me to play with.....how delicious"

You look up through clumped together eyelashes.....your eyes reddened....you see me....a fire in my eyes....the smile warm....you bring out my monster....bring it out to play with your little demon.....not many will ever be able to comprehend this relationship....to understand your desires...your wants....your need to feed....

But I do....

Just as you know my desire to feed off your pleasure.....

The sadist......and the masochist.....the safety it brings in being together....in this place....this space where we both are free to simply be.....to feel....

You see all of that in my smile.....as I see it in yours as you cry out....the wooden pegs to the right pulls and twists....

"Yes.... that's it..... sing for me...."

As the peg rests and the new level of pain grows consistent.....your head rests on the hard back of the chair....you listen to my footsteps....as I walk behind you....

You feel the gentle touch of the pads of my fingers stroke your ass cheeks in turn....then your eyes shoot open....as the drum of a wand can be heard...

'Dear god....what's he going to do to me'

The wand softly strokes against your dripping lips....the pleasure is immeasurable.... transcending you through the stratosphere....a full out of body experience....the pain of the clamps....the feeling of toy stretching you evaporates to nothing....

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