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You lay on the bed....shoulders down....your head to the side....your arms bound together....the rope weaves down your arms....they run down underneath you....the wrists tied to a bar that links your ankles....the bar keeping your legs apart....helping hold the position you find yourself in. More rope binds your thighs to your lower legs....your fingers wrap around the bar...knuckles white....your completely bound....unable to move....all but your head....which rubs across the soft sheets as you swivel your head from side to side as you try a peer back to see what I'm doing.

To the right you see glimpses of your exposed body in a mirror on the wall....the angle makes it hard to see....but what you do see is part of the duct tape strips that hold your cheeks apart....your holes on show....on display...and there's nothing you can do about it....

You move your head to the other side....the tape across your mouth makes it hard for you to breathe....to the left you see my naked back as I sit facing away from you on the side of the bed....you can feel my hand gliding down your spine...the balls of finger tips swirling up and over the the ridge formed by your arched back....

"You have such beautiful skin my girl.... flawless....it's just missing something...."

The hand that soothes leaves....returning with force as it slaps your right cheek....it makes you jolt....you moan against the tape....

"You need a little colour little one...."

Another strike....it hits the same place as the first....you swivel your head to the other side....you look across the room into the mirror and see the hand print in white....it's emphasized imprint on you by the pink of the blood rushing to the surface around the fingers...a smile reaches your eyes despite the pain....the mark of your Dom appearing as you helplessly watch on.

Another strike...in the same place turns flesh from pink to red....another....and another....the strikes coming harder and harder....the pace steady yet at a speed that gives you no time for waves of pain to subside....reds now having hues of purple....your ass cheek throbs....the skin feeling burnt...tears start to roll over the tape across your lips....dark patches forming on the pillow....and although you are naked....your body temperature momentarily goes through the roof...making beads of sweat form across your brow as you breathe hard....

"Let me help you"

It's the first time you have seen my face since the ropes were applied....the tone and expression such a contradiction to the pain delivered....to the punishment....a warm smile....the corners of my eyes creased. A loving look....gentle....caring....but there's something else...

"Hold still now"

There's panic written across your face, eyes wide and darting as you think the tape is going to be ripped off....but instead your eyes fill with terror...your head shaking side to side...your fingers move ready to click....

A small blade shines....the blade tiny....

"Stop this now....."

The tone sterner....a hand gripping your hair and tilting your head back.

"Do you trust me?"

You freeze for a moment....the grip lessens slightly....you nod your head....tears free flowing now....

"Good...now stay still and I'll help you"

The tone is as if it's yourself that has put you into this position....bound and gagged....and in a way it is your own doing as you let this be done to you.

You keep still....as the sharp thin blade cuts a slit in the tape, your lips move to help the tape tear....you suck air in....moaning in relief to the extra oxygen....eyes rolling back.

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