26 Demons

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As I near the door I swipe at the glass of whisky. Downing it in one, the burn courses through me, the heat spreading through my chest. Helping to release the demon that lays in wait inside me. As I exhale, a wicked smile slowly forms on my face.

You stand in the cold of the night....waiting for me to answer...the adrenaline pulses through you. Your short skirt barely covers your ass....the thong giving you little in the way of protection. Your little top feels tight and your nipples hurt, hard from the cold. Hard with excitement.....the anticipation.

Hair tied back in a pony tail. You've purposely not worn your collar. You feel naked without it. But you know this will fuel the demon. You might want to please, but sometimes, like this night, you've wanted more. You smile to yourself...

You shift from one foot to the other, you've worn a surprise of your own...a plug sits tightly in your ass....you smile to yourself....

'clever little girl, he'll love this'

You hear the lock turning.....the hairs on your neck start to stand, the static energy of the thrill surrounds you. You take a breath....

'this is going to be fun'

The swings inwards the hall pitch back. You're taken aback by the lack of not seeing me there, you peer in and see nothing, just a black emptiness


A hand shoots out from the blackness, gripping you by the wrist. You yelp and giggle as you're pulled into the darkness.

The slams shut behind you, the hallway sinks into an abyss, your momentarily blinded, your night vision not yet working. The change from light to dark too sudden.

"Get on the ground!"

The words growled at you, the shock making you instantly drop to the floor. Your knees buckle beneath you. The voice... so loud, menacing....for a moment you can't tell it's me. You tremble and your voice quakes as you shriek.


A fight or flight response, fear grips you......excites you. There's a glint in your eye. Your own demon waits to come out to play. Hiding beneath your fear.

You listen to my belt being undone, leather slipping through loops as you cower in the darkness...your senses heightened, your hands reaching for the walls.....there's a noise coming from behind you......before you can turn... your head wrenches back with force, your hands instantly going to the leather strap biting at your throat ...making you gasp, making you panic. You feel....caught....snared.....alive. You feel yourself getting wet.

"Come with me"

The words snarled at you. As you feel a presence stride over you. Heavy footsteps echo along the floor. You scream in fear before reaching for the belt as it goes tort, the buckle digs into the side of your neck.......the panic.... momentarily paralyzing... the fear feels so real as you're dragged a few feet across the floor, you kick and growl back, the belt goes slack for a moment, giving you time to flip over, scrabbling on your hands and knees across the hard wooden floor.

Then there's the sound that slices through the air....the sting of a belt striking your ass and the back of your thigh. You cry out with the shock and the pain. Another strike comes out of nowhere on the other cheek, you howl in pain as the tip of the belt catches your pussy. You flinch, falling to the side, now whimpering, expecting another to come out of the darkness....the fear really setting in. The adrenaline dulls the pain....your own demon now.... Wanting showing its own teeth.

"Your fucking mine"

Before you can right yourself you're dragged once more. The belt cutting off air. You scramble to keep up.

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