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You sit on the bed waiting for me to arrive....the room, dimly lit....the covers, soft....you've done as you were told.....worn what you know I like....black hold ups cling to your legs....black heels.......the short pleated skirt....the lace of your bra hugs you....your collar, snug.....keeping you safe....a reminder that here and now....you belong to me....that thought makes you smile....makes you wet....the black lace of your underwear feels slick.....your honey starting to run along your clit....you glance over to the mirror....you look beautiful....dressed to kill.....dressed to please....tonight.....you will be the object of desire....to be used....to be my toy....my girl....my slut. It's been a week, and now you need that release.

You lay back on the soft bed....music plays lazily.....soft and quiet.....you close your eyes and let the music drift over you.....then, a thud from down stairs....your heart stops....your skin tingles as your ears prick up....there's that flare of heat up your neck....that growing warmth in your belly....there's that giddy excitement building....that rush of energy that you don't know what to do with.....you shift positions on the bed....laying down with your head propped up.... seductive.......hmmm maybe not...

You hear the creaking of wood underfoot....you change positions again....more footsteps.....you dismiss your pose and go back to your original stance....your heart begining to race.....your breathing picks up....you pull at your holdups.....wanting to be perfect.....

You watch the door handle turn....you smile at the door.....waiting.....it's only for a split second but time stands still...

Your eyes meet with mine as I slip onto the room and lean against the wall....you try and read the mood I'm in.....trying to figure out how this play will go....all you see is a smile.

'what is he going to do to me.....with me'

I lean back and watch you....taking in your smile.....you look simply stunning.....I take in your outfit....the way it clings to you....the shape of you....the silence is killing you....teasing you.... tormenting you.... eventually....

"Hello little doll....stand up....let me see you"

You stand up and flatten your tiny skirt....you give a little shuffle of your feet before looking up at me....you see that little flicker in my eyes.....you know you have pleased me....

"Turn around my girl"

You give a little smile as you turn slowly on your heels....still unsure of how this play will go.....and just as you turn to face the the bed.....

"Stop right there"

You freeze....the hairs standing on end....your thigh muscles tense....your shoulders go ridged...

The pause feels endless.....

"Step back my girl.....slowly now"

There's a feeling of dread.....of excitement..... anticipation.....your eyes open wide with wonderment.....

'what is he going to do'

You take small steps back....you move slowly.....trying to gauge the mood I'm in.... but i give nothing away.....

You take another step back....you feel tense..... poised....

The shock of my hand gripping your hair and pulling your head back has you letting out a scream....your stomach muscles tense, your hands shoot up and grab my wrist as your slowly pulled back....your pussy floods as you feel the soft touch of my other hand cupping you from behind, my hand moving back and forth...as my fingers reach your clit and move your pussy lips side to side....opening you ...spreading you....the contrast of the tenderness and harshness sends mixed feelings of pain, pleasure, fear and excitement throughout your body.....a tingle and shiver shoots up your spine....the deliciousness of it all, to be treated as a queen and whore all at the same time....

With a yank of your head your pulled back as my hand glides around the hem of your underwear....as my fingers move to the centre of you, you feel the tips of my fingers slip under the hem and pull your panties to the side.....exposing your pussy....your body slams against the wall with a jolt and I'm up close stood in front of you....our mouths nearly touching, your hands still gripping my wrist above your head....

We search each others souls, eyes alight with desire....as I sink my fingers inside you a lunge forward, our tongues tasting, searching dancing together...I press my fingers deep, curling them...stroking the inside of you.....the force....powerful yet slow long strokes.....your honey coating my hand....I pull back and keep you held against the wall as my hand slips from you....I bring my hand up and show you....your mouth drops open as I press my fingers into your mouth....I press deep, almost making your gag.....you suck down the taste of you....

"Good little slut"

The pressure changes on the back of your head, tugging down....your slide down the wall....I release your hair and grip your wrists....keep your hands held above you as go into a crouch.....

Your head level with the bulge that's grown in my jeans....I move your hands and put one over the other....interlocking my fingers in yours...the back of my hand strokes down your cheek, so tender....delicate....before moving to the zip.... You watch as I slowly pull the zip down....your heart thunders and your pussy pulses in anticipation....my hand moves to release me from my constraints...you cock your head to the side as I bring the shaft of my cock to your mouth....the flat of your tongue curls along the muscle....the best of my heart felt as it throbs against your tongue and lips ...you look up to see me towering over you....you can see the intent on my face.....can feel the burning desire.....this won't be gentle....and you encourage it....moaning as I run the length of my shaft against your mouth....you move your head and run the tip of your tongue up to under the head....you flick your tongue to tickle me....I moan and it feeds your desire....the desire to please....you open your mouth wide as I angle my cock to slide into your mouth....you hum as the head hits and moves down the roof of your mouth.

I move slowly....changing angle to let you take me...I move my hips....pushing my cock further into your mouth as you open your throat to take me....I push to hilt...I hold it there as you struggle to breathe.....you wrap your knuckles against the wall as you fight the urge to gag....the moment lasts for a while before I quickly pull back, a string of drool hangs between your mouth and my cock....your hands held firm, unable to wipe it away as you stuck on air.....

The tone of encouragement makes you melt

"Good girl.....!"

Before I'm thrusting my cock back and you quickly open your mouth to receive me....you moan and suck loudly into me as the strokes stay slow....the depth deep....your honey now dripping and running down the insides of your thighs....

You feel the pressure on your hands grow....an indication of the darkness that lurks.....

Your eyes begin to water and you mascara starts to run....you look up at me....knowing to turns me on more....the thrusts become harder....your head pinned to the wall....the angle changes as I let go of the hilt of my cock....the angle turns harsh as I thrust forward....yoi struggle and recieve a tap on your cheek...before I move closer and slip your hands from on top of each other....we interlock fingers.....as I fuck your mouth hard drool drops and spatters against your chest....

You know you have me....as much as I have you....you feel the swelling of me as I grow close...it makes you suck harder....wanting my seed....I'm so close...you feel my hands tense over yours.....and the trembling of my body....

My seed fills your mouth as I roar....slowly pull back as my cum pools on your tongue

"Show me"

You open your mouth while smiling....

"Now swallow"

You do so and let my soul slip down your throat. You open your mouth to show me

"My good girl"

I release my grip of your hands and lift you up to stand in front of me my cock....till hard....trails down over your body.....

You see the joy in my face as I cup your cheeks and wipe the tears away with my thumbs before pulling you in to kiss you....a long slow kiss....our tongues once dancing again....I break our kiss....your heart pounds....

"I've not finished with you yet"

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