6 ( You) Another little game?

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I hope you enjoyed my little game, would you like to play again I wonder....?

Shall I be a little harsh? A little harder....? I'll need you to commit, to let me lead you....will you follow me? Let your hands shall be my hands, your body, my toy to do with as I please. I'm not a cruel Dom, a little sadistic...yes.....but you like that.....don't you.....need...that.....

It is what separates you from being vanilla.....a want to be controlled, constricted....a need to feel pain......with pleasure of course.... As you cannot have one without the other....so the question is....do you trust me?... because without trust we have nothing.

I know you have little names that you like to be called....whether you see yourself as a kitten, a little, a princess, my slut....my whore....my little fucktoy....or is it simply my girl...so tonight....that is what you shall be.....yes you, my girl. As for myself, you will call me Sir or Daddy.....I will let you choose....which ever works for you my girl.

I hope that makes you smile....as this is why you are here is it not....to be taken elsewhere....to be pleased, to have me pleasure your mind....while you pleasure your body....I'm honoured you have chosen me.....truly I am.

Can you feel that? That charge in the air around you?....the temperature changing around you....your body growing in warmth....I can....can sense you....

Let me guide you through your desires my girl....explore with you.....

Place your hand in the middle of your chest....let your mind focus on the feeling of your heartbeat......good.....that's my good girl.....let the rest of the world drift away with every pound of your heart.

Now slide your hand over your breast kitten.... slowly now....don't rush.....be gentle.....slide your nipple between your finger and thumb.....I feel it growing harder....that's it.....what a good girl you are being for me.....now squeeze my girl....and slowly pull....I can feel that flicker of pain it causes....and the pulse within your pussy....your honey beginning to slip.....good....that's really good.....let your hand drift down your body....my hand drifting down your body..... exploring the curves and contours...like reading a map...following the lines that lead to your pleasure....as you reach your clit...stop....you need to say....


Say it out loud kitten...whisper it to yourself....to me....as I'm there with you....watching you....touching you.

Now run the ball of your fingers gently over your clit....slower my girl....don't make me have to punish you.... because I will.....a strike on your inner thigh....by hand or belt....a crop too light for you....the sting too brief....imagine me sat behind you....you leaning back on me...sitting between my legs, your thighs resting against mine....you looking down at my hands....one playing with your clit....like your hand is now....the other striking your inner thigh....the marks blooming to the surface.....my mark on you.

I can imagine the internal war raging in your mind as I tell you to keep your legs open....the self preservation response within you telling you to close them....while the good girl side of you tells you to do as you're told....to accept the punishment....the pain....as it mixes with the pleasure....

I can hear the moans....the ours of pleasure as become wetter....is that a toy I see on your hand?.....naughty girl....my girl....I see that smile too....it lights up a glint in your eyes...let me into your mind my girl....my kitten....you'd watch as I reach around you....holding you, my hands sliding down your arms.... bringing your hands together in front of you....my fingers over yours....guiding your fingers to interlock....the soft touch of my lips along your shoulder as I reach for a length of rope....you'd watch and I take me time to wrap your wrists....feel the rope getting tighter....with each wrap of the rope you become more helpless....more under my control....bound to me.....the final pull of the rope forming a knot....the jolt felt throughout your body....that desire to be owned....

I'm watching you....play a little harder....

You let your body be moved into position....let me lift your arms above your head....your fingers feeling my hair as you bend your elbows.....your arms now out of the way....exposing your body to me....your body now mine to play with....my play ground...unable to stop me....the touch could be light....teasing.....or rough....harsh as I caress...grab....pinch....tickle.....to let yourself be my object of desire....as you offer yourself to me....your dominant....your sir....would tou feel the kiss of my lips ....or wohld yoy bring out the demon in me....and feel my teeth.

That's it my girl....sink deeper into a world where you are mine....where your inhibitions fade away....become my good little slut.....and fuck harder for me....I'd bring you soft pleasures....hard pleasures....

Press harder my girl....swirl your fingers through your clit....faster.....that's it....toy with your holes....five yourself to me...be good girl...

remember you need my permission.....you need my permission to cum.....so say it.....whisper it into the darkness....intobthe darkness where you find me....say 'please'......say it....

Theres a good girl.....come for me.

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