31 Aftercare

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Your body feels weightless as you're picked off the floor. Strong arms carry you, your head on my shoulder, you still taste me on your lips. Your eyes flutter open, then closed. Your body aches from the play. Exhausted.....used....spent. You sink into me and listen to my footsteps. The sting of the cane makes you wince, then smile as you think back to the play.

You feel the warmth and humidity of the room as you're lowered into the soothing warm water of the tub. You open your eyes to see me smiling at you. Feel my fingers brushing hair away from your face. The fire behind the eyes extinguished, replaced with that caring look. You smile as I lean in to kiss you. You worry about the taste of me on your lips, but i show no care. We kiss, as the water envelopes you.

You feel your body being stripped on restraints. Slow care taken, then the kiss is broken as soap is softly lathered over you. Careful not to get the cleansing suds in your eyes. You feel like a child again, being bathed as water is poured over you.

You lay back against the tub, the smell of sex and sweat replaced with the scent of flowers, the soap washes off the night. The scene of earlier stripped from your body by caring delicate hands. The ball of my fingers, the palms of my hands treat your skin like delicate porcelain as your breasts are massaged, your muscles relax further as my hands travel the length of you. I reach the tops of your thighs and you arch your back as you let out a moan. You bite your lip as your pussy still feels swollen, still wanting to be touched. Needing it.

You grip the sides of the tub as hands travel down each thigh. My hands reach round the backs of your legs, massaging soap into muscles, my hands reach around your ankles and then move to each foot, lifting them slightly to massage each foot in turn. You keep your eyes closed as my hands glide through the water back up your legs. The splash of water as my hands leave the water to lift your hands from the sides of the tub. Pulling your back from the tub.

"my wonderful little one, you were amazing, truly exquisite"

The words bring a smile as another kiss reaches your lips.

You keep your eyes closed as you feel me climb into the tub behind you. You feel hands on your shoulders massaging your muscles, thumbs brought together and pushing up the centre of the back of your neck. Hands swirl through the bubbles on your back, before you're wrapped in my arms and pulled back onto my chest. You tilt your head to the side and listen to the steady drum of my heart. You feel..... safe. Completely safe, protected from the world. We lay there together in silence breathing in the scent of the soap. You feel yourself drifting as a smile reaches your lips.

"Such a good girl"

The words whispered as a hand is placed on the side of your neck, moving down the stroke at your nipples, to follow around your breast before meandering down your stomach. You open your eyes to watch. You feel that pulse again. Deep within you. Then your eyes widen as you see my other hand holding a razor.

"Do you trust me?"

You pause for a moment before replying

"Yes daddy"

You watch my hand lathered in soap. Then moan and arch, purring to the touch of my hand around your clit, teasing. You gasp as you feel your pussy lips stretch open and close as I move my hand over you, you feel the touch of a light kisses dancing down from your cheek to your neck as the razor breaks free of the water and shines in the light of the room. You freeze as the razor grows closer to your skin. You hold your breath....

You watch the razor glide and cut through the soap. Leaving your flesh cleansed and smooth, the blade moves slowly but confidently over you. Your stomach rises and falls, your breaths swallow.

You're so turned on but mindful of the blade as your arms reach back, your fingers twirling with the hair on the back of my head. You spread your legs as far as the tub will allow as the blade swirls and slices. Next is your arm pits. You've shaved countless times, but never had it felt like this as your pussy throbs.

Once the blade leaves you purr as you feel my hand on your neck, stroking you as you moan. My hand moves down your body fingers to glide over your nipple, each touch of a finger makes it harder as my hand travels further down your body. You watch as my other hand touches your hip and moves towards your clit. Your grip on my hair grows as you watch fingers stretch your clit apart. You watch the finger on my other hand hover so close to your clit.... Then the lightest of touches sends a bolt through your whole body. You writhe between my thighs, feeling me growing harder against your back. You pull at my hair as fingers push through the folds of your clit. You watch and feel the pace and pressure growing. Your hips move to grind against my hand. Water slipping over the sides. You moan loudly and then. The word desperately leaves you as the water trembles around you.


Your plight goes unanswered as you shake and buck against my hand, unable to watch any longer

"Please daddy"

The words strained as it almost hurts to hold on



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