home sweet home 3

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You blink.....the world around you comes back to focus. My grin....then my eyes come sharply into view....

"Erm....er...yes....of course"

You wobble slightly as you are left to stand on your own two feet again....

You smile and bring yourself back down....you cock your head to one side....studying me for a moment, giving me a smile before turning around your underwear still clinging half way down your thighs....you bend down to pick up the coffee mugs....showing your honey coated pussy to me....before you get a chance to pick up the mugs you feel my hands gripping your hips....

You squeal as you're taken by surprise...dragged back to fall on top of me....the speed and force....the feeling of my hand around your throat....your heart thunders....your honey filled panties drop with excitement....you don't struggle or fight....the thumb around your throat moves and tilts your head....

"You really think I'm finished with you my girl?"

You keep your eyes forward....catching our dark reflection in the TV screen on the wall opposite....our shadows melting into one in the darkness of the screen....you place your hands by your sides....ready to follow where I lead....to do and go as where you are told....

The thought of not being your own excites you as your legs fall on either side of mine....as one hand holds your throat....the other snakes over your breast.... plunging beneath your shirt...gripping your breast tight...pinning you to me.....there's an animalistic feel.....the play.... gone from reserved and thoughtful to one of impulse....to one of lust.....

Your legs open.....slowly pushed apart by mine, your skirt riding up.... revealing your wet pussy....your underwear rolls further down your thighs....passed your knees and down your legs....forming a rope around your ankles...

You watch them stretch. The wet material digging into your skin....

As one hand holds your throat....the other now meanders down your body...pawing at you and finding your exposed thigh....slowly moving up and down....a sense of fear grips you as the hand releases.....hovering above your skin....

"You bring the demon out of me"

The words travel along hot breathe.....whispered deeply onto your ear.....

The strike is hard....harder than you expected....no little playful tap....the tender flesh of your inner thigh surges in heat....the mark white hot....the skin raises around neat finger marks...the print already clearly visible....your clit tingles.... electrified to life....the jolt suddenly up your spine, the hand that brought pain quickly brings relief....smoothing away the pain by running slickly through your clit....

"I want you...all of you...."

Fingers reach down....the tips curling inside you.....slipping back and forth...pushing your honey down over your ass...the rim hums to the touch...you writhe....your own little demon coming out to play...your own hands move without thought...reaching back and finding the buckle....unzipping and pulling me free.

You slide the shaft against your clit....coating it with you....your throat is squeezed hard before behind released...hands reaching down to grip under your thighs....pulling your legs up and stretching until your panties snap.

Your breathing becomes frantic... desperate...your feet placed on the top of each of my thighs....the hands reaching down to clutch at each cheek...spreading them....lifting you up...you grip at the hard shaft between your legs....guiding as your swipe the head along your pussy...reaching further back to slide back and into your ass....it burns as you lower yourself down....the muscle giving way.... surrendering....as my cock slides deeper into you...despite to pain....wanting the pain...toy thrust down....swallowing me....you cry out at your hit the hilt....

My hands move sweeping under your knees, pulling you back and hands clasp and press behind your head...making you double over....your forced to watch as your ass is pounded....trapped...caught in a headlock....you use your feet on the tops of my thighs to push yourself up...your ass full....the position allows you to be fucked....hard...fast......no fucks given....your mind now filled with only thoughts of lust....you swallow it down....like wine....the buzz of desire finds it's way through all of your body as all you can do is scream....used as a toy....a plaything.... 'daddies fuckdoll'

The thought makes your little demon want more as you push down harder....

"Fuck me!"

You shock yourself with how primal you've become....

The thrusts spend up....all you can do is down along and take it....

"Is this what you want?....to be my fucking whore"

"Yes.....please....fuck me"

Your head is releasedyour legs pushed together making everything tighter....your hair gripped as your thrown forward....the mugs of coffee go flying off the table....your body pressed down....your breasted squeezed against the hard wood top....cold.... unforgiving....it's what you want....what your demon wants....

The angle of my cock changes within you as I stand...your thighs still pressed together as you scream....pounded hard....the lip of the table digs into your hips....your head hangs off the other side....your hands are caught...wrenched back behind you....a belt vigorously wrapped around your forearms behind your back....

"You dare to push me"

You cry out in pain....your asshole burns but the pain comes from the rolled up newspaper smacking the top of your ass...it felt like another time when you saw me roll it up....'he fucking knew....bastard'

"You fucker"

A brief flicker of defiance....before it's beaten out of you....the strikes are hard....harder than anything else...five...six....you loose count....as you houl....

The table moves with each thrust...scrapping along the floor....

"You little fucking slut"

The paper flutters to the floor as it is thrown over you...rough vice like hands grip your ass and wrench them apart....you feel like you're being spit in two as one....two....three hard thrusts come...the table beneath you feels like it might give way....the wood strains and creeks....


"Fucking come"

Your own nails dig into your flesh as all your muscles tense to breaking point.


The release is cataclysmic....every nerve ending....every sense.....bliss.... everything unleashed.

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