Threat Play cont

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"there's a good girl....."

Your body trembles as I slide my honey covered fingers from your sex slicken pussy....the chains around your ankles play a tune as they dance along the whimper as you look down on me....knelt between your legs....not in fear....but out of sensitivity as I lean in...kissing your inner thigh....moving my mouth to your quivering I...just... gently... blow.....

such a gentle gesture....a touch of breath.....yet the shock wave it sends it's other worldly.....every fibre in your body feels that whisper of intent....before the wet....warm tip of my tongue gently caresses the every edge of your clit.

I feel your knees on either side of my head as your knees turn inwards.... your ass shooting to the back of the lean forward....the collar attached to the chair stops you dead as you choke yourself in an attempt to pull away....your body too sensitive....your pussy not given enough time to recover from the last onslaught ...fingers curling behind your back....the wood creaks and groans in harmony with you as I slowly breathe out as I use the flat of my tongue to gently part your I reach the top....I....just.... gently.... press....

My tongue may have only moved a centimetre....but your legs shoot open, thrusting against my mouth as your back arches....your shoulders crash against the back of the chair as all your back muscles tense to the point of breaking.....

Through panting hard....

"Fuck!.....what have you done to me...."

"I have something that will help soothe you...."

Panic strikes through you as the blade is heard being lifted off the floor.....your struggle against your bonds until the flat of the blade touches your inner thigh....

"Fuck that's cold! careful...."

"Sshhh my still....breathe me"

The blade feels ice cold against you....the chill plays up your you the sensation that you need to the blade moves further you take breathe and hold it....

"Breathe kitten...."

You let out the breath you hold try and keep your heart from racing away....try and stop yourself from hyperventilating....

"Focus on me.....look at me....."

Your wrestle to look away.....

"Good girl....that's it....good...."

You feel the thud of the point of the blade hit the seat between your legs....your body can't work out if it's pain or pleasure you feel....if it wasn't for your crying you could swear you heard a hiss as the chill of the blade rests against the heat of your clit....

"Don't look down....focus on me....just me"

Your eye twitches....

"Don't do it....."

Your legs struggle.....

"I'm warning you....."

It was just a flicker....a blink....and for just I split second you thought you got away with it....

The blade pulls away....the flood of relief is intoxicating...making your head swim....through a daze you watch me turn my back.....not a word said as you watch me stand.....walking behind you....out of view.

You hear the blade being out down...

'is the play over?'

All your muscles let out a sigh as your body and mind start to recover.

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