Just a little thank you.

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Hello there, I hope you have enjoyed my little stores, I wonder if they have touched you....made you smile. I hope they have had the desired effect on you. I wonder....have you had a little play while I write about the pleasures of mind and the body....of the thought of control and being controlled. The thought of submitting to another, the thought of submitting to me.....whether you actively are in a BDSM relationship or not....or just wonder what it would be like.

Are your nipples hard.....is your pussy wet .....I do wonder....

I've always enjoyed making women smile....I'm a pretty selfless lover.....always have been....for me being a Dom isn't about my own self gratification....I take huge pleasure in seeing my submissive in pure ecstacy. 

Whether you like to be called a kitten, baby girl, little one, a princess, little doll....a fuckdoll, a whore .....a cumslut. I do wonder what names I use to call you work for you.  As long as I get that smile.....that flash of desire that dances behind your eyes. That is what turns me on. Knowing I've tickled part of you.....or that catch of breath, that extra beat of your heart....that ripple of goosebumps.....have I made your hairs stand on end......a slip of honey running between your legs.

I wonder whether you keep it a secret...or do you  tell others or not, that you read stories like mine....or do you keep it yourself.....I hope my stories have brought you pleasure....as we all need a little help to smile now and again.

When I started this I had no idea they would be read this much. I've no idea if the vast majority who have read these have actually enjoyed them or not. But that doesn't matter. As long as I've made you smile.....just you.

You make me smile.....

The thought of you reading my stories in bed....late at night, or on the train coming home from a long day at work. Thank you for letting me into your heart. To letting me feed your desires.  To have me as your little secret. For letting your hand be my hand....to dance across your skin, to tease you. To pleasure you. Thank you for being my good girl.

I'm going to continue writing stories, to flick through my past, my present and my imagination. I hope you continue to come with me.

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