7 The Chair

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The room is stark, bare wooden floors creak, the walls unfinished and peeling, two large windows flood the room with light. It's a hot humid place....and there you wait. Sat on an old wooden chair. Naked in the heat....sweat forming across your skin.

The collar around your throat... tight. It's held in place, attached to the back of the chair. Your ankles firmly bound to each chair leg. Wrists bound to the arms of the chair....and as you wait, you think back to the moment you said yes...the feeling, the weight lifted from your shoulders when you said yes. You said

"Yes sir".

You can hear footsteps beyond the door. Goosebumps rise all over as you see the handle of the door turn. You feel the static electricity in the air. As the door opens you hold your breath.

You watch and grip the arms of the chair as I walk towards you. A crop in one hand and a glass in the other. You become every self aware of me watching you as I take a long drink. You lick your lips instinctively. You slow your breathing as your heart beats faster. You see me smiling at you, before you watch me slowly walking over to you, tapping the crop gently against my thigh.

As I draw nearer you start the tense, the gentle touch of the crop against the top of your thigh. The soft leather cutting through the beads of sweat on your skin. It's cold to the touch as I offer you a drink. Hold the tall glass to your parched lips. The sharp gin and ice cold tonic slipping down your throat....the alcohol giving your a flush of colour to your cheeks.

You watch as I walk behind you....your breathing picks up in pace as I lean over and whisper into your ear

"Are you ready my girl?"

Time stands still for a moment. You listen to the thump of your heart. Close your eyes and say

"Yes sir"

You open your eyes to the clink of the ice in the glass. You can't see your Dom so you just listen and wait. You hear ice against the glass and the cool touch of soft lips against your neck before the chilled breathe in your ear as the words

"Do not move"

The words whispered into your ear, then the shock of ice being rolled against the other side of your neck happens, you flinch as the electric like shock ripples through you.

"I said....don't....move"

The words spoken as a command

The crop appears again on the top of your thigh....you glance down and watch the tip of the crop snake along your thigh, circling and curving down onto your inner thigh. Then in a flash the sharp sting against your soft naked inner thigh makes you cry out, followed by rapid breathing and your heart races blood around your system. There's something else.....a pulse....as your pussy floods....the impact....the threat....the anticipation.....the pain....you shouldn't like it....want it....but you do...and as your mind fights with the concepts....another strike brings you back into the now...

You look down at the marks on your thigh, part of you likes the fact your Dom has marked you...made you his, before you can think about it more the ice returns to your neck, and slowly slides across your collarbone, the melt water dripping down over your breasts, your breathing becomes rapid as the melting ice cube slowly grows closer to your nipple, making it ache as it grows harder. You moan as it cycles, your body writhing, as the sensation starts to become too much the cube is drawn away, replaced with the swift movement of the end of the crop being placed under your chin, making your head tilt up

"What did I tell you?"

The words spoke calmly and quietly, but the intent still shown

"To....to. Be still sir"

"Yes, so be a good girl for me...or I will have to punish you"

You watch me move to the side. The tip of the crop never leaves your skin. Lips on your neck again, the tip of my tongue dancing slowly across your skin. The ice placed in the centre of your chest, meandering further down, following the contours of your stomach. The heat of your body rapidly melting the ice, droplets chasing each other, running ever closer to your clit.

The crop moves, as does the ice, the leather caresses your throat, the feeling soft, careful....tender as you slowly turn to look at me as I walk to your side. The crop follow your body, over your chest, to your arm. Flowing carefully down your arms. The ice all but gone as I stand before you. The crop settling back top of your thigh. I move closer to you, The glass now held to your lips. Letting you drink once more. You watch me, We keep eye contact as I take another long drink. Finishing the cool liquid and catching the ice in between my teeth.

You watch as I kneel before you. The rush of anticipation hits you like a wave as I place my hands lightly on your thighs, we lock eyes before I turn my head to the side, I move a little closer, the ice mere centimetres from your inner thigh. I watch goosebumps flare up to the chill. you feel your honey start to flow. That pulse happens again, deep within you.

As the chill of the ice connects with your skin the touch sends shock waves through your veins, the chill is instantly replaced with the heat of my lips as I roll the ice back into my mouth. The mixture of softness and heat of my lips contrasts with the hardness and chill of the ice sends your body into overdrive, your senses not being able to keep up as I kiss slowly closer.

Your heart thunders as I'm only a glance away from your clit. You look down at me as my smile is replaced with the shining pearl of ice as I move and push the ice up against your clit with my tongue, the ice parting your lips, the intense feeling of something so cold up against you makes your back arch, your hands gripping the chair. You scream up to the heavens. The pain....or is it pleasure, changes as the ice is tucked away, replaced with the warmth and wetness of my tongue as I move the tip of my tongue through the folds of you, I watch as your knuckles turn white, clinging on to the arms of the chair....only to relax and then curl and I drink you. I watch your nipples turning harder as I explore every part of you with my mouth. The melt water mixing with the taste of you. You moan and close your eyes to the pleasure of it all.

You feel my hands move up your thighs as you writhe and pull at your restraints. As my hands reach the centre of you, you feel my fingers stretch your pussy apart. Opening you up to me. Then you feel the ice being pressed inside you with my tongue.....

The ice melts quickly and mixes with your sex, the seat wet beneath you, my tongue pushes inside as my fingers move in swirls on your clit. I feel your muscles tense. Knowing you're about to cum. I press further, willing you to cum. And you're lost in the moment...in perfect bliss as you cry out.

The chair shakes and rocks, my hands move to grip your thighs as if to stop you from floating away. You cum hard, it's so intense.

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