24 Bound continues

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You stay still, breathing hard as you watch me feel me pull away from you, you feel our cum mixing together inside you...it tickles as it drips from your pussy..... you watch as I climb off the bed. Your eyes following me as I stand in front of you and place my hand under your head, lifting and supporting you. You use the time to try and recover, your arms hurt from being locked together under your body. You take a deep breath.....knowing it might be a while before you can again.

'Fuck...I'm not going to have use of the safe word....or signal....but.....but I trust him....I have to....'

"Open your fucking mouth"

The words come out laboured as my chest heaves, sweat dripping from me. You see the darkness in my eyes has returned.

There's no time to adjust, the sensuality of it all, lost.....as you feel rough wet hands grip you. My cock pushes through your lips, my cock gliding along your tongue, filling your mouth....moving down your throat....you gag on the taste of our cum.

This is your punishment.....as you lay there with your head over the side of the bed. I let your head fall, the action opens up your throat. Letting me push all the way to the hilt. I hold there until I feel you struggling.... gaging, pulling away quickly as you cough and splutter. Drool leaves your mouth and runs along your cheeks and threatens to get in your eyes.

The play has changed....shifted gears...darker.

No time to think, no time to worry.....as my cock pushes back deep. The strokes, long and hard. Each thrust takes all of me in your mouth, my balls cover your nose, leaving you unable to breathe. You're used roughly like a piece of meat.

"Oh my little fuck doll..... you know why I'm having to do this..... don't you?"

All you can do is hum a muffled "yes sir" your mouth full as you endure the throat fucking. The thrusts come hard. No care given.

"What's that my girl?, you'll have to speak louder"

The rhythm of my hips picks up, hands dripping and squeezing at your breasts. Fingers and thumbs pulling at your nipples.

"Yes sir!" You try to scream the muffled words, I feel the vibrations of your words throughout my body. It brings a smile to my face. Your willingness to please.

I watch your throat swell as my cock fills you. I pull back quickly, leaving your mouth. Letting you breathe once more, I catch your head and kneel down in front of you, your face, bright red, eyes becoming bloodshot, a mess with cum and drool. I wipe away the mess from your eyes with my thumbs as you blink furiously, trying to see. Your eyelashes clumping together.

"You know why I have to do this. Why I have to teach you a lesson"

I speak softly and calmly. But there's an undertone....

All you can do is breathe, your lungs aching, desperate for air. The words spoken to you come across incoherent through your struggle. Your senses scrabbled.

A sharp little slap across your cheek stuns you as you yelp and try and focus. I see a fire in your eyes as I continue to hold your head, supporting you as you recover.

"I'll ask you one more time violet, do you know why I'm having to do this?"

"Y...yes sir....."

You fight the words out as you suck in air.....and fight down the fire within you.

"Then tell me why"

"I.....I didn't ask per.... permission....I'm sor....sorry"

You watch me raise my hand again.

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