12 The morning after (H&V)

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You're woken up by the sun pouring through a crack in the binds....it's early but the heat in the room is already becoming stifling. The city below the apartment still has its low hum....a hum that is growing louder as the noises of the night give way to the sound of the city waking. You look over at me, half covered by a sheet, my back to you....sweat forming across my shoulders....the night before....was rough.....rough in a way that makes you smile as you lift your arm to run your hand through your hair....

'fuck sake'

The chain tinkles as....cuffs still around your wrists....you wiggle your leg....

'yep....there still there too'

The restraints around your ankles, still attached....you struggle as the foot long chain has somehow ended up coiled around one leg.... frustrated you rip the sheet off....looking down at the tangle when the play of last night reveals itself....marks from the belt paint your thighs....you raise an eyebrow....

'party tattoos'

As you lay there smiling....replaying the night....fingers tracing over one of the marks that streak across your thigh....its sting still lingers.....then it hits you....

'i need to pee!'

You look over to me, you see the thin silver chain around my neck....the chain that has the key for the cuffs....


With a huff you swing your legs over the bed...careful not to let the chain hit the floor....wincing as it chatters on the tiled floor....the fog of sleepiness... replaced with a need to go....that's when you realise....

'Still got my bloody heels on!'

Frustration turns to annoyance....

'why did he not take care of me!....bloody idiot must have passed out when I did...'

You stand carefully, looking over to the door across the room, then back at me....

'should I wake him?....this is stupid'

Again with a huff you stand....muscles aching......the involuntary noises of standing leaving your mouth.....you start to totter across the floor....the chain between your wrists clutched in your hands....huffing as you feel ridiculous....half way across the room as you waddle you find yourself smiling at the ridiculousness of it all....you shake your head....try to remain angry.

You finally reach the bathroom, awkwardly turning to sit on the loo ...a sharp sting as your cheeks hit the cold seat....both cheeks bruised from the belting you took....another smile slips....

'no....I'm grumpy!'

You look over at the shower.....longing to wash the night off and to feel refreshed....looking at the cuffs...then glancing down and turning your heels inwards.....

'cant even take these bloody things off....'

The strap of the heels that wraps around your heels shoes two little padlocks over the buckles....

After the stunt you played....last night you had well and truly been bound....

After struggling with cleaning yourself you stand and flush the loo, as you approach the sink you look up at the mirror....the sight of you shocks you at first....hair everywhere, mascara stains your cheeks....dried tears...as you track them flashbacks of being belted come back...as you look at your lips.... lipstick smudged across your face....another flash back of your head being over the side of the bed....the gagging....the sputtering.....the choking....

Again you shake the thoughts away....you sore clit tingling.....

'now is not the time!....your angry remember!'

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