21 The Morning

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I lay in bed and see the light slipping around the edge of the curtains, the light cast is slight but there's just enough to see the silhouette of your back, your sleeping form, the curve of your outline, the covers just hides your ass, sitting high on your thigh.

I'm drawn to you, hypnotised to the way your body raises and falls as you sleep soundly by my side. The flow of your form is captivating, your hair lies over your shoulder, yet I can see the tantalising glimpses of your skin on the back of your neck. The thin slip of your collar just catching the dawn.

I start to focus in on the little details, the way your skin shines in the light, your imperfections, the tiny hairs... almost translucent that dot your body.....your very perfect body.

In my sleepy state a small ember burns.... slowly.

The ember spreads along my synapse, the flames lazily spread, becoming larger, brighter...as desire grows.....a want....a need.

I let my finger nail land on your skin....the ever so light touch of the tip of my nail, the touch so light.....so soft and delicate I would not believe I was touching you if it wasn't for my gaze upon you. I'm careful not to wake you....enjoying this moment. The air is still, there's a quiet in the room, peaceful, as my little one sleeps, safe and warm, in the protection of my bed.

I trace my nail along your hip, cutting a path through microscopic hairs on your body....I let the ball of my finger touch you ....I pin point in which I feel the warmth of you. The pulse of you. A sense of how lucky I am to have you....here, lying next to me.

As more of the morning creeps into the room your form comes out of the shadows of the night....... Absolutely beautiful. I know how lucky I am to have you here, my little doll.

I dare another touch as another finger joins the other.....the balls of my fingers dropping off the curve of your hip, down to your waist, I move stealthy, moving with your breathing, I slowly bring my fingers up from your waist, gently riding the jumps of your rib cage, I listen to the sound of your breathing.....still restful....still sleeping....

As I reach your closer to the side of your chest a moan escapes you in your slumber.....the pleasent feel of my touch dropping into your dream. I round the top of your shoulder, careful not to tickle as I stroke the back of your arm....I watch as your body moves, seemingly snuggling more into the bed. Your muscles undulate under your soft skin, showing themselves to me..... simply stunning.

You let out a gasp to the touch of the back of my hand stroking up your arm....arching your back as my fingers grow closer to the side of your neck. I lean closer, peering over to see a smile a reaching across your lips. Your awake, but only just, aware of your surroundings but don't want to open your eyes in fear for breaking this dream state. My touch pulled you from one dream to another. So you keep your eyes closed, focusing on the touch.....just the touch.

As fingers play along your neck, brushing hair aside as they slide over your collar....I watch your mouth drop open.....the pleasant sound of air being pulled in, before you bite the bottom of your lip.....you start to writhe, your body searching for mine.

I move closer, as we melt into each other. The warmth of you.....it makes my blood course faster.....as I'm consumed with desire. I want you....all of you.

I slide my arm under your neck as the other stays gentle....I fight the urge to be rough, to grip you as I place my hand on your hip, sloding the sheet down....your legs fold back....your body leaning back onto mine....our bodies touch from tip to toe as you feel my lips on your neck. I want to place my teeth on your throat....but resist ....as the hand on your hip moves.....following the curve of your body....moving closer to your naval. You can feel the hardness of me pressing against you....you move to use your ass to stroke me. Urging me to take you.

I bring my arm under your neck round....your head tilting up as the pressure grows over your throat....your hand reaching back to grip at my hip....pulling me tighter against you. I feel your pulse thunder through your body....a gasp as I'm so close to touching you. A whimper as my touch disappears, my hand reaching to pluck your hand from my side, you let me lead.....you always let me lead, as I bring your hand down to hover over your clit....you drop your fingers down....your nails catching your clit.....your ass pushes back against me....you feel me throbbing.....wanting you....yet I don't move .....

I move your hand down with mine, fingers push and slip through the folds of your clit....our fingers working together, mine pressing down....pulling and stretching your lips apart as yours slide down and back up....the pressure within you building....the want of me inside you overwhelming.

The first words of the day spoken....


I kiss harder against your neck, my tongue flicking at the back of your ear....

You fingers push harder as against your clit, dancing with mine.....you open your legs more as my hand moves past your clit....cupping your pussy.....as finger tips slide inside your wet pussy

"Please sir"

You use that voice....anything to make me take you....

Fingers curl and dance across the walls of your pussy, pushing slowly deeper....

"Please daddy"

But all the words do I turn yourself on further.

You moan as fingers press harder ....moving with more purpose as you feel me shift position....the tip of my cock grows closer.....finally finding you....you gasp and push back hard against me, my cock sinking deep....grinding against you....the feeling flood you ....an instant want to come.....you ride the edge, the prepesis of the cliff.....your free hand grips the bed to stop you falling.

The grip around your throat grows tighter still, pinning you to me.

To keep you from cumming you stop playing with your clit. My hand clamps around your wrist, holding you in place....words growled into your ear....

"Don't you dare"

The words sail over your ear.....tipping you further still to touch lightly....hoping I won't notice.....


"I can't"

"Yes you can little one.....I've got you"

Words come through the slow grind of my hips.....


"Not yet.....keep going....."

A whimper escapes.....the desperation of holding on....

"Please sir"

Slowly I move......rotating my hips .....


The words taking an internity....


The grip on your wrist like a vice....


Your whole body shakes.....your pussy floods.....growing tight around me....the waves keep coming as I don't stop moving.....you can't tell if your still coming or have come again as you turn your head and scream into the pillow.....

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