34 Told

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"Come here"

I point at my feet, stood next to the bed.


You giggle and stand in the doorway, that playful look on your eye, the brat in you out in full force, defiant....pushing the limits....dressed in a way that you know pleases me....pushing my buttons....you've been away for the weekend....a girls weekend away.....drunken text messages....pictures....pictures of your nights out....of dancing.....laughing.... flirting..... purposely and deliberate....a weekend away with your vanilla friends....it's been fun....lots of fun....but now you push for more....you watched your friends getting with guys, having their vanilla fun....and now you want yours....

So you strike a seductive pose in the doorway....dressed in a way that projects how you feel....want to be seen....sirs little slut.....daddies whore. You smile as you watch me.....see the desire painted across my face....

"No, ask nicely....."

"Really ........"

"Yes.....make me"

You stick your jaw out, a gauntlet thrown down. A telegraph of how you want to be treated....of how you want this play to be.

You watch as I let out a sigh.....my shoulders drop....'hmm not what I was expecting....how disappointing.....'

You see me switch.....not taking the bait....a warm smile breaking across my lips as I walk over to you....you expected me to rush up on you....take you by the hair and march you to the bed....or force you down on your knees where you stand....just playing the thoughts out in your head has your pussy aching....honey slipping.....wanting....

Instead you watch with puzzlement, quizzical....as I casually walk up to you and kiss you, my hands cupping your cheeks....the kiss, gentle.....the disappointment fades to my hand flowing over your shoulder, and down your side.....lust replaces disappointment.....as my hand cups your pussy under the belt of a skirt you wear.....the middle finger slips between the lips....curling and pushing inside.....catching your breathe.....my other hand moves to the small of your back as I slowly start to lead you to the bed....my fingers softly swirl on your clit and our tongues dance as I move backwards towards the bed....

You give in to desire....to lust and follow where I lead....my hand on your back guides you to sit with me on the bed....hands roam and passion surrounds us.....all sensual.....all beautiful....but strangely vanilla.....

I position myself to sit with my back against the headboard.....drawing you towards me....fingers stroking through your clit.....moving with ease through your slick folds....you follow....kneeling on the bed, facing me bent over, kissing me.....your hands on my shoulders.....as my other hand travels up your back...sending that shiver through you....all gentle....all light...not how you expected....my hand moves and finds your collar.....fingers looping around it.....then you feel a pull.

The yank of the collar takes you by surprise.....it breaks our kiss.....your eyes spring open....to find mine staring back....the collar stays tight....choking you.....that sadistic smile creeps across my eyes....and my hand on your clit presses harder....moves faster......'fuck'

The sensation....the loss of air and force used brings you close quickly....too quickly as you struggle to keep up....then the point hits you....and the fight out the words....


A blank stare replies and fingers move faster....the strokes on your clit find that place.....and push you beyond control.....


You scream....unable to stop it as your legs shake and you cum hard....your hips move without thought and you push down on my hand.....your hands grasping at my shoulders....digging your nails through my shirt.....biting into flesh.....

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