6 (You) Hello Kitten

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Hello kitten, I see you there, lay in bed...flicking through my stories... through my tales of lust and desire....does your skin feel on edge?.... electrified....your senses lit up.....the blood pumping a little faster....your hand.... wandering.....teasing.....stroking.....good...that's a good girl.

I'd like to know your favourites.....the stories that have tickled you the most....what your desires are......your fantasies look like....I wonder what makes you tick?.....what makes you wet....?....what makes you smile?

I wonder.....after reading my stories....what kind of submissive would you want to be with me? would you be a good girl for me?....or would you want to be punished by me?....would I have to hold you down?....tie you up?.....spank you hard....slap you....by my hand.....would you want my belt.....or would I need something harder.... would I need a cane?.....do I need to degrade you?.....need to break you.....which side of me would you want.....the daddy that's sensual.....gentle.....controlling yet encouraging.... giving you phrase.....or the sir in me.... would I have to be a little more.... brutal.

Or would you just simply submit to my will....I do wonder.....

Would I have to lead you by your hair?.....or would you simply follow on the end of my leash....

Would you be a brat?.....that needs to be told, punished.....to feel pain....I do like it when I have to keep a brat in line......made you smile there.... made your eye brow rise.....I can see that flicker of desire in your eyes too....that delight that shines in the darkness. I see that want.... can feel it. That need to be the sole object of desire.....to be ruined....to be dominated. But then I see your need to feel tenderness.....I do like to be both....and to be the both sides that swirl within me....it makes me feel whole.

It's beautiful to be with a submissive that is like clay in a sculptors hands....who wants to be moulded.... manipulated....someone who through the filth and wetness you can create something beautiful....whether by touch.....or restraints.....through pain and through trust we find a freedom to just let go...to be trusted to hold up the light so I can lead someone down the the dark paths of their desires.....and indeed my own....for a sub to feel safe....always on the edge...pushing the boundaries....

I've done everything from the intense and slow, like playing with ice.....to the savage....the brutal.....to have a girl in tears....close to breaking.....safe words on the tips of their tongues....bound or gagged, marked....used and sore.... But always in or close to pure ecstasy.

I wonder how you would want me to treat you....yes you kitten.....what path would you choose?

Or would you choose both? A lot can happen over the course of a night....a day.....a weekend.

I'm intrigued by you....

I think you need to be quiet.....go and get a pair of cotton underwear.....or use the ones your wearing.....if I was there you wouldn't have a choice. I'll wait.....

Roll over onto your front kitten....come on....don't make me ask twice.... do it or it will be a belt you feel and not your hand......come along now.....be a good girl for me.....that's it....you please me when you go as your told.....are you ready....well are you?......the say it.....whisper it into your pillow.....say the name you call me....the title that makes you tingle....makes you wet.....that's good.....I can feel the warmth......that pulse within you....

Now slide the underwear into your mouth.....and keep your shoulders down...spread your legs and rise up slightly on your knees.....just arch your back.....that's good....we don't want your ass in the air....just enough to keep your pussy off the bed.....that's just how I like you......you look beautiful......gagged.....and in position....

You are being such a good girl.....

Now slide your free hand down your body....that's it kitten.....do as your told.....slide your fingers through your clit.....feels good doesn't it......the warmth....the wetness.....the softness of your clit....slowly now.....press your fingers down harder.....but keepbthe pace slow......good girl.....

Now lower your body onto your hand......curl your fingers and use just your hips..... rotate them.....grind them against your hand.....

What a good little doll your being for me.....

The tips of your fingers pushing inside.....your palm resting against your clit.....move faster for me kitten.....that's it......show me was a good little fuck doll you can be......keep going......moan into the cloth in your mouth...... remember....you have to ask to come......don't make me punish you ....don't make me need to belt you....

That's it.....good....


Come for me.....come now.....that's it!

Such a good girl!

I hope you can sleep now.....I hope your mind is at peace....and I hope I've made you smile.....

Good night kitten.....until you next come looking for me .....I'll be waiting.

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