22 Correction

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The journey home you stay silent. Made to sit in the back of the car. The toy, still in your ass throbs. The tension is high in the car. A mistake was made, rhythm broken. A slip in concentration. You were caught in the moment.

The car stops and you watch me get out of the car and move to open your door. No doors were slammed. No anger or rage on display. All you see is calm displayed by me. But you see that look in my eyes. A darkness.

You take my hand as I lead you from the car. The space around us seems still, quiet but from the sound of peddles under feet.

You have a feeling of dread..... impending punishment. Threat. A little danger.....yet you feel yourself becoming wet.

The denial of not being allowed to cum in the club has left you swollen.....wanting....tender.

You watch me turn to you as we approach the door. A smile broad on my face.

"Come here little one"

The tone is soft. It leaves you feeling unsure as you approach my embrace. I pull you close. Hands resting on your hips as I kiss you. The kiss makes you melt, the danger feels as if it's passed. Forgiveness given. But you know the cage awaits on the other side of the door.

You feel me pull away from you. You feel my cheek next to yours. Words calmly whispered.

"My sweet girl. I need to teach you a lesson.....don't I....?"

I feel you freeze to the spot, like a statue in my hands. I see your eyes go wide. I can almost see every hair on your body lift.

You look at me....see I'm waiting for a reply. Unmoving.

"Y...yes sir"

You watch my smile broaden once more.

"Shall we?"

You watch as I move to the side, opening the door and letting you walk in first. You take tentave steps through the door, can feel the anticipation building within you....a little scared.....and incredibly wet.

You wait at the entrance, letting me take off your coat. Your expecting this to turn brutal. Like before. You're not ready for that.....the dread builds. 'this might break me'

"Wait for me in the living room please"

You feel stunned, in a state of shock. Still expecting the worst. We walk down the hall and peel off in different directions as you turn and walk into the living room as you listen to the fading footsteps of me going into the kitchen. Your momentaryly left with your thoughts. Indesisive on where to put yourself. To stand, kneel....sit....or there's the cage.

Before you make a decision you hear me coming back, you're filled with panic as you see me walk back into the living room. A paper bag placed on the side table. You just stand there and follow me, spinning on the spot. I sit in the middle of the sofa in front of you.

"Come here"

The tone strong, a command given. You walk towards me slowly. I startle you as I grab your wrist. Pulling you towards me as I slide to the end of the sofa. The motion making you yep as you're dragged over my lap.

You squeal as your head goes over the side of arm. You flail your arms and they're caught and wrenched behind you. You panic as you here the sound of zip ties, you fight back, struggling. A sharp slap of your ass makes you jolt. You stop struggling as the thick plastic bites into your wrists.

"Calm!, keep still little one.....there"

A palm presses on the back of your neck. Holding you still

"That's better...."

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