39 The cane

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Now this is a wicked little thing.... reserved for the brave.....for the ones who really need to be tamed....for the ones who need to feel that something a little extra.

It hurts.....it really....really... hurts...

Sharp.... piercing....in the wrong hands a cane can cause serious harm....long lasting....a lot like shibari when done wrong.

The cane has the ability to scar....to easily break skin....to lacerate....it takes great aftercare....and wether you are the one welding the cane or receiving it's bite....it takes great trust and control. Too easily the wrong flick of the wrist and the scene will be over....and no one wants that.

Now there's some submissives who want it to go that far....Dom's too....I am not one of those....sorry to disappoint some of you.

Mine is crooked....a no frills wooden headmasters cane....not too thick....not too thin....it leaves deep bruises....maroons....blacks....purples....

A good description of the pain is that it smarts....and oh....there definitely will be tears....lots and lots of pretty little tears.

Whether you're tied to a table....bent over, legs held apart....a bar keeping them open....or on an x....back and ass exposed....naked....or as I like....knelt down....being told to hold your hand out...palms facing up. Such a wonderful sight....the anticipation....the interpretation turning to trepidation....how quickly the bratting stops to the feeling of the first strike....such a wonderful punishment....your hands held out....once held out with confidence....to the trembling....as you do as your told....the tip and shaft of the cane used to guide....to make you move and hold certain positions....simply wonderful.

I wonder how many strikes it would take to break you....how much force you can take.....how much you would want to take....as we swirl down that rabbit hole together. When using a cane I am most certainly a sir.

Before the cane comes out to play I'd let you tug on that thread....as you brat out...pout and tease. Watch as you take more rope....let you push me....let you think you are getting away with it....making you think I'm turning soft with you....making punishing you all the more sweeter....a swift realisation that you are in fact my submissive....my bottom and I'm your top. Your Dom....and in this case....your Sir.

"Come here sub"

You look at me puzzled, cocking your head to one side like a dog.

A click of the fingers and pointing at my feet.

"I said come here....now"

The swish of the cane makes you jolt, appearing from behind my back to cut through the air like a saber before being held back behind my back. The bratty stubbornness that prevented you from walking towards me now changes to a fear of what is to come.... preventing you from walking towards me. Your feet move awkwardly....as if walking on glue....your mind telling your body to do as it's told, yet the body goes into self preservation mode....different parts of you fight....part of your mind saying.....'this will hurt....danger....the other part saying....'good'.

The truth lies in the feeling of your honey starting to run down your thigh....you know you shouldn't want this.....but you do....

As your heart races you slow your breathing....each step closer to me makes the world melt away. The noise inside you fades....as with each step...only the image of me is in focus....it's just you and me....and the sound of the cane tapping against my back....like a metronome...keeping pace....as your heart paces to my beat.

'fuck....he's doing it again....controlling without words'

You've noticed your eyes were on the floor as you look up and catch my eyes...an eyebrow raised...you see me look down....you look to where I'm looking....at my finger pointing at the floor....at that moment you watch and hear my fingers click....

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