32 One....Two...Three

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We sit on the sofa together....you snuggled up to me....my hand trails up your side.....following the curves of your frame.....a lazy Sunday evening......we pretend to watch the film together....when really I'm focused on the curve from your hip to your waist and back up the side of your rib cage....it feels wonderful.....there's something about it..... something about it that drives me wild.

Your eyes are on the screen yet all you register is moving colours and the music and words sound as if they are underwater.....all you can think about is the gentle strokes of my finger tips playing along your side......it's almost a tickle.....playful....it feels innocent enough.....but it hides intent....you can tell by my breathing .....that I'm getting a rush of the feeling of you....and that in turn its doing the same to you....you bite gently at your bottom lip....as you listen to my breathing.....the beat of my heart.....your hand lays on my thigh.....and you can feel the twitch of my muscles as I grow harder.....you know I'm thinking of you....which makes that pulse inside you begin....a warmth growing between your thighs....which makes your hand on my thigh add pressure....squeezing as the energy of your pleasure ripples through you.

I bring my hand up, to stroke at your shoulder....the tips of my fingers reaching for your collar....it's still light....still playful....I fight the urge to grip the hair at the back of your head....to pull at your collar.....but the mere thought of it makes me harder.....you can feel the change in me....you can feel me holding back.....you r hand moves up my thigh....you can see the desire.....as I strain against my jeans....your hand moves over me....you run your palm over me.....reaching for the zip....

As you slowly pull at the zip you feel your honey slip....you shift position.....moving your legs.....your pussy lips parting.....hot and wet....wanting....yearning

You free me from my constraints...taking me in your hand....you feel the heat of me as I grow harder from your touch....the veins bulge and your finger tips follow them long my shaft....all the way to the head.....you feel me shift beneath you as you move your head....placing your lips upon me....my heart beat dances along your tongue as your mouth closes around me.....you slowly sink further down.....your moan vibrates down me....through me.....you love feeling my stomach muscles tense as I move with you....

I resist the urge to thrust as you take me in your mouth....my hand travels down your body....gliding along your curves.....as I close my eyes all I can feel is the warmth and wetness of your mouth.....and the silky smooth touch of your skin.....that curve feeds me.....it pushes the lust I have for you as my hips slowly move as your mouth glides down......pushing me a little deeper down your throat.....

My hand moves over your ass..... hitching your skirt up before my hand moves over you....I want you.....all of you....little cracks appear.....in the wall I've built.....temptation dying to break through. my grip goes from light to firm...as I fight back my demons.

As one hand strokes the length of you, sending little sparks of pleasure across your skin, the other moves through your hair.....it would be easy to give into the lust.....to grip your hair hard....hold you in place.....use you....to become ruthless....to fuck your mouth.....no fucks given to your pleasure....to remind you I own you....to hold you down as I cum.....to pull your head back and have you show me my seed on your tongue before telling you to swallow.....but I want to have fun with you....to take my time with you....it's time to see if you will let me.....to see if will you give me something precious to you.

We have spent months playing out designed scenes..... disciplining.....training....building trust....the level of submission and dominance becoming.... more. Something so hard to put into words.

Through the restraints....the pain....the pleasure...the degradation....the kinks....the fucking...the oh so hard...rough....fucking, discovering and exploring dark desires....together finding new heights of pleasure....the sensory overloading.....the breaking and rebuilding of you....adoring you....lifting you up....you've been my queen.....you've been my slut....my little fuck doll....but one thing I have kept constant is the count.....training you.....teaching you.....you've never questioned my use of the count....at first you found it odd, a quirk of mine....but now.....as you take me deep in your mouth and I swirl my fingers inside the tip of your pussy.....you've come to want it....need...it....the dance we play for the right to come....you ask.....ask for permission.....and then I count....that build up of anticipation....the riding of the edge....until I say the words ....now.....your beginning to come on command.....it's what I've wanted all this time.....for my little doll to give me control over your body....over your orgasm....to give me complete control over your pleasure.

So now as I play with you as you drink my soul....your tongue flicking and lapping at me....you moan in delight....wanting to take my seed as you hear me start to count.....


Your ears prick up....your mind, puzzled as our play has only just begun....your body not ready.....not stimulated enough....you don't understand....but it does make you suck harder....saliva dripping from your mouth.....coating your hand at the base of my shaft, as you hungrily swallow....you feel frenzied....as your heart beats faster....


My fingers, swirling...stretching your pussy....the tips are only just pressing inside....not hard enough...not deep enough....yet you feel that pulse deep within you grow.....your hips sway and you push back against my hand....you feel yourself getting closer....not understanding why....but you feel yourself becoming drunk on lust as you stroke my cock...your rhythm changing as you hold your mouth open....the head of my cock resting on your lips....you can feel me swell in your grip....


Out of nowhere your hips thrust back as your skin becomes electrified...you scream out....only to be silenced as I push your head down on me. My cock sliding down the back of your throat....you tongue vibrates against me.....pushing me closer.....

Your pussy floods, the feeling....the sudden need to come.....without hesitation....without build up....the count summons your body....a switch inside you flicked....the feeling of being underwater, and a desperate need to breach the surface....to once more breathe. You come hard....your body stutters and bucks....the feeling taking you be surprise....

"Fuck!.....what the...."

I pull you back.....pulling you from me, your eyes wide in shock.....the sudden release, in the hard pleasure of your body giving in to my tone....to my words....the shock of me owning your pleasure.....the power you have given to me....you keep on cumming....it's feels neverending as each wave feels strong than the last....I pull your body up over my lap by your collar.....letting my drive three fingers into your soaking pussy.....I drag the balls of my finger tips along the walls.....pressing deep..... stretching you....my hand moves quickly.....making your eyes roll back.....as you scream.....your hands now gripping the arm of the sofa in fear of floating away.....

"Shit......fuck I'm gonna come again....fuck!"

You hang on as your body thunders.... uncontrollably thrusting back....you come hard....unable to form words....unable to ask permission....no time....no sense of reason.....as you flood the sofa.....my arm now coated with you as you squirt hot sex.....

"My wonderful girl.....look at what you have done.....I'm so proud of you"

You collapse over me as the room fills with the scent of sex....you breathe hard....your clothes feel constraining....your skin glissens as your body fights to get your temperature under control.....your hair matted against your cheeks.....

"What did you do to me?"

"I did nothing my girl.....it's more you have given to me.....I own all of you now...."

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