Chapter 15 Palace Banquet (2)

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Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is full and bright in the sky illuminating the corridor painted with vermilion paint. One can vaguely smell the rich fragrance of the rose. The palace maid in pink clothes walks with a lantern, not knowing where she is going in a hurry.

Ye Chongjin suddenly recalled his past life. He also liked to wander in the dark night, casually counting the palace lanterns on the corridor. Sometimes he would meet a palace concubine - that person also had several women in his harem and although they have not received favour, they all have status.

And he has everything except his status.

But what's the use of having that false title? In this harem, except for that man's mother and grandmother, which woman has not knelt down before him and is there any woman who has not secretly envied him, is jealous of him, or even cursed him.

Ye Chongjin pinched the sachet at his waist and the word "Jin" embroidered by Madam An's own hands could be faintly discerned. Who knows whether this is misfortune or blessing?

A line of patrolling guards passed by. Although the guards did not know their identities, they saluted politely. There were many nobles in the palace tonight and they could not afford to offend anyone.

Seeing that the palace lanterns in Wansheng Palace were no longer visible, Ye Chonghui suppressed the anxiety in his heart and said, "A-Jin, if dad is to blame, just say it was your brother's idea." He was still young after all.

The little kid next to him frowned, letting out a light hum.

In fact, this was what Ye Chongjin had planned. Although his father couldn't bear to blame him, he would keep talking about it endlessly. Ye Chonghui was used to being scolded so it didn't matter if he got scolded a few times. But now that Ye Chonghui took the initiative, he felt a little embarrassed.

He pursed his lips and reminded in a low voice: "Father is reluctant to scold me but he is willing to scold you."

Ye Chonghui arched his eyebrows, squeezed the palm of his hand and said: "So what? Brother said that he would protect A-Jin. So no matter whose fault it is, I will bear it for A-Jin."

After passing through the vermilion lacquer corridor, the Imperial Garden is right in front. The sound of gurgling water could be heard and several lanterns depict flowers in bloom. At night, the cool breeze brought the fragrance of flowers.

Ye Chongjin suddenly stopped. The little child said: "It's so dark out front, A-Jin doesn't want to go."

Ye Chonghui was a little surprised, touched the child's head and teased: "It turns out that A-Jin is afraid of the dark. It doesn't matter, just hold brother's hand. Brother is an adult and not afraid of anything."

Ye Chongjin's compassion immediately disappeared and he said in his heart that since you are not afraid of anything, I'll leave it to you to take care of father.

The river in the Imperial Garden is called Mufang River. Every season when flowers are in full bloom, colourful petals will fall to the river and float to unknown distances with the flowing water.

Of course, this is what the palace people said. Ye Chongjin had visited outside the palace and knew that the flow of water would eventually lead to the moat outside the Imperial City.

Ye Chongjin pulled his brother's sleeve and took the lead to step on the stone bridge above the river. This arch bridge existed from the previous dynasty. In some years, the river would flow under the bridge so the angle of viewing the lanterns was the best from here.

It is early autumn and there are a few fallen flowers on the water. Not far away, there are hundreds of lanterns floating slowly towards this side. Red candles flicker on the flower paper, like crushed stars falling to the earth. Beautiful and elegant, the river reflects the light of the fire and emits a golden sparkle.

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