Chapter 127 Three days

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The enthronement ceremony is in the Xuanzheng Hall. There are hundreds of civil and military officials standing outside the hall, and imperial guards are guarding everywhere. A long dark red carpet goes straight to the Jinluan throne. At the front were the royal family members of the Gu family.

Prince Sheng was wearing a royal robe. He was tired of waiting and dozed off with squinted eyes. The minister beside him pushed him, bowed and called: "Your Highness, it seems that the time has come. Why haven't we seen His Majesty and Fengjun's figures? Do you need to send someone..."

Prince Sheng raised his eyelids and interrupted: "How can you and I speculate on the Emperor's intentions? Just wait patiently."

The minister assented repeatedly, and did not dare mention it again.

Prince Sheng sneered lightly. He still knew a little about the temper of his good nephew. The treasure he had been waiting for for many years was finally in his hands. He didn't care about the ceremony. He was so happy that he didn't even know who he was. If he ruins his good deeds at this time, even if it is his biological uncle, there will be no good fruit to eat.

After all, he is unwilling to do this.

Seeing that the auspicious time had passed, people in the hall were agitated and there were many discussions. Several members of the royal family felt embarrassed and had already sent people to invite the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager came forward to take charge of the overall situation, but after waiting for a long time, there was no reply.

The two most noble women in the Daegu dynasty were not good people in the past. However, since the new Emperor came to the throne, they have lived like Bodhisattva. They are gentle and have not interfered in the affairs of the government in the slightest. They also don't have an answer.

Because it was the royal family that was losing face, Prince Sheng also felt that he could not keep his face, so he silently went to Ye Yanbai's side. He smiled kindly, and said: "Prime Minister Ye, you are now both the Emperor's teacher and father-in-law. His Majesty's behavior is unbecoming. Don't you think you are right..."

Ye Yanbai rolled up his sleeves and said slowly: "Your Highness, you have promoted me. Fengjun was removed from the genealogy yesterday. He will not be a descendant of my Ye family in the future. How can I give advice as the father-in-law? Besides, Your Highness, the establishment of an Empress is both a state and a family matter, and it is not easy for me to interfere, so naturally it is better for you, the Prince, to intervene."

Prince Sheng secretly cursed the old fox, but he could not refute it.

Two hours later, the sun was setting, and the eunuch chief was ordered to go and convey the Emperor's will. He announced that all the ministers should go to Wanhua Palace to participate in the banquet.

The enthronement ceremony of the Empress was not mentioned again.

The enthronement ceremony of the Empress has always been a major national event, and it will never be canceled easily. Could it be that there is something wrong with this Feng Jun who has just been carried into the palace?

Everyone looked at the Ye family's father and son. The two men looked indifferent and they could not see any clues. The ministers all calmed down their expressions, talked in low voices, and walked towards Wanhua Palace together.

Ye Yanbai stroked his beard and said, "It's really outrageous."

It's not known who he was talking about, but Ye Chonghui gave a low response, which was considered to be in agreement with his father's words.


Zichen Palace.

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