Want To Be Boxer (Kiba Inuzuka)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to SUK1J1]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,521

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Fist Fighting
- Hickies/Bite Marks

     Kiba's smiley kiss is pressed into my jaw once again. His hands jump between my hips and my waist as he shimmies behind me, the wolf boy's non-discreet way of making me smell like him. "I'm excited," he purrs into my jawline, more kisses tracing the bone.
     "Oh ya?" I tease, untangling myself from his grasp. Even without Kiba wrapped around me, Akamaru is still wrapped around my legs, staying under my feet and making it hard to walk around.
     "Ya, I can't wait for everyone to meet you," he carries on as he attempts to grab at me again.
     I hum in agreement, doing my best to walk towards the door, the actual and metaphorical dog in tow. "Well, no one will meet me if we don't get going."
     "It wouldn't be all bad to stay in," Kiba teases, playfully making his eyebrows jump.
     "Horn-dog," I mutter under my breath, managing to stretch enough to get the door open. Once it's opened, Akamaru shoots out, racing a few paces ahead before he waits for us to catch up.
     "Only for you," Kiba teases, arm sliding around me before his hand slips into my hoodie pocket.
     I swear he isn't going to survive tonight. He can barely survive when I join his squad for dinner, his jealousy quickly pointed at Shino during the supers. It's almost promised that Kiba will end up in a fistfight by the end of the night. The only question is who he'll end up in a fight with. Probably Shino. It's usually Shino.
     The night air is chilled, quickly sliding through my - well Kiba's - hoodie and shirt to attack my skin. Despite that, Kiba's body heat does good at keeping me warm. Well, the half of me he's pressed against.
As we walk the hand in my pocket rubs circles into me. Akamaru entertains himself, running a couple of paces ahead, waiting for us to catch up before circling us and doing it all again. He's grown pretty big since he was a puppy, easily coming up to waist level. He looks more like a wolf than a dog these days.
It doesn't take long for music to soon fill the street and obnoxious stereotypical lights to flicker in the distance. "When you said a party I thought you meant a small get-together," I huff, my anxiety already spiked. I hate social gatherings, I hate social gatherings where I barely know anyone, and I really hate social gatherings I didn't have time to mentally prepare for.
"I mean..." Kiba says, a toothy grin on his face as he rubs the back of his head. "That's what Lee said but Naruto and Lee are... well... known for blowing things out of proportion."
"So you knew this 'small get-together' was going to end up being a block party?" I hiss, tugging myself out of Kiba's hold.
"Come on, don't be like that," he whines, going to grab at me again. Akamaru is back, circling himself around me, which always makes Kiba even more huffy. He hates that his dog always takes my side. "Trader," he mumbles to the pet, patting his head before his focus is back on me.
"You wouldn't have come, and personally I want my girlfriend at the party with me. Not to mention I want everyone to actually meet you. Kankuro is convinced you're a sex doll I named."
The mention of the sand prince makes me a little smug. From what Shino has told me, the puppeteer is my boyfriend's boyfriend. One he has a love-hate relationship with. "Fine," I mumble, doing my best to hide the smile on my face. Kiba can't know he won, or that I'm looking forward to this bromance in action.
"Really?" He asks with his normal teeth-filled smile back on his face.
"Ya, sure but most of my night is going to be spent next to you or with your squad mates."
"That's like the whole point," he teases, arm back around me and his hand in the back pocket of my pants this time, not so discreetly groping my ass. "I'm so excited."
"Ya until you try to fight Shino again," I utter, eyes trailing after Akamaru who has settled down alongside my nerves. I swear that dog can smell my anxiety from the way he acts... Can he smell my anxiety? Can Kiba smell my anxiety?
The thoughts swirl in my head the rest of the walk. The walk seems a lot shorter now than it did before. "I thought Naruto and Lee were orphans," I say when the house sourcing the loud music and party lights falls into view.
"They are. It's Gai-Sensei's house and he's gone on a mission. How the hell Lee talked him into it is beyond me but it's better than a cramped party at his or Naruto's apartments." Kiba shrugs at the explanation, tugging me in front of him. He waddles behind me, hands secured on my hips as we weave through the people chilling in the yard.
He stops his soft pushing when we land in front of the door, hands rubbing circles into my hip bones. "If it becomes too much we can leave. Worse cause we say hi and make our appearance before leaving."
"You don't mean that, Party-Animal," I answer, soaking in the familiar feeling of Kiba wrapped around me and Akamaru nestled against my legs.
"Of course I do. You're my girl, your comfort comes first," Kiba coos, softly silencing all the worries brewing in my head. "You're at the top of my priority list... well after my barber."
     "Your fucking barber beat me out for the first place spot?" I bitch, my voice picking up in disbelief. "Not your mom, not your dog, not your job, your barber!"
"I'm kidding, baby," Kiba chuckles, pressing a couple more kisses into my jaw before dragging me inside.
I'm surprised the house isn't shaking or the speakers haven't blown from the bass. Neon lights cut through the darkness, mixing with the smoke spreading from a string of things and the alcohol smell that coats everything. I don't know this Gai person but Lee better be one hell of a maid tomorrow morning.
Kiba is back to being wrapped around me, fingers snuggly through my belt loops, chest pressed against my back, and chin resting on my head. My boyfriend isn't thin but he sure as hell isn't built like a brick. Nonetheless, his aura takes up enough space for us to easily slink around the house, Akamaru knocking into our legs as he sneaks around with us.
"Yo, Kiba!" Someone shouts, making him stop.
Akamaru happily runs over to the guy, tail-wagging the whole time. I get tugged backward and pressed back into Kiba's chest when I try to continue walking. "Sup, Shika," he calls back, glancing down at me for a second. Kiba's head dips, his canines brushing against my ear as he speaks. "We're going to go say hi, is that cool?"
"And if I say no?" I ask, leaning my head back.
Kisses are peppered across my nose before Kiba's mouth is back in place, "Then Shikamaru can go fuck himself. Your comfort first, remember?"
I can't help the smile that crosses my face. I swear Kiba is the definition of a lost puppy when he's around me if that wasn't evident enough from being wrapped up in his skin. "Ya, that's fine," I call back, voice louder than usual to try and outweigh the music.
More kisses are littered across me, being pressed into my shoulders and upper back as I'm steered through the crowd of people.
When I'm planted in front of the guy, Akamaru is back to weaving around my legs, army crawling so he doesn't knock me over as he circles me. My hand sinks, repeatedly rubbing his head to try and get him to still.
"Temari let you off your leash tonight?" Kiba asks the guy, chest roaring with a chuckle afterward.
"You're one to talk, wrapped around your girl like she's gonna dash like a rabbit. At least Temari loosens a bit at parties so she's not such a drag." I'm pretty sure the Shika guy meant it as a joke, partly because of the smile on his face and partly because his eyes are locked on a blonde girl who looks ready to punch the girl she's talking to.
     "Watch it. You don't have to be such a jackass all the time, Nara," Kiba says, straightening his stance and tightening his grip on me.
     "He was kidding, Kiba," I say, my hold falling to his wrists and gently massaging them in an attempt to calm him.
     "Ya well he still doesn't have to be such a dick," he husks out, sending the other boy a glare before shifting me to the side.
     Kiba is huffy and still pissy as he guides me through the partygoers, pissed-off mumbles, and insults aimed at the guy slipping out under his breath. "It's not that big of a deal," I try, leaning my body against his so my feet slide against the wood floors as he leads me around.
     "I know," he grumbles, head flipping around the room in search of something. "Shikamura is just... he's so convinced he's better than everyone."
     "You always let Shikamaru get under your skin. I don't know why you bother trying to be friends with him," Shino's monotone voice peeps out over the music.
     "Shino!" I sing, wiggling out of Kiba's hold to greet his squad mate.
     "Mutt Tamer... you look... nice," Shino - attempts - to compliment, it never comes out that way though.
     "Ya, ya, ya. Keep your dick in your pants, Bug Boy," Kiba says, still very pissed off. "I'll be right back," he tells me, kissing my cheek before diving back into the sea of people.
     Shino and I watch him work his way through the crowd until he disappears into another room. "Why's he so pissed?"
      "I think it's cause the Shika guy called me a drag... or maybe a rabbit. I don't really know," I answer, my focus busy trying to find Akamaru.
     "Kiba is just worried."
     "You." As if Akamaru can sense it, he comes squirming out from the crowd, two drunk girls cooing for him as they try to catch him. "He's worried you won't have a good time. Or that you'll get uncomfortable and not tell him."
     "I'll be fine once I get a couple of drinks in my system," I tell the bug-man, my stance widening and my hand falling to Akamaru's heel signal. The dog does as ordered, skidding between my legs before sitting with his nose pressed to my hand.
     "I told him the same thing, but unlike Aka, Kiba doesn't learn new tricks easily." I laugh at the joke, Shino giving off a rare smile in return.
     "Speaking of drinks, we should get one." I busy my hands, rubbing behind the dog's ears like Kiba has told me to; positive reinforcement for behaving.
     "I figured that's what Kiba was doing."
     "He's pissed off. Kiba is busy tossing Mr. Drag-Man around the yard."
     Another rare smile comes before Shino starts walking away. I follow behind, Akamaru bumping into my legs as he trails next to me, occasionally stopping for head scratches.
     The kitchen is a nice break from the loud living room, the music softer and normal lighting meeting my senses when we walk through the door. Hooting and hollering filters in from the yard, along with calls of my boyfriend's name, letting me know I was right.
I decide to abandon getting a drink and instead chill out on the porch, watching Kiba throw down with at least thirty other people watching too. I'm not a violent person... sometimes, but I enjoy watching Kiba fight. It's sexy watching him hot-headed and seeing the way his muscles flex. It's even hotter knowing he's doing it for me.
Again, I heel Akamaru, keeping him secured between my thighs. He obeys, but whines as we watch his master being and throwing punches.
"Fucking Kiba," Shino mutters, appearing behind me again. "Hasn't even drank yet and he's already picking fights. You're going to have a long night," he adds on, handing me an unopened bottle of a fruity, five percent, something.
Whatever, it'll taste good and get me loose. Plus, it's unopened so no need for Kiba to do a roofie sniff test. I snap the bottle open, placing the top into my hoodie pocket before taking a drink. It's not as good as I thought it would be.
"Oh, hey babe!" He cheers, actually dragging the Shika guy around the yard, Kiba's arm around his neck in a headlock. I lift my drink to him, tipping it and my head at him. He sends a kissy face back before turning his focus back to the Nara in his hold.
Eyes flicker to me, getting growls from Akamaru in return. I swear I don't know who's more territorial, Kiba or his dog. Another fist is thrown before the Nara boy taps out, boosting Kiba's ego even more tonight. "Fucking pussy," he mocks, flipping Shika off before walking over to me.
     "Akamaru," he calls, patting the dog's head. "Babes," he continues, pecking my lips. "And Shino," he deadpans, his squad mate tipping his beer at him. "I gotta go clean up, see ya in like five," Kiba explains, hands sliding up my sides as he attacks my neck, littering kisses, and small nibbles to it.
     "Five minutes or I'm leaving," I warn, managing to capture his lips for a second. Shino's wrong, Kiba has had a drink or two. His lips taste like vodka.

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