Little Lady #2 (Obito Uchiha)

133 4 1

[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Hoodie-Posts]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,168

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Power Difference
- Hickeys
- "Good Girl"
- Part 3?
- Also, sorry I've been gone for so long. Life has been... well life-ing and I had a tad bit of writers block :/

My footsteps seem loud as I walk down the street. My heart seems loud too. I don't know what sick game Obito is playing with this whole 'having lunch in public' thing, but I know it makes my stomach churn.
It doesn't take long for the restaurant to fall into view, upsetting my stomach even more. This is a bad idea, a trap even. Thoughts of turning to leave swirl around my mind as I freeze in the middle of the street. Would that make the situation worse? Or better? I don't know. I don't know a lot of things recently, and somehow, they all have to do with the akatsuki member.
My hands shove their way into my pockets, my dominant hand toying with the pocket knife gifted to me as I continue my walk down the street. No black cloak with red clouds in sight and no Obito in sight either. Maybe I should turn around and go home. Pack Daku and me up, high tail it as far away as possible.
     Hands slide across my hips, hooking to me as my arms are pressed to my sides, quickly stopping any attempt to stab the person intruding on my body. "Hello my little lady," Obito's soothing voice coos into my ear and a squeeze of my hips.
     I glance to the side, being met with the orange mask and cloudy robes I've grown accustomed to. A straw hat with white ribbons and a single bell is added to his usual look, confusing me even more. A disguise perhaps? "Hello, Ob -"
     My greeting is cut off, one of his gloved hands jumping up to wrap around my mouth. "Would you like to meet my partner?" He asks, his voice high and chirping instead of the soothing voice I'm used to. I tilt my head, my eyebrows pressed together. Obito has a partner? Why is he so obsessed with me then? Slowly, he pulls away, stalling by my ear for a moment. "Remember, I'm Tobi at work, Little Lady." Oh, it's that kind of partner... oh dear Lord, it's that kind of partner.
     He finishes pulling away from me, a hand falling from me as the other one jumps up to my bicep. He uses his grip to turn me around. I'm spun quicker than expected, making me a bit dizzy.
     Once my eyes settle, I'm met with a short boy in the same disguise as Obito. Instead of an orange mask poking through the ribbons of the hat, there's a baby face and snips of blonde hair. How young is this kid? Is he seriously an akatsuki member?
     "Deidara, this is my Little Lady," Obito introduces, his hand falling back down to my hip, quickly pulling me into his side. I settle my hands on my belt, toying with it as I look at the ground. Why does this feel like an awkward 'meeting your boyfriend's friends' situation? "Little Lady, this is my work partner, Deidara."
     "Nice to meet you," I whisper, focusing on my shoes. Great I'm stuck having lunch with two murderers. Two akatsuki members. What could go wrong?
     "Nice to meet you too," the shorter man returns my greeting, his voice deeper than I expected. "Aren't you a pretty thing," he continues, leaning forward. He leans close enough that the ribbons of his hat rub against my cheeks, only adding to my nervousness. "What a beautiful piece of artwork."
     The man raises his hand, but Obito snatches it before his partner can rub his fingertips across my cheeks. "Nuh uh uh," Obito starts, his grip tightening around his partner's wrist. The hand on my hip dips down a second, easily passing under the hem of my shirt before sliding up again. The material of his glove dances over my skin, just above my waistband. "Don't touch what's not yours, Deidara." His voice is still chirped but has a threatening undertone to it.
Blonde rolls his eyes, snapping his wrist away from Obito. "I didn't know you were so protective of your Little Lady," the boy teases, sending me a sparkly smile. A lady's man I see.
Obito's hand jumps up, clinging to my waist as his fingers dig into my skin. "You know it," he chirps, quickly pushing me in front of me and aiming me down the road. His partner giggles, hands on his head as he follows behind us.
I'm bumped into, Obito's chest against my back no matter how quick my steps are. Anger waves off of him, the angrier he gets the more his partner giggles. "Are you okay?" I whisper, tipping my head up a bit. I don't know why but I'm almost sad to see his mask instead of his face.
His head dips, the plastic of his mask clicking against my head. "I'm fine."
"You're not."
He softly sighs, hand sliding up even further. Obito's fingertips slide over the wire of my bra, making me super nervous with a slow drip of arousal mixed in. For a split second, I almost forget the situation I'm in. "No, I'm not. I don't like seeing Deidara touch you, let alone smiling at you. You're my Little Lady." Just like the small touches, his empathize with the word 'my' makes me tingle with a mix of fear and excitement. This is going to be a long lunch.

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