Gift (Rock Lee)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv Id]

Requested by: randomwords-world

Word Count: 3,323

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Pregnancy Trope Alert (cause I think it'll be cute); Also, Lee would 100% be the Dad to pass out in the delivery room
- Neji still isn't dead because I refuse to believe it and I'm a bit pissed off about it still
- Part Two?

     Neji waddles around after me in the kitchen, helping me prep the food for the party going on in the living room. Ever since Mr Know-It-All found out I was pregnant, he's been my personal guard dog, insisting on helping me until I tell Lee about it. He swears he'll back off after, but seeing how he was for Hinata's pregnancy I doubt that's true. Maybe I'll get lucky and be able to squeeze out of it on the ruling of "Best Friend's Wife" but I doubt that as well. 
     "Lee-Chan, you look ridiculous," he mutters for the hundredth time, referring to the mask I've chosen to wear over my face while we're in the kitchen. The mask that he snatches away from me.
     For whatever reason tomatoes seem to trigger my morning sickness - that seems to be more of an all-day sickness - and Lee wanted curry for his Birthday lunch, which requires tomatoes. So, I've spent the day constantly throwing up as I've prepared the curry, the side dishes, and the appetizers.
     "Just let me worry about the curry, won't you woman?" Neji gently teases, snatching the wooden spoon from me before using it to give a playful tap to my hand. "Go take the cheese trays and such out to the party and spend some time with your husband."
     "I'm finally, Nej. I can handle the food," I try to fight back, a smile spreading on my face because of the demanding man.
     "As this generation's voted big brother, I'm telling you no. Go spend time with Lee," He bites back, hand on his hip and the spoon waving around in the air as he lectures me.
     "Who voted for that?"
     "Me," Neji answers, eyes locked on me for a second before flicking towards the door, nonverbally ordering me to leave. I let out a sigh but give in and pick up one of the cheese trays before heading toward the living room. "Thank you," he says more to himself than me. What a diva Neji turned out to be.
      Welcomebacks are thrown at me by the partygoers; friends, colleagues, and random civilians who have come to stay for the party or popped in to give Lee a quick "Happy Birthday". For the past hour or so our front door has been propped open with constant foot traffic in and out. I'm going to have to mop tomorrow.
     It doesn't take long for Rock to see me, his smile somehow growing more once his eyes land on me. He's such a lover boy and he's going to be such a good father. "There you are, my pretty midnight Orchid," he calls, instantly leaving the people he's talking with to come greet me.
     "Here I am," I repeat, setting the serving plate on the long table packed with food. I start messing with the table, stacking the empty trays and piling up the trash to be thrown away.
     "You've done enough already, my precious Orchid," Rock mutters, scooping my hands between his. Our hands are folded together, mine in the middle and his covering mine as his head bows down. My lover boy wastes no time brushing kisses over every inch of skin stretched across my finger. "Sit down for a moment, or at least come stand with me for a while. I feel like I've barely seen you since the guests have gotten here."
     "I'm sorry, Rocky. I'm just trying to make sure the food comes out right and such."
     His smile doesn't waiver as he looks at me, as happy as ever to be looking at and touching me. I swear no matter how long we're together I don't think the honeymoon phase is ever going to end with Rock. "I know, beautiful. I appreciate all of it, I really do. I didn't see Neji leave the kitchen so I'm sure he's handling everything and even if he's not, our guests will be fine if you take a few moments to spend with me."
     "You're dumb, Rocky," I mutter, warmth climbing up my cheeks at how eager my husband is to spend time with me. I swear he jumped off the pages of one of those romance books.
     "Well if wanting to spend time with my lady is dumb, then I'm as dumb as they come, Chamomile." I laugh at his joke, leaning forward to steal a kiss. He eagerly returns it, a hand curling around my wrist as the other one slides up to cup my cheek. "Your lips always taste so sweet," he hums dreamily when we pull apart, the hand on my cheek moving again to twirl a piece of my hair. "If all I got was you today, I could die a happy man. Do you know that my precious Poppy?"
     I can feel the heat rising on my cheeks, the darkening of my blush widening Rock's smile. I swear it's harder for him not to compliment me than it is for him to compliment me. "I'm glad but I'm sure you'll change your mind after you open your gifts."
    His smile loosens a bit, confusion trapped in his eyes as he searches my face. His hands clamp around mine again, tugged up to his lips so he can decorate my fingertips in kisses. "Dandelion, no material item could ever make me as happy as you have. I'm sorry if I've done something to make you feel that way."
     I laugh again, the present I for Rock rolling around in my head as I watch his mini-panic. "You haven't. Don't think too much about it, okay? It'll make sense later. I just know I got you a really good present this year."
     "Still, no matter what you got me, you'll always make me the happiest."
     "I don't think so," I tease, my cheeks starting to hurt from my smile and the secret of his present resting on the tip of my tongue.
     "What is this great gift you got me then, Lotus?" He teases back, his kisses now slowly traveling across my wrist, and beelining up my arm.
     "You have to wait until you open your gifts and I had Neji hide mine so it's the last one you open."
     Rick's eyes jump up to lock with mine, amusement present in them along with his soft laugh. "Well, I'll just have to open my presents now then if I want to find out."
     "You're the Birthday Boy. Anything you say goes today," I remind him, instantly getting dragged into the middle of the room. I guess he's excited to see what I got him.
     "Hey, Naruto," Rock calls, holding my hand as he helps to settle me on the ground. The new dad turns his attention, his son curled up in his arms. Boruto came out the spitting image of his father, which I find adorable. Will our kid look that much like Rock? I hope so. "Do you mind going to grab Neji from the kitchen so I can open my gifts?"
     "Sure," Naruto mutters, carefully placing his baby back into Hinata's arms.
     As he leaves the room, Rock settles on the floor next to me. His hand is instantly wrapped around mine again, placing our knotted fingers in his knee. "I can't believe you're making me open you're present last."
     "Like I told you, it's the best one. Best for last," I tease, taking the drink Tenten offers me. I glance into the cup, being met with a dark purple color and a cranberry scent. Is it normal cranberry juice or cranberry vodka? It's hard to tell seeing how Sakura and her have been making cranberry vodkas for everyone during the party.
     "Hello," Neji greets me out of no where, his hand on my shoulder. He plucks the cup out of my hand, tasting it before he walks away, off to go make me a nonalcoholic cranberry juice.
      "Do... do you want me to make you another one?" Tenten asks, her eyes, and a finger jumping between Neji and me.
     "I think Neji has it under control," I tell her, sending her a smile. She looks me up and down for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. After all, it's out of character for her squad mate to stroll up and snatch a cup out of someone's hands. It's even more out of character for him to stroll away with the drink after.
     Tenten - and now Rock - both look confused as Neji settles in front of me. He looks down at the cups like he can't remember which is which, before taking a sip from both. "This one's yours," he mutters, handing me one of the cups.
     "Thank you," I murmur back, taking two or three sips from the plastic cup before settling it on the floor. "Alright, Rock," I say, squeezing his hand as I turn my attention toward him. "Are you ready for your gifts?" I ask him, starting to climb to my feet.
     Neji appears out of thin air, again, to settle a hand on my shoulder, keeping me seated on the floor. "I'll grab his gifts. You relax," he orders, nodding his head to confirm his ruling. Once again, he floats away, heading off the gift table to collect Rock's presents.
     "So, Neji is being weird," Rock chuckles, glancing at his friend before he smiles at me. "Is he dying or something?"
     The empty question makes me laugh, my head tipping to rest on his shoulder. "That'll make sense after you open your gift too."
     "I think you should let me open your gift first," Rocky says, shaking his head back and forth to softly tap it against mine. "Even if the best things are better last."
     "That's something you have to talk to Neji about. I'm so excited about it that I had him hide it so I couldn't give it to you early."
     "Talk to me about what?" Rock's squad mate asks, appearing beside us with a stack of presents he's working towards the floor. I swear we should invest in getting Neji a bell.
     "Where you hide my Sunflower's present for me so I can open it first."
     "I think it would be best if you opened her gift last," Neji mutters, situating the gifts so the growing crowd can see Rock but he can still reach everything.
     "But I want to open it first."
     Neji lets out a long, disapproving sigh as he straightens himself. "Fine, I'll be right back," he grumbles, disappearing to go retrieve the gift from whatever hidy-hole he stuck it in. As we wait, Rocky's focus is on me, his hand squeezing mine, kisses being littered across my forehead, and his free hand repeatedly brushing the hair out of my face so he can continue to litter me in kisses.
     "Alright, alright," Neji calls when he returns, gathering the attention of the room. "You all need to pay attention to this gift. I don't care if you pay attention after, but this is the important one," he announces, handing the gift to Rock before he floats away again. It takes a second but I find him stashed away in the group of people, camera in his hold and pressed to his face as he prepares to snap pictures of his friend's reaction.
     Rock settles the tan-wrapped box in front of himself, eyeing me as he toys with the bow on top. "What's so important about this present?" He asks, carefully tugging on the ribbons to undo the bow.
     "Just open it," I giggle, lifting my head off him before I knock my shoulder against his.
     He knocks his shoulder against mine in return, happiness radiating off of him as he carefully unwraps the package. Everyone holds their breath as Rocky carefully opens the box. My excitement and want to burst out the secret steers in my stomach as I watch him remove the cover tissue paper.
     Confusion flickers over his face as he looks down at the first layer of the present; the three positive pregnancy tests in plastic wrap, a copy of my first ultrasound, marked with a red circle to show where our baby is in the picture since I was only five weeks along, and a copy of the ultrasound Neji took me to last week. I was ten weeks along in that photo, so the picture of our baby is a lot more defined.
     "Darling," Rock calls, showing me the photos as if I wasn't the one to put them in there. "I'm sorry but I'm confused."
     "Just keep going," I tell him, taking the items from him. I place the baggy on the floor, but hand the photos to Tenten for safekeeping. As soon as she sees them, I can see the pieces snap into place; she's finally putting together Neji's weird behaviors.
     Rocky still looks confused but obeys, taking out the piece of tissue paper that separates the two layers of his gift. He pulls out the deep green knitted blanket, a project I'm quite impressed Gai managed to get done in a couple of weeks. Rock unfolds the blanket, showing us the dark black letters in the center; 'Might and Lee Legacy in the making'.
     "Aw, that's cute," he mutters, turning the blanket around to hold it up to the crowd. My smile grows as I watch confusion crawl onto everyone's faces, eyes flickering my way. Well, everyone but Gai and Neji; the younger boy is still behind the camera and Gai almost bouncing in his wheelchair as he whispers to my Sensei.
     "It's a little small though," he adds pointing out how the blanket could only cover half of him at most. "It's still perfect, Lavender," Rocky quickly adds, carefully folding the blanket.
     "There are two more things in your box," I mutter, tipping the box my way so Tenten can get a pick into it. Tears are rolling down her face, curving around her smile as she looks at the pictures of her future niece or nephew. "Take them out at the same time."
     "Yes ma'am," he eagerly answers, resting the blanket on his lap before he pulls out the last two items. He unfolds the shirt, his smile growing as he reads over the text. 'Lee Lifting Squad' is carefully pressed into the shirt. "Cute. Did you get me matching shorts too?" He teases, showing the shirt to the crowd before folding it and adding it to the pile on his lap.
     "Not quite," I mutter, locking my eyes on his face, eagerly waiting for the relaxation to hit.
     "I don't get how any of this goes with the pictures or the sticks," Rocky mutters, unfolding the onesie with matching writing to his new shirt. Confusion filters through his features again as he lifts the onesie, his head slowly turning towards me. "Did... you... get the cat an outfit?" He asks, turning the cloth around to show the group.
     Gasps and shouts of joy fill the room, snapping Rock's head away from me. "I'm confused," he mutters, looking at the baby outfit again.
     "What is that?" I ask, pointing to his hands.
     "A onesie?"
     "Alright, what's that?" I continue, pointing at his lap.
     "A blanket, my Cherry Blossom. I'm still confused."
     I hush him, picking up the baggy and waving it around a bit. "What are these?"
     "Pregnancy tests?" He mutters, glancing between his presents and me. "Oh, Lord, you're pregnant," he whispers, clinging to the onesie. "Dear Lord, you're pregnant!" He repeats, dropping the cloth before lunging at me. Rocky wraps his arms around my neck, holding me as he pulls me into his chest. "Oh my, oh my, oh my," he says on repeat, rocking us back and forth as he clings to me.
     I giggle, stamping kisses onto his cheek as I hold onto his arms. The party-goers cheer, a few of Rock's friends egging him for not catching wind of what was going on sooner. "Congratulations, Dad."
     "Congratulations, Mom," he echos, his voice shaky with happy tears. "Oh dear, is this why Neji has been all weird recently?" Rocky asks, pulling away a bit, one hand holding onto my neck as the other one jumps down to feel my stomach.
     "Ya," I mutter, resting my head against his arm.
     "You told Neji before me?" He teasingly cries, leaning forward to litter my face with kisses, his hand rubbing circles into my stomach.
     "That's what happens when you have a genius as a best friend."
     "You tell anyone else before me?" He asks, resting his forehead against mine. His wide eyes stare into mine, happy tears spilling down his cheeks.
     "Just Gai so he could make the blanket for your present."
     Rocky chuckles, leaning forward to crash his lips against mine. "I'm going to be a dad," he breathes out when we pull apart, laying quick small pecks to my lips. "You're going to be a mom."
     "Alright, you've hogged my daughter-in-law and my grandbaby enough," Gai's deep voice booms, pulling our attention toward him. He's eagerly wheeling himself forward, Kakashi following close behind.
     My husband chuckles at his Sensei, pulling away from me to climb to his feet. Once he's up, Rock grabs my hands, helping me climb to my feet. "Hey Gai," I greet, bending down to hug him.
     "Hello, Little Lotus," he mutters, wrapping his arms around me. "Can I feel your stomach now?"
     "Ya, you can," I chuckle, pulling away from my Husband's surrogate father.
     Gai is vibrating almost as much as Rocky, carefully placing his hand on my small baby bump. "Hello, Littler Lotus," he mutters, rubbing his hand across my stomach. "I'm your grandpa who's going to get you in so much terrible. You're going to call me Pop-Pop," he turns around, snagging Kakashi's hand to add it to my stomach.
     "Gai," Kakashi starts, trying to pull his hand away. "You can't just do that."
     "It's fine," I giggle, resting my hand on top of his. "I don't mind you touching my belly, Grandpa," I tease, shooting my Sensei a smile.
     "This is your other grandpa. You're going to call him Grump because he's always grumpy."
     Rock is vibrating so much that he's bouncing on his feet, eagerness spilling from me. Before he can stop himself, he's attached to me again, arms around my shoulders and kisses being stamped to my face.
     "I can't believe you told Gai before me," Kakashi grumbles, rubbing a few small circles against me before pulling his hand away. "And your kid is not calling me Grump."
     "They totally are," Gai coos, his focus mostly on Rock and my unborn baby. "Aren't you? Pop-Pop Gai, Grump Kash, Uncle Neji, Auntie Tenten, you're going to have so much love."
     "What about my students?" Sensei deadpans, rolling his eyes at his friend.
     "Yes, yes. Uncle Naruto and Auntie Sakura too. Along with your Uncle Sasuke and cousin Boruto. You're going to be so loved when you enter this world, Littler Lotus."
     Kakashi rolls his eyes again, taking hold of Gai's wheelchair to pull him away. "Alright, I'm sure others want to congratulate them and that they'll want a moment alone. Let's go find the booze table." Gai whines for a moment but doesn't do anything to stop Sensei from moving him.
     Instantly, Rock's hands fall to lay against me, kisses still brushing against my cheeks as he pays attention to our child. "I think it's going to be a boy."
     "I bet it's a girl," I counter, leaning against my husband and resting my hands on top of his.
     "It's a boy. I can feel it. It's going to be a boy," Rock mutters, slowly rocking us back and forth again.
     "It's a girl," I bite back, even though I do hope it's a boy. Rock would be so excited to have a son, though he'd make a cute girl dad.

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