Desert Lily #2 (Kankuro Sabaku)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to TashasStuff]

Requested by: tadomikiku

Word Count: 3,358

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Fun fact, average price of a camel in the US is $5,000
- Bruises/Liking Markings (there's probably a better explanation for that but I can't think of it)
- Little heated at the end

Kankuro's eyes won't break their focus on my wrists. Small fingertip bruises decorate my skin - an after-effect of yesterday's time together. "They're so..."
"Pretty?" I ask, admiring the small discoloration of my skin.
     "Dark," he mutters, eyes fluttering to my face before settling on the bruising again. "I don't..." Kankuro cuts himself off, tugging my sleeves down before he stands up from the table.
"Hey!" I call after him, quickly climbing to my feet. "What about lunch, Ro?"
"We can eat at the house," he mutters, grabbing behind himself for me. His fingers latch around my wrist before he stutters, movements frozen for a second as he looks over our place of connection. "I'm sorry," he whispers, sliding his hold to my elbow.
"For what?" I ask, leaning against his side as I'm led back to the Hokage's manor.
"I don't know," the words come out quietly, like he's saying them to himself instead of me. "I have a present for you," Kuro quickly adds, smiling down at me. His face is coated in his normal purple paint, making me a bit sad. I wish he'd wear his face bare in public.
"Ya?" I ask my excitement taking over. "What is it?"
"You'll have to wait and see," he answers, sliding my arm through his, and continuing to lead me back to his home. "Though I bet you could guess."
"Probably," I say, a giggle escaping with the word as the whole 'sapphire' conversation rings around my head.
"I'm sorry," he repeats, his eyes snagging on the more hidden bruises around my throat. His steps freeze for a moment before quickly picking up again.
"For what?" I ask again, close to jogging to keep pace with Kankuro. This is not how I imagined our lunch date going. "Ro?" I call, tugging on him in an attempt to get him still.
"Desert Lily," he huffs out, dragging me forward. Curse the sand that seems to cover everything, making it easy for him to drag me forward.
"We need to talk."
"We are talking," he utters, ignoring one of the villagers trying to flag him over.
I wiggle around, managing to unhook my arm from his, making Kuro lose his leverage to tug me around. "Kankuro."
"Flower," he sighs, stopping a few paces ahead of me. "I don't want to talk about it."
"You never want to talk about anything," I groan, crossing my arms over my chest. Why is he being so difficult? Why won't he ever talk to me about what's bothering him? Why do my bruises bother him so much? "If you're not going to talk about it, I'll just go home."
He sighs, slowly turning toward me with his usual stone-face mask on. "Why are you being difficult?" I'm not the one being difficult!
"I just want to know why you're upset. We can't fix a problem if we don't communicate. Is that the kind of marriage you want to have? One filled with secrets?"
     Ro's mask falls for a second, sadness coating his eyes before it's snapped back into place. "We're not going to talk about it." With that, I stay true to my threat, turning on my heels and walking away. "Lily, please," he calls, heavy footsteps echoing behind as he walks after me.
     "We're not going to talk until we talk about whatever is going on with you," I tell him before falling silent the rest of the walk home, Kankuro calls after me, trying to get me to speak to him.


I'm fuming as I walk the quick path to the Hokage's office. It's been a while since Kankuro and I have talked let alone seen each other. Despite the distance, apology presents keep showing up; flowers, goodies, cards, snacks, and a camel.
Kankuro sent me a camel this morning. The man who won't talk about his feelings will drop seven hundred and fifty thousand yen on a camel. But won't talk about his feelings. But he'll send a honey-colored camel that I ironically named Honey.
With said camel, came an order of appearance by the ruling of Lord Gaara. Coincidence? I think not, hence why I'm fuming.
"Kankuro?!" I hiss, slamming the office door open. As suspected, Kankuro is lazily sat in an armchair across the desk from his younger brother.
"Hey, Lily!" He cheers, posture straightening as a smile crawls across his face. "Did you get the camel I sent you?"
"Yes, I got the camel you sent me," I continue to hiss, emphasizing the word 'camel'. What kind of suitor sends their suite a camel? A rich suitor, that's who. "I named her Honey," I add, trying my best to stay pissed. I fail miserably, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't already attached to my desert brand horse.
"Him," Kuro corrects, head prompt on his hand as he looks at me with that stupid 'I'm so in love with you' look. His big stupid eyes look so soft and get highlighted by his stupid makeup. Dumb, power difference, desert ninja.
"Him," I mock, walking up to the desk and turning my attention to Gaara. "An order of appearance? Really, My Lord?"
"Gaara," the redhead corrects, not bothering to look up from whatever is holding his attention. "I asked you to call me Gaara."
"Fine, Gaara, an order of appearance? Really?"
He shrugs, glancing at me, and then his brother before turning back to his work. "Kankuro needs your measurements," Lord Fifth shortly explains.
"My measurements?" I ask, turning to the still love-struck-looking suitor of mine. "You don't talk to me for three days, then have your brother abuse his power so you can find out how big my boobs are?" I'm beyond fuming at this point. What the hell is Kankuro's problem? What the hell is Gaara's problem?!
"Technically, you're not talking to me," Ro answers, that stupid lopsided smile on his face. "And ya, your measurements. I want to make sure your dress fits."
     "My dress?"
     "Your dress," he repeats, leaving me with more questions than answers. What dress? Why is Kankuro having a dress made? He is having it made, right? Why else would he need my measurements? "Oh and one more thing," he mutters, getting up from his seat.
     I'm still angry as Kuro shifts himself closer to me, wrapping my hand in his before he bends down. Kisses are littered across my skin. "Would you go to the Great Nation gala with me?" He asks, looking up at me through his stupid long eyelashes, still bent over my hand as he litters kisses across my fingertips.
     "Idiot," I mutter, looking away from him as heat climbs up my neck. Why does Kankuro have to be so charming?
     "Is that a no?" He asks, straightening his posture. His fingers are laced in mine as he looks down at me, still smiling.
     "No, it's not a no," I mumble, raising my free hand to trace the pattern of today's face paint. "I suppose I'll go to the gala with you."
     My 'yes' is rewarded with a bigger smile, this one toothy and straighter compared to his usual grin. "Well then my Desert Lily, I'll have to take you on another date so I can fill you in on everything." Cockiness seeps from him, an effect of him winning our silent game.
     "I guess so," I swear this man is lucky I like him.

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