Uchiha's Love #2 (Sakura Haruno)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to rose.uzumaki_]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,640

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Small love triangle that's not so idk triangle I guess (Kakashi and Itachi)
- Also, bear with me through the jutsu use. I'm doing my best with the knowledge I have and the research I've done
- Part three??? I have no clue

Itachi's hands are warm as they slide over my body, pawing and clinging to different parts. "You seem off today," he mutters, his lips chasing after his hands.
     I let the question disguised as a statement hang in the air, busying my hands with braiding Itachi's hair as I try to process my thoughts. "I had a visitor yesterday."
     "Kakashi?" He grumbles, kisses wavering from his question.
"Sakura?" He asks, head tilting up to look at me. I hum a yes, focusing back on the locks of hair twisting around my fingers. "What did you two talk about?" Itachi asks carefully, kisses abandoned but fingertips still dancing across my skin.
"Oh, you know. Just the small, uneventful detail of your brother leaving the village," the last half of my sentence comes out harsh, disappointment and anger soaked deep into the words.
Itachi's eyes widen, fingers frozen, and cheeks pink like a child caught in a lie. "Oh..."
"So, were you ever going to tell me or just let me figure it out on my own?"
He stays quiet, eyes grazing over me for a while. "I was hoping Kakashi would tell you so you had time to process it before I came to see you," the answer is quiet and sad, Itachi's disappointment in himself coating his words.
"Kakashi has been avoiding me I think," I voice the thought, hands busy with undoing the lopsided braid. "I'm guessing because of Sasuke leaving. Where's he going anyway?"
"To train with Orochimaru."
"The crazy science snake man?" He hums a yes against my stomach, kisses sliding against my skin again. "Isn't that bad?"
"I don't think so. I think it'll be good for him."
"I don't know much about the snake sage but what I've heard isn't anything good."
Itachi's head pops up again, arms wrapping me up securely. "Don't worry so much. Sasuke can hold his own. He won't fall into Orochimaru's trap... I think." The last part is voiced quietly, eyes back to scanning my exposed stomach that's littered with love marks. "I have it under control."
"If you say so," I mutter, wrapping my legs around Itachi before tugging him further on top of me.
His body envelopes mine, arms still around me, chest pressed into mine, head against my shoulder, and kisses being littered across my neck. "What are you going to do about Sakura?"
"I don't know. Form a friendship I guess. I don't want her to feel trapped if Sasuke's decisions backfire on her."
The room is quiet, unmoving lips pressed against my neck as Itachi processes my words. "Do you feel trapped?"
"Sometimes," I whisper, squeezing my eyes closed.
"How can I make you feel not trapped?" The question feels like a setup, like a way for Itachi to figure out who his biggest threats of losing me are. "My love?" He calls softly, tilting my head to the side so I'll look at him.
I let my eyes flicker open, soaking in Itachi's face. It's scrunched up in concern, putting my worries to rest; he's not purposely isolating me. "You're not going to... get rid of Kakashi if we hang out more, right?"
"No, I won't. Do as you want with Kakashi. As long as you're here when I need you I don't care what you do. If anything I'd prefer you around Kakashi or Jiraiya instead of anyone else."
"You don't mean that."
Itachi kisses me lightly, hands massaging soft circles into my sides. "I know I am not here as much as you need. It isn't fair of me to get my needs met but leave yours unchecked most days. Besides, you'll need someone here for you when Sasuke-"
"I don't want to talk about that," I cut him off, looking away from him. I hate talking about the end of Itachi's life. It's a constant fight between us. I wish he'd just tell his brother the truth. It would change our lives so much. But, on the other hand, I understand Itachi's wants to protect his brother from the cruelty of our village.
"Yes, my love?"
"I want to re-enlist as a Shinobi."
"No," the answer comes out fast and panicked. "I cannot keep you safe if you're working for the Anbus again."
I let my head turn, connecting my sight with his again. "Not as an anbu, Tach. Just a normal Shinobi."
The explanation calms him down, his body loosening against mine as he relaxes against me again. "Well... I don't see anything wrong with you doing small tasks for the village just... be careful."
"I will."

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