Parasite #2 (Shino Aburame)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to 1ObiraacKima]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,471

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Hickeys (I have a hickey fetish and pale boys look good with them)

     Fingertips ghost over my side, heavy enough to spark my nerves but light enough not to tickle me. "Jewel beetle," Shino's soft but rigid sleep voice rings out. "I need you to wake up - "
     "Why is that?" I ask, already knowing what his next phrase is going to be. 
     His first sigh of the day is let out, coating my face in his warm breath. "The reason being," he mutters, painfully aware of his little catchphrase, "that I have a lot to do today and you seem to have the inability to sleep alone."
"I can sleep alone, I just chose not to," I mutter, shifting to lay on top of the bug boy, who in turn sighs again.
"We have to get up, I have stuff to do," he whispers back, sitting up with me still buried in his chest. "Un-cling yourself," Shino orders, trying to loosen my hold on him.
I give into him, letting him untangle my limbs, leaving me loose in his lap. My head tilts up, chin resting on Shino's chest as I look up at him. His eyes are shiny despite the muddied light seeping into our tent. "Good morning, Shi-Shi."
"Don't call me that," he grumbles, lifting me out of his lap. Shino is gentle as he lays me back on our camping sheets, leaving me to do his thing. I flap back down, set on soaking up the last few minutes of sleep before I'm dragged out of the tent. "You need to get up."
Despite the order, Shino does his best to stay quiet as he shuffles around our makeshift room. My eyes trail after him, watching him pull stuff out for our day.
My attention is sparked when his shirt is tugged off, jump-starting my movements. I crawl forward, resting against Shino's bareback as I wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Hey Shi?" I hum, trialing kisses across his shoulders, making a beeline for his neck.
"No," he husks out, not bothering to entertain me. "I already told you - "
"Ya, ya, ya. You have a busy day today," I mutter, quickly tugging my shirt off before falling back into place. My lips settle on the dip of his neck where it starts to melt into his shoulder. I drop my hands down too, softly running my nails over his ribs as he enjoys. I suck on his neck, planning to leave a deep bruise on his delicate skin. "But if you blame me for being late you know your dad will blow it off."
"You are a parasite," Shino breathes out, his hands stalling because of my touches. "I have things to do. I do not have time for this type of attention. Please keep your hormones in check."
I hum against him, sucking on his skin harder to push my plan forward faster before he has the chance to un-attach me. "Jewel beetle," he groans, hand moving backward to gently press on my forehead.
Reluctantly, I pull away, my mouth still wrapped around his skin as long as possible. "You're no fun," I murmur, letting my tongue slide over the bruise. The hickey is a large dark circle with pecks of red that promise to melt into a pretty purple color. "Let me enjoy my time with you."
"Eating me like the parasite you tend to act like is not how I'd like to spend time together," Shino complains, his hand falling to push me away from the bruises. His fingers run over it, getting me another deep sigh. "Parasite," he mumbles under his breath, hand falling to wrap around my wrist.
I'm tugged forward, settled into his lap again, but this time my back is pressed into his chest. Shino's long fingers are back in movement, digging through my bag. His free hand coats through my hair, gently working out the knots until he pulls my hairbrush out.
Soon, the brush replaces his fingers. Shino is soft and slow as he fixes my hair, being sure not to pull the strains as he works out the twists and turns of it. His fingertips follow the path of the brush, smoothing my hair down as he works the knots out.
I can feel his eyes jumping over me and the way his chest puffs fast a few times before he tries to calm his breathing down. "Get dressed and go find something to do," Shino murmurs, moving me off of him before he goes back to getting himself ready.
"I could do you," I counter, crawling after him again.
"I said to find something to do, not someone," he grumbles, but doesn't stop me from wrapping my arms around him and latching my mouth to his back. More grumbles and groans spill from the man as I decorate his spine with hickeys, enjoying getting to spend my morning stamping more bruises into him.

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