Object #4 (Pain/Nagato Uziumaki)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to morbidprince]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,800

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Don't worry, this part isn't mental health check level smut. It's just a fluffy soft Pain fic
- Should I do a part five? With more Nagato fluff? Or maybe I'll just make this a super long series and have fluffy parts with all the members to counter act all the smut. Idk I need opinions

     "Princess?" Nagato's voice calls out again, his feet making quick work to me. "Your back..." he mutters, fingertips running over the 'good as new' skin stretched over my spine.
     "Ya, Itachi fixed it. I don't know how though," I fill in the blanks, tilting my head back.
     The dry orange-haired man is distressed, face scrunched up as his eyes scroll over my body. "It seems your back isn't the only thing he fixed," he mutters, head dipping down. He hesitates for a moment before resting his chin on my shoulder. "I wish to hear about your day."
     "Do you?"
     Pain is silent for a beat before he answers. "No," he mutters, head tilting so his nose is resting against my neck. The metal of his nose piercings press gently into my skin, coating my neck in a gentle chilliness. "Have you decided where you wish to go tomorrow?"
     "Kind of," I murmur, leaning backward so my back is pressed against Nagato's chest. "How long are we going to be gone?"
     "However long you wish."
     "Two weeks... not counting travel time?" I ask softly, worried I'm being too greedy and that it'll cause Pain's switch to flip. I know he'd never hurt me... unsexually, at least. That doesn't mean I enjoy his coldness though. Or how quickly his attitude towards me changes.
     Nagato stays quiet, his breathing puffy his chest out and gently swaying me. "As you wish. We might have to... adjust our plans though." That's code for 'Pain is going to do work' on our vacation. Whether it's information collection, kidnapping, or killing somebody is beyond me, and I don't wish for it to no longer be beyond me.
     "Alright," I mumble, tilting my head to rest it against his. "I want to see that waterfall you took me to a few months ago. The one with the two statues."
     "The Valley of the End?" Nagato asks, a sigh escaping him with the question.
     "I don't know. We don't have to go there," I whisper the last part, worries of Pain's bipolarness filling my mind. "I can pick somewhere else."
     "It is alright. I have business in the Hidden Lead and something to handle in the Hidden Sound so it is quite perfect." The explanation comes out as a grumble, making me question whether Nagato is telling the truth or is simply trying to calm my nerves.
     "I will give you three weeks, travel not included, aside from my business," he mutters against my skin, brushing kisses to my throat. His mouth piercings snag like the ones on his nose. Unlike this morning, Pain is careful as he moves across my skin, careful not to nick me again.
     "Are you Pain or Nagato... Or Yahiko?" My heart races with the question, worried that Pain's good mood won't stretch any further today if it'll even stretch this far.
     He falls quiet, sucking a bit of my skin into his mouth. His focus stays there, bruising my skin some more as he stays silent. "It is complicated. Would you like an explanation?"
     "I don't know."
     Silence envelopes us again, Pain's mouth focused on marking a part of my shoulder this time. "Pain is an alias, Nagato is my consciousness, Yahiko is my body," he mutters against me, kissing the new bruise.
     "That doesn't make any sense."
     "I know, Princess. All you need to know is that I am Nagato." The explanation still doesn't make any sense, even in the dumbed-down state it was given to me. "Nagato is who cares for you." The sentence comes out soft, the usual harshness not present.
     "Does Nagato love me?" I ask, snapping my eyes closed and holding my breath once the sentence is out.
     His movements stale, lips still pressed against me. "Why do you ask?" My breath comes out rough, almost painful as I exhale. I shrug my shoulders, deciding I no longer want to have this conversation. "I care for you in ways you need and want. I protect you from the cruelty of the world. I have removed worries, destruction, and torments from your life. You are one of my reminders."
     "One of your reminders for what?"
     "For why the akatsuki exists," he mutters, lips back in motion. Pain works his way around my back, the gentle pressure and pokes of his piercings chasing his lips.
     "Does it bother you that the other members... enjoy me?"
     "Not particularly. I cannot be around in those ways all the time. If you enjoy yourself it does not bother me."
     "Is that why Hidan is hanging in a tree?"
     Nagato hums a yes, lips trailing back up my other shoulder. "Hidan hurt you in an unenjoyable way, so he shall know pain. You cannot enjoy yourself if you are slowly bleeding to death and slipping into unconsciousness."
     "Naga?" He hums a yes again, head lifting before resting on my shoulder again. "I'm hungry."
     "Then we shall go eat. Afterward, we can go down for the night. We'll need to pack and leave early if we wish to make a fast pace." His arms wrap around my waist, lifting me off the bed before settling me on my feet.
     Pain is back to business, hand wrapped up in my chain to lead me behind him. I can already feel the coldness filtering from him, our soft moment to be left in the med-bay.

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