Birthright #8 (Itachi Uchiha Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Kirito471]

Requested by: Definitely not God

Word Count: 3,887

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Name Calling: Onii-Chan, Daddy, Princess, Whore Act, Good Girl, Baby Girl
- Brother/Sister Incest
- Lost Virginity
- Misogyny
- Titty Play
- Hickeys/Biting
- Oral (Female Receiving)
- Fingering
- Hair Pulling
- Dub-Con (technically, I think)
- Emotional Manipulation
- Breeding Kink
- Creampie
- Overstimulation

"We're going to have sex," Onii-Chan repeats, his tone even and straight to the point. "With how things have been going recently, if I don't do it soon, someone else will. Dad will get too excited and slip into you. Or Kenzo is going to get you alone before I can kill him. Or Sasuke is going to end up on top of you. Or some other random freak in the village is going to corner you again."
"But - "
"Come sit down, Princess," he interrupts, walking away from me. Itachi stops next to my bed, picking the bags off of it and setting them in a pile on the floor. "Don't look so scared," he coos, plopping on the bed and tapping his thigh. "I'm just going to put the tip in. Just enough to make you not a virgin anymore."
My arms cross over my chest, my hands clinging to my elbows as I rock my weight back and forth between my feet. Itachi and Daddy are already about to kill each other. If he finds out about this, especially with how angry he was last night at the thought of Sasuke taking my virginity, he might put Onii-Chan in a box floating down the river.
"Princess," he coos, patting the spot again. "How many times do we have to do this? I ask you to do something, you try to wiggle out of it, and then you end up doing it anyway. Now, Onii-Chan is trying to be patient because I'm sure this is scary for you, but my patience is wearing thin. Come sit down."
I take slow, unsure steps toward the bed, keeping my eyes glued to the floor. "Daddy is going to be mad when he finds out."
"If, Princess," Onii-Chan corrects, his hands shooting forward to grab ahold of my hips when I get close enough.
"When," I murmur, my hands falling to his shoulders as I'm manhandled, situated between Itachi's thighs with his knees locked against me. "He always finds out. Always. He found out about the dock and last night - "
"He didn't find out about our time together in the bathroom. Or about your little whore act at the restaurant, did he?" Itachi points out, his tone is still soft and gentle despite the underlying anger starting to surface. He's stressed because of work, because of Daddy, because of Sasuke, and because of me. Dragging my feet isn't helping him destress.
"Just the tip?" I whisper, my fingers looping around a few strands of his hair, twirling it around to help with my nerves.
"Just the tip, Princess. I promise," he whispers back as his hands slide upward. They collide with my shirt, pushing it up and over my head. The short shirt and the over-layer are shoved off of me and tumbled to the ground to leave me in my bra.
Onii-Chan's eyes wander over the newly exposed skin, fingertips caressing the skin right below the start of my bra. "Dad always enjoyed you in pink," he mutters, tugging on the underwire, mocking the soft pink set our Father chose out this morning. "But you always look so much better in red, Princess."
"I know," I murmur, trying not to squirm from his light touches that always seem to fill my body with electricity. Electricity that he's the only one good enough to form an outlet for.
Itachi's fingertips trace the underwire of my bra, chasing it backward until he stumbles on the clasp. With one swift movement, it's unclasped and trying to slide down my arms. "You're beautiful, Princess," he praises, sliding the cloth down my arms, stopping long enough to pull my touch away from his shoulders and unloop the material.
My fingers shake as I ball up his shirt, squeezing it like it'll help even out my anxieties; it doesn't. All I can think about is how mad Daddy is going to be and how it's going to hurt like he keeps telling me. How bad is it going to hurt? Is it going to hurt like a punch? Or maybe it'll be more like a quick pinch. I don't know. I don't want to know yet.
I'm shushed, the soft sound sliding across my skin as Onii-Chan litters my breasts in kisses. Each bruise left over from the past day is gifted a small peck and a gentle tongue lashing. "We're going to have sex, Princess. Isn't that exciting?"
"No," I peep, trying to ignore the quivering happening between my legs. How can I be so excited and yet so terrified?
Itachi jerks away from me, his hands landing on the small of my back and pressing me further between his legs. He's not happy with my answer, shown by his head tipping to look at me. The softness is gone, replaced by blind anger as he glares up at me. "Well, it doesn't matter whether you're excited or not. I'm the oldest son, do you remember what that means?"
"Yes, Onii-Chan," I whisper, trying to avoid the burning glow of his eyes. His sharingans were activated at some point and taking the current moment, I'm guessing it's from strong feelings of anger instead of strong feelings of lust.
"It means you're mine. You're my birthright. You belong to me. You do what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it, whether you want to or not. Don't forget you're nothing more than property. You should be grateful for how I treat you. Most men of our clan don't treat their wives as nice as I do, or even as nice as Dad treats Mom. You're ungrateful."
His head tips back down, his face still tense with anger as he goes back to focusing on my breasts. This time around, Itachi isn't as nice to my boobs. His mouth wraps around a chunk of skin, roughly sucking on it and causing soft splinters of pain when his teeth sink into the fat. I stay quiet, focusing on twirling his hair to help ignore the deep, painful bites he keeps littering across my chest.
     By the time Onii-Chan is done with his power trip, eleven already bruising, perfectly indented bite marks are layered across both breasts. "I'm sorry, Princess," he whispers, his tongue sliding over one of the marks, trailing every dip and valley caused by his teeth. "That was a little rough of me, wasn't it?"
     "It's okay," I answer, trying not to piss him off again. My throat already hurts from Sasuke and now my chest hurts because of him. The last thing I need is more parts to hurt because I upset Itachi.
     He sighs, burying his head between my breasts as he wraps his arms tighter around my hips. I'm pulled closer to him, his boner pressed against me because of the closeness. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so rough with you," Itachi repeats, plopping a kiss on my boob before he picks his head up.
     I'm tugged on again and dragged into his lap before he flops on the bed. He's still for a moment before he starts moving me, flipping us over, and situating me on my back. "Onii-Chan is going to make you feel good again. How do you want me to make you feel good? Do you want Onii-Chan's tongue or his fingers?" He asks, his lips trailing slowly down my body, causing the feeling of gentle fire to flare on every inch of skin his kisses brush across.
     "Tongue," I murmur, pawing across his body until my fingertips find his hair again. "Onii-Chan's tongue," I repeat, trying to fight down the mewl bubbling in my throat.
     "Both, Princess," he exhales, nimble fingers snapping my shorts open. Itachi's tongue licks at me as he tugs the clothing off of me, the tip of it drawing loops across my pelvis. "No panties?" He murmurs, shifting between my legs to finish stripping me.
     "I think Kenzo kept them."
     Onii-Chan rolls over the new information I offered as the loops slowly lower. "I'll find them and use them to strangle him to death," he mutters before his tongue slithers through me.
     My hips buck at the ghostly stimulation, Itachi's words barely registering in my head. His arms hook under my knees, fingertips drawing different shapes into my skin as he holds my legs still. His tongue mimics the shapes he's drawing, painting the same edges against my clit. "Onii-Chan," I whimper, my body still trying to squirm despite being held still.
He hums, tongue slithering down to poke at my opening before barging in. "Damn it," I whine, my back arching as his muscle presses against the walls of my pussy. "Itachi."
"Princess," he calls back, picking his head up and gulping in a breath before burying himself between my thighs again. His tongue focuses on my clit again, looping before pressing a v-shape against me, looping at the end again before he repeats the shape. It's almost cute that Onii-Chan is drawing hearts against me.
One of his hands releases me, falling for a moment before it's present against me again. Two of his fingertips dip into me, gently tugging against my hole. "Onii-Chan?" The name comes out breezy, my chest pumping to try and pull in more oxygen because of the excitement. Again, he hums, thrusting his fingers into me. "Itachi!" I moan, my hips jerking downward.
"Princess?" He repeats, sucking in another deep breath before he digs back in. His fingers curl against me after every pump, hearts still being drawn against my clit.
"I'm sorry," I whimper, the familiar feeling of my orgasm about to slip brewing in my stomach. "I'm sorry, Onii-Chan." He ignores me, continuing his actions even when the band snaps and my cum starts slipping out.
     His tongue does change focus though, swirling across my clit once more before tumbling down. It slides around his fingers that are still working their way in and out of me, lapping up my mess. "Itachi," I whine, the good feeling of coming undone quickly starting to feel like pins and needles.
     "I can't help it, Princess," he utters, pulling his touches away from me. "Onii-Chan can't get enough of you," he continues as he slides up my body. His hands rub against my thighs as he moves upward, coating one of them with the sticky mess of mine still dripping from his fingertips. "Onii-Chan loves you very much. I can't wait to be buried in you."
     "Just the tip," I race out, squirming under him. It's useless movement; I can't move much or far with him pressed against me.
     "Just the tip," Itachi echoes, a hand rubbing up and down my side, his fingers trying to play my ribs like a xylophone. His other hand is messing with his pants, shoving his waistband down.
     The hand on my side slips back down, two fingers push into me again. They curl, thrust, and probe at me, making my hips buck and my body squirm again. Onii-Chan barely pays me any mind as he lazily fingers me. His focus is on tugging at his clothes. His shirt is tugged up and thrown onto the pile forming on the ground, and his hand quickly falls to shove his boxers down to his thighs just like his pants.
"Okay, Princess," he coos, leaning over me again. His hands are situated by my head, the whole of him barely rested against me, and his nose rubbing against my cheek.
My chest flows with anxiety, my hands shooting up to grip his shoulders. "I'm scared."
"Don't be scared. Onii-Chan's got you. Onii-Chan won't let anything bad happen," he continues to coddle, sliding his nose across my face until it bumps into mine. "I love you so much, Princess," he whispers, his head tipping so he can brush his lips against mine.
When Itachi pulls away, his eyes are hooded again, looking down at me with the same intense look he had before Sasuke interpreted us. "It's going to hurt but just a little bit, okay? It won't last long either. Onii-Chan made sure you were ready," he rumbles, scooting closer to me.
I jerk away when his penis taps against me, my nails digging into his shoulders. "Don't do that, Princess. Onii-Chan doesn't like it," he mutters, tugging my hands off his shoulders before plopping them on his head. "You can pull my hair all you want but don't claw at my shoulders," Itachi tells me, his hands settling on my hips to help keep me in place.
     "Okay, okay, okay," I slowly whisper, sliding my hands down before fisting his hair in both of them. It feels like my whole body is shaking and this time, not in the way Itachi is good at.
Itachi stays still, the tip of his dick resting against me as he coats my face with kisses, plopping one to my lips every other turn. "You are beautiful. I love you so much. I'm so lucky to have you," he keeps repeating, drowning me in admiration and slowly chipping away at my worry. "I'm going to slide in now, okay?"
"Just the tip?" I say for the millionth time as my hands tighten around his hair, tugging on it to try and fight off the worry bubbling in my chest again.
"Just the tip. I promise, Princess, just the tip," he reassures me again, a hand falling off my hip to wrap around his dick. Itachi lines himself up, the head of his penis snagging on my hole. My hands tighten on his hair, pulling on it again as he slowly moves forward. "Shh, shh, shh, you're okay," he coos, hands back on my hips to gently massage them.
     It does hurt, but not as bad as Daddy kept telling me it would. It feels more like a rough tension with a hint of pain than the painful scream-filled ordeal I kept being told it would be. Maybe my Father isn't as good of a man as I think he is.
     Itachi stalls for a moment, eyes scanning over me as he stays put. After that moment, his head falls to my shoulder, his lips brushing against my neck. "Are you okay, Princess?" I hum a yes, nodding my head in agreement as I loosen my hold on his hair, gently stroking it instead of yanking on it. "Good," he mutters before jerking his hips forward.
"Onii-Chan!" I yelp, tearing at his hair again. "What are you... you said... Itachi?" He ignores me, continuing to move forward, filling me with more of his cock and making the tension and pain intensify. "Onii-Chan?" I call again, my hands falling to his chest to push on him, trying to get him to back away and pull out. "You said just the tip. That's more than just the tip. Knock it off. Get off me. Itachi!"
     "Princess," he hisses, pushing himself up off of me in the slightest so he can grab at my wrists. His face softens when his sight lands on me, a slow exhale leaving his parted lips. "You need to calm down. If you don't calm down, you're going to make me hurt you. Do you know how sad that's going to make me? How sad I'd be if I hurt you because you can't calm down? Do you want Onii-Chan to be sad?"
     "No," I whisper, trying to tug my wrists out of his hold. "But you said just the tip. You said just enough so I'm not a virgin anymore. You said - "
     "I know, Princess," he interrupts, leaning down to pepper my lips with a handful of soft kisses. "But Onii-Chan can't help himself. It's made me so sad that Dad got to enjoy you today, and Kenzo got to enjoy you, Sasuke, and even that store clerk. It makes Big Brother feel like you don't love him. You love me, right?"
     "Of course I do - "
     "Then let big brother enjoy you. Let me fuck you, Princess. After all, we know I'm going to get what I want either way. Has Onii-Chan ever asked you to do something you couldn't do?"
     He releases my wrists, letting me twirl strands of his hair between my fingers again as I squirm under his intense stare. The pain between my knees starts to melt away as I move around, my body growing used to having Itachi buried in me. "No," I finally answer, keeping my voice low and my eyes locked on the wall.
     "Exactly. I know you can take all of me. Be a good girl and take all of Onii-Chan, okay? Just relax and look pretty while I use your pretty pussy, while I stuff your cunt with my dick, okay?"
     "Good girl," Itachi repeats, tucking his head against my neck. He settles his hands on my hips again, back to massaging the bones under his fingertips. His hips start to move against me, tugging his cock out of me. It's a weird feeling, being so full and suddenly so empty.
     I'm not left empty for long. Onii-Chan snaps his hips, shoving himself back into me. "Princess," he grumbles, his movements slowly picking up speed. "You were born just for me. Do you know that? That Mom and Dad had you because I wanted you so bad."
     "I know," I murmur, the stories of Itachi begging our parents for a little sibling racing through my mind.
     "I was so excited when they told me I was going to have a baby sister," he continues to ramble, his voice barely rising above the sound of my headboard tapping against the wall. "Dad kept telling me how amazing having a little sister would be. How I'd get to kiss you, how I'd get to fuck you, breed you. How one day I'd get to see you nice and round with our son like he did with Mom. How the cunt of a little sister always feels the best."
The longer he talks, the more my pussy clenches around him and the more it quivers with the want for his attention. "My poor Princess," he whispers against my throat, his lips brushing against my skin as his hand slides down my leg, dipping between the two of us. "Is this what you want? Do you want Onii-Chan to make you cum on his cock?" He asks, his fingertip sliding against my clit, painting new hearts against it.
     A string of whines slide past my lips because of the attention, whines that don't go unnoticed. Itachi's hips jerk against me, inching me up the bed because of their roughness. "You're going to make Onii-Chan put a baby in you making those sounds. Is that what you want? It's what's going to happen. You're going to carry big brother's children."
     His head snaps up, his glowing eyes trapping mine in his sight. Itachi is panting, his hips still thrusting hard enough to inch me along the bed, and his fingertips abandoning the heart shape for faster-rubbed circles.
     "That sounds like a good idea, right, Princess? You giving Onii-Chan a son? You'd be such a good mommy. I know you would because you're such a good girl. You're so good to your Onii-Chan, letting me enjoy my birthright, letting me fill your drippy little cunt, letting me play with you all the time. You're such a good girl. Be a good girl and cum for Onii-Chan, okay? I want you to cum on my dick, Princess."
     Itachi's order isn't far away from being filled. The constant circles to my clit, his thrusts threatening to split me in two, and his constant praise quickly tightening the knot in my groin. "You... you can't... Daddy - "
     "Let him," he cuts me off, whispering in my ear before his lips fall back to my neck, lacing it in a new layer of kisses. "Onii-Chan gets to marry you in a year, then Dad has no say in what I do with you or when. You'll be all mine. You'll belong solely to me. My baby sister, so eager to dress in all white for me."
     My arms jerk down, yanking Itachi closer to me as I come undone. Whines and pleas for my older brother fill the room - and probably the house as well. "Princess," he coos, his thrusts slowing down but remaining heavy enough to keep scooting me up the bed. "You feel so good gripping Onii-Chan's cock. I love the feeling of you trying to milk me."
     My fingers tangle deeper into his hair, a mix of me trying to pull him closer and trying to push him away from me. The pins and needles from earlier have returned, but this time their tips are coated in bitter-sweet pleasure. "'Tachi? Onii-Chan, please? I can't," I wail, deciding to push him away. It's too much, too overwhelming.
     He shushes me again, gripping my wrist and trying to pull it out of his hair so I can't keep pushing him away. "Princess, calm down. If you keep freaking out you're going to make me hurt you. Just breathe, Onii-Chan is almost done. Just be a good girl for your big brother, okay? You're okay."
     I try focusing on my breathing, fully feeling the movement of my lungs and listening to the gasps of air filling my body. It doesn't help the overwhelming buzzing racing through my body. I want it to stop. I want Itachi to get off of me.
     Just as I'm about to wail for him to stop again, Onii-Chan's thrusts stumble, the rhythm of them falling short. He shoves his head against my neck, his hands feeling like iron clinging to my hips. "'Tachi?" I call again, the warmth filling my pussy tinting his name in fear. "What did you do? Itachi? What are you doing? Make it stop!"
     "You're okay. I promise you're okay. It's okay," he coos on repeat, his fingers loosening on my hips, back to massaging me instead of holding on for dear life. "Onii-Chan just came in you. That's all. It's okay."
     "What?" I murmur, the fear of the unknown quickly being drowned out by the fear of what Daddy is going to do to Itachi.
     He stays silent for a few breaths. When he does finally move, he stays buried in me, propping himself up on his hands. "Dad is going to kill me," Itachi mutters, brushing three quick kisses to my lips. "Let's get you drained and cleaned up before he gets home so he doesn't find out, okay?"
     "I love you so much, Princess," he whispers, brushing a few more kisses against my lips.
     "I love you too, Onii-Chan."
     He softly hums, slowly sinking back on top of me, head buried against my neck again and his arms wrapping around me. "You're a big girl now, you'll have to start calling me something else, Princess."
     "I don't want to."
     "I know, but you'll have to, especially after the wedding, but we'll worry about that later, okay?"
     "Okay. Should we get up?"
     "In a few minutes," Onii-Chan murmurs, tightening his hold on me. "Big brother wants to hold his Baby Girl for a few more minutes."

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