Object #6 (Akatsuki)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv Id]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,453

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Characters: Kisame, Hidan, Deidara, Itachi
- Kakuzu gets a turn being an NPC
- Also, I made Deidara a soft baby in this but the poor kid was so young when he joined (same goes for Itachi) so I 100% believe he'd melt at any gentleness he received, so sorry not sorry

Kakuzu's unwanted watchful eyes scan the forest edge as I swim around the pond. Unlike last time, I get to enjoy the water instead of my attention being on the numbing pain that was shooting through my body. Now and again the old man grumbles about having to babysit me or how better he could spend his time.
Another grumble is cut off by a "Kakuzu?" ringing out in the empty and quiet space.
Both our heads turn towards the sound, being met with the green-tinted want-to-be shark. "Kisame!" I cheer, popping further out of the water so he can see me better. "You need to stop running into me like this."
"Hello, Guppy. Your swimsuit is... nice," he mutters before turning away from me. Kisame focuses on the older member, mutters about some jinchuuriki Nagato wants to talk to him about. That gets another grumble and an order to take over my babysitting from Kakuzu before he starts heading inside. "Guppy," Kisame mumbles again.
     "Hello!" I call back, sinking into the water again. I go back to enjoying the water, soaking in the chilliness of it as I float around.
The sound of shuffling catches my attention, making me glance back to the pond side. Kisame is slowly stripping, tugging his shirt and pants off, leaving him in his boxers. Like the last time I was home, Mr gills slips into the water, making ripples fill the pond. "Come here, Guppy."
     My movements are slow as I paddle over to the aquatic man. Once I'm within arm's length, he shifts forward, wrapping me in his hold before he settles me on his back.
     Kisame swims around the pond as my hands cling to him. I enjoy the calmness of it, my chin resting on his shoulder as close to his neck as possible, the rest of me weighing on his back as he floats around. "Kisame?"
     "If I asked Pain to get koi fish for the pond, would you eat them?"
     I'm shaken a bit as he laughs at my questions, his sharp teeth shining as he chuckles. "No, I would not eat them. Your koi fish would be safe from me."
     He shifts his direction, hands wrapped around my legs as he walks around backward. My fingers tiptoe across his chest, enjoying the feeling of his pecs under my touch. "Kisame?"
     "You are very chatty today," he grumbles, tipping his head back to look at me.
     "I'm sorry," I murmur, laying my head back down as I toy with the skin of his shoulders, the chuck of it closest to the gills sliced into him.
     "I don't mind it. It was just an observation."
     I stay silent for a while, rolling my question over in my head. "What would happen if I touched your gills?" I whisper, tracing the skin again, being careful not to touch the slits that flutter with the water running over them.
     "Gills are a fragile organ. They get damaged easily, so if you touched them, they'd start bleeding," Kisame explains, changing direction again, floating forward like before.
     I back my hands away, settling them on his neck with the fear of accidentally hurting the mist shinobi.  My eyes still trail over his gills though, watching them flap. "How do they work?"
     "You don't know how gills work?" He teases, chuckling at me again.
     "I do! I just don't know how they work for you since you breathe normal air too."
     Another round of laughter fills the space, the pond water still sliding over us as Kisame carries me in circles. "I don't know how to explain it to you, Guppy. It just kind of happens. It's not something I think about."
     "That makes sense, I don't think I'd be able to explain how to breathe either."
     He hums in agreement, his grip on my legs being used to shift me to his torso. Kisame lets himself settle on the surface of the water, floating like a raft as he adjusts my placement. I'm settled on his waist, legs dangling in the water as he freely floats. His eyes flicker shut as he grips my knees, making sure I don't slip off of him. "You are quite the curious thing."
     "I just like to know how things work," I answer, propping my elbows on his chest before I settle my head in my hands. I watch his gills again as I continue to rest against his body. The gills on his face flap now and again when water splashes up and runs over them.
     "Let me think about how to explain it for a while. When I come to an answer I'll give it to you, alright?"
     "Alright," I mutter, laying my arms and head on his chest, letting my eyes flutter shut too.

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