Stretch Marks (Asuma Sarutobi Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to BEHINDXA]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 4,647

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Smoking
- Name Calling: Baby Doll, Daddy, Good Girl, Selfish
- Soft Dom
- Spanking
- Body Image/Weight Issues (more or less)
- Titty Play
- Breeding/Creampie
- Fingering (Female Receiving)
- Mirror Sex

     My husband's hand paws at my lower stomach, his fingertips kneading at the flesh. My side is tucked into his elbow dent, his arm wrapped all around me so I'm enveloped by Asuma's whole being.
Since we showed up at Kurenai's baby shower, he's been attached to me like crazy. I don't think I've gone longer than five minutes without Asuma touching me. Anytime he's not touching me, his eyes are locked on me with so much admiration shining in them. Every time he's spoken to me since we've gotten here has been littered with compliments or sweet nothings about why or what he loves about me.
     "Baby doll?" He coos, lowering his head so his mouth is pressed against my ear. "I adore your little pouch." 
     "You're weird," I chuckle, heat crawling up my neck when he presses on it. If Asuma is anything, he's a man of pride, which in the bedroom translates to him pressing on my lower stomach to 'feel himself in me'.
     "How is loving a specific spot of you weird?" He mutters, peppering a light kiss to my ear. "This is where our children will grow," he adds, pressing on my womb pouch again.
     Another kiss and press are stamped into me before Asuma gently pushes me to the side, settling me in front of himself. His hands fall to my hips, pulling me backward before his hands slide over to continue to press on my womb. "What's your obsession with my stomach today?" I ask, leaning my head backward so I can look up at him.
     "It's nothing," he mutters, glancing around with a small tint of pink mixing with his olive skin. "We should go outside for a smoke." Before I can answer, I'm being dragged toward the back door.
     Asuma's nephew - Konohamaru - catches sight of us, quickly weaving through the people in the house to catch onto our heels. "Are you guys leaving already?" He asks, grabbing hold of my elbow so the both of us can be dragged out by his uncle.
"No," Asuma answers shortly, some of the excitement from before deflating from his voice.
"Oh, just a smoke break then," Our nephew mutters, glancing around the room, probably searching for his Grandfather. "Can I sit outside with your guys?"
"If I tell you no, are you going to come anyway?" Asuma grumbles, letting me go long enough to pop the door open and hold it for me.
"Yes," Konoh giggles, sliding out the door with me. I roll my eyes at my two boys, settling on the porch steps as I wait for my husband to join us. My nephew sits next to me, making sure he's upstream of the soft breeze outside. "My dad is stopping home tomorrow," the young boy mumbles, bouncing his knees as he looks around the yard.
     "That's just great," Asuma grumbles, smacking his pack against his palm as he slowly sinks to the stairs. It's not a secret my husband and brother-in-law have a strained relationship, starting in adolescence over computation for their father's time or attention and now stretching to their disagreements over Konoh.
     More specifically, fighting about neither of our nephew's parents being in the picture leaving him pretty much orphaned since Lord Third died. Konohamaru spends more time with us in a month than he's spent with his parents in all thirteen years of his life. It's saddening, but he's a happy kid and that's all that matters.
     Asuma lights the cigarette between his lips, taking a hit of it before handing the stick to me. I take it from him, taking a puff as he lights a cigarette for himself. "Are you excited to see your Dad?" He asks, leaning around me to look at Konoh.
     "Kind of, but not really," he mutters, bumping his knee against mine; I bump his knee back. "I want him to meet Hanabi while he's around though."
     "The girl you've been hanging out with?" I ask, making my eyebrows jump as I softly tease Konoh about his growing crush.
     "Ya," he whispers, a soft smile playing on his lips as his cheeks heat up. "Could you maybe help me get dressed up tomorrow for dinner with Dad and her?"
     "Sure, Sweets," I answer, my chest boosting with joy from the simple request. I know my nephew has a mother, a role I'll never be able to fill for him despite her distance, but I'm always happy to fill in and be a good figure in his life.
     Asuma's hand jumps to the side after I answer, roughly gripping my thigh as he inhales deeply. I watch the smoke cloud slowly slither out from his lips, perfectly sliding over his neatly kept beard. "You should go inside Konohamaru. I don't want you catching any secondhand smoke."
     "But - "
     "Inside," his uncle interrupts, sending Konoh a pointed look. The younger boy sighs, plopping a kiss on my cheek before he gets up and wanders back inside, probably off to go find his little girlfriend. "We should talk," Asuma mumbles, squeezing my thigh again as his eyes wander around the yard, most of his focus on his smoke.
     "About what?" I ask, taking another inhale of my slowly dying cigarette. I smoke on occasion, well a lot more than that since I started dating Asuma so long ago, but he's still a heavier smoker than me.
     He stays quiet, the both of us slowly huffing and puffing our nicotine as I wait for him to answer. "I'm a little obsessed with your tummy pouch today."
     "Why do you keep calling it that?"
     "You're right, womb tomb would sound better." He chuckles at his joke, making me roll my eyes. What a doofus. "I don't know," Asuma mutters, pausing to inhale the smoke from his cigarette again. I do the same, letting the burning sensation burn my lungs. "This whole baby shower thing and watching you with Konohamaru recently has me thinking."
Another long pause, this time filled with two puffs. "Giving you a baby." The words hang in the air for a moment, slowly sinking into my gut. "Do you want me to give you a baby?"
"Yes!" I answer quickly, snapping my head toward my husband. My cheeks heat up from how quickly I answered, the squeeze to my thigh and the slow slide up of Asuma's fingers adding to the stirring of my gut. "I mean..." I mutter, my eyes locking on the fingers clinging to my leg. "I think we're ready to be parents if you think we are."
"I think we are. Besides, I'll enjoy making that baby with you." Asuma chuckles again, using his hold to pull me closer to him. He flickers his cigarette to the ground before leaning his mouth to my ear, his soft breath tickling me. "Though, seeing my creampie in your pussy will be my favorite part I bet."
"Asuma!" I hiss, glancing around to make sure we are alone outside.
He chuckles again, his hand finally leaving my thigh just to grab my hand. "Come on, let's say goodbye so I can get you home."

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