I Hate You #2 (Kakuzu Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Noro King]

Requested by: My Attachment to the First Part

Word Count: 4,722 (sorry it's so long)

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Name Calling: Harlot, Crybaby, Scum, Peasant, Bitch
- Abuse Including: Emotional Manipulation, Coercion, Verbal, Possessiveness
- Human Skinning and Torture
- Begging for One's Life
- Oral (more or less; Female Receiving)
- Size Kink
- Cock Warming
- Noncon/Rape
- Slapping/Choking
- Degrading/Misogyny
- Biting/Scratching/Hickeys
- Blood Play
- Creampie

     The eerie lamplight of the hotel room slithers through the cracked closet door, quickly replaced by hands shooting forward, yanking my headphones off, and grabbing at me. My mouth snaps open, ready to yell for Kakuzu but I'm cut off. "Don't you dare, Harlot," he hisses at me, dragging me out of the closet before I'm lifted, and settled in his arms.
     I screw my eyes shut as soon as I'm taken out of the sanctuary of the closet, my head buried into his neck for extra protection, and my hands balling up the material of his shirt. "Zu, please. I don't want to."
     He ignores me, tightening his hold as he forces us into motion. The coppery scent always wrapped around Kakuzu is wrapped around the whole room for once, making my stomach churn even before I'm carried into the bathroom. "Kakuzu, please - "
     "Get up," he orders, cutting my pleas off. I hate this, I hate when he acts like this, I hate seeing the things he does to people, and I hate that he claims to do those things for me.
     The familiar sound of metal chains clinking against themselves and the tile floor rings throughout the room, pushing the nauseousness I'm feeling up my throat faster than I think I can hold it down. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please, just stop. Please?" A dried-out and broken voice croaks, the chains moving again and almost covering the words.
     "Kakuzu - "
     Just like before, I'm cut off, but this time it's by movements. My body is shifted, one of the arms that usually brings me comfort - but is now reminding me who Kakuzu is - settles under my legs, keeping me propped in a seated position with my back against his chest. His other arm wraps around me, his fingertips digging into my cheeks, and forcing my head to stay in place. "Open your eyes, Harlot. Open your eyes and see how much I hate you."
     I try shaking my head, my focus on trying to keep my breathing even in hopes it'll help me not throw up. "Zu, please?" I plead again, wrapping my hands around his wrist, trying to tug his hold off my face.
     "After everything I've done for you? After all the effort I put in? For you. For your honor. You won't even look at the work I've done? Are you ungrateful for the life I have given you? Are you ungrateful for the life that I saved?"
     "No, I'm not ungrateful," I whisper, my cheeks warming up from the tears starting to trail down them.
     Kakuzu's head dips, the material of his mask rubbing against the side of my head. "All I am asking of you is to open your eyes. Do you think you can do that for me, Crybaby?" He asks, his thumb sliding over my cheek, his gentle touch wiping away my salty tears.
     "I can't," I sob, my nails digging into his wrist, threatening to mess up the forced tattoo weaved into his skin.
     "Yes, you can. Open your eyes. See how much I hate you, see what I've done for you, see what happens when someone crosses you." I take a deep, jagged breath, slowly opening my eyes, causing fresh tears to fall easily. "That wasn't worth the bitching and crying now was it?" He grumbles, switching his arms around, and making me tumble against him a bit.
     Kakuzu wasn't lying when he said he was going to skin his partner alive. His partner is kneeling on the ground, everywhere I look his exposed muscles are on display with what I'm sure are buckets of blood seeping from the skinning and various lacerations, decorating the bathroom floor with thick inky redness. The man barely looks alive as he wheezes for air, his body trembling from fear and probable shock. He stares up at us with tearful eyes, both his soon-coming death and pain swimming in them.
     The sight makes me dry heave, the hand on my face jumping up to hold my hair as I sulk over, aiming to get sick on the floor instead of Zu's shoes if anything does come up. "You're annoying like this. It's nothing but a bit of blood and flesh," he grumbles, dropping his hold on my hair before his hand wraps around my eyes, tipping my head back so it's resting on his shoulder. "Deep breaths before you get sick and ruin my clothes."
     I take quick, shallow breaths, fighting between listening to him and trying to make my heart pump with the fear it's no longer there. It takes a couple of moments and a hell of a lot more tears, but I do manage to calm myself down enough that it no longer feels like my lungs are going to bust.
     "Such a Crybaby," Zu grumbles, releasing my eyes so his hand can rub my chest, gently trying to help the hiccups I gained during my meltdown go away. "I swear you're always bitching about one thing or another," he adds, moving me so I'm sitting upright again.
"Come here waste of man." Slowly, the mauled ball of flesh and blood crawls forward, more blood and pain-filled tears spilling from him as he moves. He stops an inch or two away from my slippers, his restraints not letting him get any closer. "Show us how sorry you are."
"My greatest apologies, Lady Kakuzu," the man hurries out, his body falling to the ground in as close to a bow as he can get. "I'm sorry for trashing your name and your honor. I am so sorry."
"I don't believe you are," Zu husks out, making my stomach hurt again. He gets too much of a kick out of these situations. He drags them on for a lot longer than I wish he would too.
"I am! I am sorry. Please. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have forgotten my place. I'll remember it from now on. Kakuzu, please," the man cries, shooting painful chills throughout my body.
"Kakuzu - "
"Silence," he mutters, set on not letting me get a word in. "Where's your placement, scum?"
"Under Lady Kakuzu's feet. Even below that. Please. I'm the scum at the bottom of her shoes. I'm even worse than that. Please, just let me go."
"Kakuzu?" I try again, this time getting his hand wrapped around my mouth.
"Do you truly think that?" Zu asks the man, his sight pointed and cold as he glares down at his newest victim.
"Yes!" The man yelps, tugging on his unforgiving chains. "Of course I do. I do! Please let me go Kakuzu. I'm sorry for insulting your lady. I am!"
He chuckles, a faint imprint of a smile under his mask. "Go on then. Kiss her shoes, lick the scum off of them like the peasant you are." The man hesitates for a moment, his eyes flickering between Zu and my slippers. "Straighten your leg. He can't obey orders if he's unable to reach your shoes," Kakuzu whispers, nuzzling the side of my head, his glare locked on his victim, daring him to act up.
I do as I'm told, straightening one of my legs out. Again, the man hesitates for a moment before pressing his lips against the sole of the slipper, his eyes locked on Zu the whole time. When approval isn't given, the man desperately starts stamping kisses up and down the bottom of my shoe, each one paired with an eye flicker toward the assassin. When that doesn't work either, the man locks eyes with Kakuzu again, his tongue sliding out to lap up the dirt and any other mess my slippers have picked up from the hotel carpet.
I tilt my head, looking at the man holding me, waiting for this to end just as much as the man at my feet. "Now the other," Zu finally mutters, starting to press masked kisses up my neck. I let my leg fall, lifting the other one before the man repeats his actions. Kakuzu hums in approval, his nose nuzzling my jawline this time as he watches. "What a pathetic way to live your last few moments," he grumbles, shifting my position in his arms again, holding me closer to his chest as he turns to walk away.
The man freaks out as I'm carried out of the bathroom, pleas, threats, and insults all thrown at Kakuzu. Again, like before, I'm settled into the closet, Zu resting me in the makeshift nest of blankets and pillows I've made. His eyes are swimming with a mix of arousal, madness, and anger as he stares at me, the melted gemstone color colder than usual when he looks at me.
Also again, his hand shoots forward, clinging to my cheeks. "You are mine, you understand that?"
"Yes, Zu."
"Say it right," he mutters, his freehand jumping to his face to pull his mask down.
"Yes, Kakuzu, I understand that I'm yours," I whisper, tilting my head in his hold, my eyes stuck on the warn-out carpet that makes up the hotel floor.
"I hate you," he whispers back, tilting my head back straight before leaning forward. Zu's lips lay against mine, his fingers tightening against my skin as he kisses me. "I hate you," he repeats, lips brushing mine as he speaks, courtesy of the lack of distance.
"I hate you too," I echo, looking into his eyes again. Some - but not all - of the crazy is gone from them, as is his anger. The pool of arousal mixed in hasn't been tamed though. If anything, it seemed to have grown. "Kakuzu?"
"Hush. I have more work to do, Harlot. Go back to your music and try to get some sleep," he orders, brushing kisses along my jawline. Despite everything tonight, the familiar feeling of his stitches rubbing against my skin still brings me comfort. Once he's satisfied, Zu slowly places my headphones back on me, taking the time to fix the strands of hair that got caught in the mix.
One more kiss is pressed to my lips before his mask is pulled back on and the closet doors are snapped closed. I flop into the pile of bedding, screwing my eyes shut and letting the music mix with my thoughts. I don't think I'll be getting much sleep tonight.

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