Object #3 (Akatsuki Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to mick347]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 4,558

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Still no explanation, better luck next time. This is horrible, my apologies
- Characters include: Hidan, Kisame, Itachi
- Sadism (Hair pulling, death threat, biting, choking)
- Nicknames/Name Calling: Angel, Sacrifice, Whore, Guppy, Kitten/Kitty, Object, Sweet Girl
- Knife/Blood Play (sacrificial use of blood, cut marks, blood used as lube, licking)
- Creampie
- Domination (different levels)
- Praising
- Oral/Fingering
- Exhibitionism (public sex)
- Improper use of the sharingan (not like that, dirty minds)
- Breeding Kink

     "My little Angel!" Hidan's voice calls out, clawing me back out of my lazy sleepy state. One of these days I'll get to have a peaceful nap. Not today though.
     "Just ignore him," Deidara whispers into my skin, tightening his hold around me as he attempts to bury his head further into my neck.
     "Angel!" Hidan calls again, slamming the bedroom door open. "There you are my angel from Jashin," he coos, making quick work towards the bed.
     "Go away," Deidara bitches, tugging me closer as if that'll stop Hidan.
     It doesn't. Hidan's hands wrap around my arms, tugging me from Deidara's hold. "It's time to pray, Angel. We don't want to upset Jashin."
     "Wait your turn, Jashin dick rider," Deidara continues, trying to grab me back from the older member.
     "You've had her long enough," Hidan starts, placing me on his torso. "Besides, we pray to Jashin every day at six. It's almost six, it's time to pray." The younger member cuts his losses, blowing me a kiss and waving before he slumps back over in bed.
     "My pretty Angel," Hidan continues to praise, hands wondering my body as he carries me down the hallway. "Our God would have been angry if you slept through prayer time."
     "Your god," I correct, resting my head on his shoulder to enjoy the last few moments of peace I have.
     "Our God," Hidan barks, yanking my head up by my hair. His tongue clicks a few times, fingers still stiff as they cling to the roots of my hair. "We'll have to ask for your forgiveness. I don't want Jashin taking you back. If he must then it shall be, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't tempt him too."
     Hidan is the only member I think is truly insane. Everyone else is somewhat sane, but from the constant Jashin talk and the weird rituals I'm stuck doing for this 'God', I'm pretty sure Hidan just doesn't have any marbles left. If he had any, to begin with.
     "Alright, Angel," he hums out, releasing my hair to the door to his bedroom. Since the psycho is as close to immortal as possible, Hidan doesn't need to sleep, which leaves his room as a huge shrine to this Jashin entity. "You sit, and pray, and look pretty," he orders, placing me on the ground.
     A triangle trapped in a circle has been drawn out in black paint along the ground, with me slap-dab in the middle, like usual. At each point of the triangle is a bowl, one with dirt, one with water, and one that has a stick of incense burning in it.
     Candles line the circle, candles that Hidan is slowly collecting. My eyes trail after him, watching as he makes his way back to me. "Hello my little sacrifice," he coos, settling the candles down.
     Once they're lined up, Jashin symbol up, Hidan grabs my arms, pulling me towards him. He tugs a knife from his pocket, littering kisses over my wrists as he traces the symbols in the candle, deepening them and removing the wax that seeped into them yesterday.
     "Sit still, Angel," he orders, using his robe to wipe the wax off the knife. Hidan's eyes are dark as he grabs for my arms again, the tip of his knife gently dipping into my skin. Blood trickles out when my skin gives in, only making the psycho's eyes darker.
     "That hurts," I hiss, trying to tug my arm back.
     "The pain will be minuscule compared to the blessings Jashin will offer you," Hidan answers, his focus on filling the candle carvings with the blood leaking from me. "All he asks for is your loyalty."
     I bite my tongue, keeping the disagreements stuck in my throat. "See? Minuscule," he mutters, setting down the last coated candle. Hidan's tongue slides out, crawling over my wrists, licking up the unneeded blood. His usual olive skin starts to shift, coating him in a dark black with his usual decorative white lines. "My pretty, perfect sacrifice."
     Once the praise is out, I'm left alone in the middle of the ritual circle. The dark room is filled with the soft flames of the candles, Hidan lighting them as he lays them back out. The dark reds of the room are brightened from the new light, but still barely counteract all the black of the space.
     Hands wrap around me from behind, tugging at my shirt. "Hidan," I whisper, squirming in his hold.
"Sit still," he huffs, his hold tightening as he shimmies my shirt off. "Well that's disgusting," he grumbles, fingertips digging into the still sore wounds caused by Deidara. "That will not do," Hidan continues to grumble to himself. "Jashin will not be pleased."
My skin burns from the constant pressure to the cut marks, and back arches to try and escape the pain. "Please stop touching them," I whimper, tears already prickling my eyes.
"Jashin will not be happy," he repeats, shoving me forward so I fall on all fours. "We got to get rid of that... horrendous attempt at ownership. Jashin owns us, not that dumbass." As the word 'dumbass' spills out, Hidan traces Deidara's careful carving of his name. "We will fix it, stay put."
Hidan disappears, leaving me to ache from the leftover effect of his curious fingertips. Nagato was right, I need a break from the needy and rough Akatsuki members.
"I'm back." The short sentence is followed by my back erupting in pain again. Hidan chips away at Deidara's carvings, making new waves of pain slide out alongside new rivers of my blood.
"Please stop," I whimper, my arms already threatening to give out from the pain blooming down them. My blood coats down my sides, pooling under me. The life liquid is warm but sticky as it coats me.
"If you weren't disrespecting Jashin I wouldn't have to do this. But no, you're an object of service to the Akatsuki instead." Hidan's knife has dropped down to the bird cut into my back, the blade rough like the words of his hateful lecture. He chips at it as well, destroying the artwork left from my time with Deidara.
"See? That's so much better," Hidan says, kisses and his tongue sliding over the open gushing wounds. "Now let us pray." Clothing shifts behind me, his dick pressed to my thigh before my skirt is flipped up. "You need to ask for forgiveness," he adds, fingers dipping into my wounds again, scooping up some of the blood.
I let out a hiss from the pain, my mind scrambling to find a not sarcastic plea for forgiveness. "Jashin," I mutter, my breath heavy as Hidan's blood-coated fingers dip into me. "Please forgive me."
"That is a lousy prayer of forgiveness. Jashin should kill you for that mockery," Hidan grumbles, his fingers pumping slowly. "Maybe I should kill you for him."
"Please don't," I whimper, heart beating and pussy clenching from the mix of the threat and the stretching of my pussy.
"Why shouldn't I? You're mocking our God. Not to mention how much of a whore you've been today. Your cunt is all stretched out and used. You're not an object of choice for sacrificing. Jashin would be disappointed."
"I'm sorry," I whisper, mind going foggy from blood loss and lust. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. Please. Jashin, please?" The name slips out solely on accident, my thoughts getting difficult to keep straight.
Despite it being an accident, Hidan doesn't seem to notice. Quite the opposite. Kisses litter my back again, hands hooked around my hips, shoving me down. My arms and chest clash to the ground, ass still in the air as he shifts around. "Maybe I am wrong," he mutters, sinking his dick into me. "Maybe Jashin sent my Angel to me so I could show you his greatness."
Highly unlikely, but I don't have the strength nor the mental stability at the moment to fight him on it. "Keep praying, Angel. Let Jashin know what you wish for in return for your loyalty."
"A faster pace would be nice," I mutter, managing to piss off Hidan again.
His hand shoots forward, gripping my hair and snapping me upright. "You my dear Angel," he husks out, giving in to my request. "You are going to suffer at Jashin's hands if you keep acting up."
My spine tingles as my blood trickles down my back, shifting from the previous trails down my sides. "I'm sorry. That... that wasn't... please forgive me, Jashin." The words come out sluggish, my mind growing foggier by the second.
Hidan hums in approval, his teeth digging into my shoulder. He rips at the skin, tearing it with his mouth and making more wounds and fresh blood coat my body. "Hidan? Please? I can't," I whisper, my sight starting to go spotty with dark marks.
"You're fine," he mumbles, tilting my head in the other direction before he continues tearing at my shoulders. "Just be silent. Be a pretty sight for Jashin as I pray."
I do as I'm told, falling silent and enjoying Hidan's thrusts. They're sloppy with no rhythm as he prays. Mumbles for prosperity, wealth, and continual immortality spill from him as he uses me.
By the time he's done praying, I can barely keep my eyes open. "Don't go dying on me, Angel," he grumbles, releasing his grip on my hair. I fall forward, face buried into the ground again. Hiden doesn't seem to care though. His hands cling to my back, and dig into my wounds, forcing my blood to spill out faster.
"Thank Jashin." I try to do as I'm told, slurred unfinished words coming out instead. "Maybe I should sacrifice you. Leave you here to bleed to death when I'm done with you. At least then you'd be of some use to our God."
"Tha... thank... you... Jashin," I mutter, letting my eyelids win our battle. I can feel Hidan's smile as he licks the blood off my back, his tongue squirming against my skin as he continues thrusting into me.
I'm slowly shifted forward with each thrust, my pussy tingling in mellowed pain compared to the constant attack on my spine. If I wasn't so fuzzy-minded, I know my insides would be screaming from the lack of preparation and constant rough pumps into me.
Hidan's thrusts fall back to a patternless pace, his dick twitching in me as he starts another prayer. "Thank you, Jashin," he husks, stalling in me. He cums in me, his semen leaking out and mixing with my spilled blood on the ground. "Thank you. Thank you, my Lord. Thank you Jashin," Hidan mutters on repeat, his head resting between my shoulders as his hands continue to dig into my wounds.
The feeling of his weight pressing into me and his hot breath coating my skin only makes it harder not to slip into unconsciousness. Just as I'm about to give in, Hidan jerks me backward, shaking me out of it. "Let's patch you up, Angel. I can't have Jashin's favorite sacrifice dying quite yet."
"Ya... okay," I mutter, leaning back and resting against his chest. As my eyes sink shut again, the soft shifting of black soaking off of Hidan is the last thing I see.
"You'll be okay, Angel. Jashin will take care of you," he whispers into my ear, my limbs feeling light as my body is lifted.

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