Patience #1.5 (Jiraiya Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to invisibleninja12]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 7,646 (I'm sorry it's so long)

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Part One from Jiraiya's POV
- Masturbating (Pillow Humping)
- Age Gap
- Power Difference (teacher/student)
- Overstimulation/Orgasm Denial
- Pet Names: Little One, Sweetheart, Pillow Princess, Obedient Girl, Sweet Thing/Girl
- Hair Pulling/Choking (for five seconds)
- Soft Domination/Praising
- Fingering/Oral/Titty Play

My breath is sharp as I exhale. Pressing my hands and forehead to the wood of the hotel door doesn't ground me as much as I thought it would. This trip has been testing my patience and not in a good way.
The youthful kunoichi I've been training hasn't been kind to my thoughts. The youthful kunoichi who has a habit of ordering Chuhais with dinner, not so kindly reminding me that she is in fact an adult and not the usual 'fresh out of the academy' shinobis I train. The youthful kunoichi who gets a pissy look on her face when another woman catches my eye.
The youthful kunoichi that has a habit of turning me on, either on accident or - I'm starting to think - on purpose. She messes with my head. The skirts and dresses she wears on our days off. Her big doe eyes when she looks up at me. The way her hands linger on me the few times we touch. Her -
"Jiraiya-Sensei," my student calls, the noise muffled by the distance between us.
The soft whine sparks my mind out of the gutter and back into motion. A million different scenarios run through my head, none of them good. Why did my undercover have to meet today? Why couldn't he have waited until my kunoichi was back safely tucked away in the village?
My movements are quick but quiet as I open the hotel door, all worries chipped away just a bit once the distance is even smaller. The soft sound of the shower running and no threat to be seen calms my panic down in an instant.
The thought of checking the bathroom flickers through my mind. That would be unprofessional and inappropriate... but I've done worse things. Besides, my student called for me. What if she's in danger and I ignore her plea for help?
I stay silent, turning the door handle slowly, continuing the stealth movements as I push it open. "Please Jiraiya?" Comes her voice again, this time strained and a bit breathless.
She is not in danger, that's for sure. Through the cloth current, I can see her silhouette. It's hunched over, the sight and sounds filtering from it mixing to make a very good picture in my head. A good picture that rushes blood to my penis.
My mind is torn. My kunoichi very obviously wants me, she's begging for me as she gets herself off. But... she's my kunoichi. What if she says yes to everything in fear of her teacher? Of me? It would be hot, playing out a teacher-student fantasy like that... A fantasy that isn't fake. A fantasy that could destroy our teacher-student relationship and possibly her future as a shinobi.
My thoughts are cut off by movement in the shower, the situation being pulled to the front instead of my conflicting thoughts. Once again panic rises in my chest. What do I do? She can't see me in here. That's wrong, even too wrong for me.
I quickly work my way back out of the bathroom, doing my best to stay as quiet as before. What do I do? Pretend I was never in the bathroom, for one. Do I pretend I'm just getting back? Pretend I didn't hear any of it?
But if I do act as if I heard it her cheeks will get all pink and her eyes will blow out in their doe-like way. Why did I take on such a young woman for a student? She acts so naive and it's adorable and I just want to see how good she'd look with those eyes looking at me as she pans for me to touch her.
The sound of the water shutting off and the shower curtain opening only makes me panic more. I'm running out of time for a game plan. I'll just hide. That'll be... difficult. I'm not exactly the size of my student, I can't hide in whatever knock or cranny I find.
When the sound of the door knob turning fills the room, I panic even more, ducking into the unused closet of the hotel. Just as I'm snapping the doors closed, the bathroom door swings open.
     "Dear Lord, Sweetheart," I mumble to myself once she falls into my view. Her head is on a swivel, scanning the room, making me worry. Did she hear me? Is that why she's looking for me?
     A whine falls from the little one when she doesn't find me. The sound going straight to my penis, turning me on even more.
     My eyes trail after her as she walks across the room, my mind running laps the whole time. I can't just pop out of the closet. How the hell would I explain that? It's later in the day, maybe I can wait for her to go to bed. It'll only be three or four... hours. I sigh at the thought, it won't be fun being cramped in this closet for so long.
     I continue to watch her, which probably isn't the best choice. My dick pulses as my sweet, young, obedient student crawls into my bed. My student, stretches out on the sheets, resting for just a beat.
     My little one is back in motion soon enough, reaching for one of my pillows and tucking it between her knees. All I can think is 'Please don't' as I screw my eyes shut. She's my student. My student who is getting herself off while she thinks she's alone. My student that's mewling for me as she soaks my pillow.
     "Fuck me," I mumble, eyes snapping open when my dick starts to pulse again. The sight of my student working herself up shoves the thought of jacking off into my mind. "My student, my student, my student," I whisper to myself on repeat, reaching down to grip my dick through my pants.
     "Jiraiya," she calls again, the sound of my name echoing in my head in that breathless, needy tone of hers.
     "My student, my student, my student," I continue, snapping the closet doors open before I can stop myself. I need to leave the room, I need to pretend to just be getting back, I need to touch her before I explode.
     "My student," I whisper once more, stopping at the edge of my bed.
     The little one's hips are none stop as she humps my pillow, my literal pillow princess. My eyes snag on her pussy. She's soaked, her juices leaking through her pajama pants and starting to soak the pillowcase. "Please Sensei?" Comes another plea, snapping what little piece of righteousness I have left.
     I reach forward, gently pushing on the material of her pants, forcing it just barely into her hole. More of her juices soak out from the movement, coating my bed even quicker.
     My student yells in surprise, her body shooting up as she clings to my bedsheets, making her even more adorable. A soft moan slips from her movements as I enjoy the warmth and mess seeping from her, collecting it in my palm.
     "So chatty, aren't we?" I tease, trying to soothe her fright. I need my sweet thing to not be fearful or else I'll stop before anything happens, or else I put her future and mine in jeopardy for no reason.
     "Are you going to answer me? It's disrespectful not to answer your Sensei," I continue, testing the waters. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe she doesn't want this, maybe this is a fantasy of hers she never actually wanted to play out. Maybe she wants me but not as 'Sensei' in bed.
     More naturally made lube seeps out of her, a sign that she does like this. A sign that my obedient little student gets off to me bossing her around. "I... um... didn't hear you," she whispers as her body language loosens, arms falling back to the bed as her hands still cling to my bed sheets.
     The tips of her ears are pink in embarrassment, and I'm sure her eyes are blown out like they usually are when I catch her doing something she's not supposed to. "Are you a chatterbox in bed, Sweetheart?" I repeat, testing the waters again, this time with a nickname.
     I reluctantly shimmy my hand out from under her before resting them on her hips. I want her moving again, I want to hear her foggy lust-filled sounds and calls for me. I want to pound her into the mattress until she's exhausted with those tired tearful eyes she gets after a training session.
     "Sometimes," comes her answer, head stiff as she looks forward. Is that a good or bad sign?
     "What have you been up to, Little One?" I ask calmly, the nickname slipping out before I can stop it. I busy my hands, forcing her hips to thrust forward in hopes the stimulation will damper the pet name.
     "While you were..." She starts, her jaw clicking shut, cutting the answer off. A muffled moan spills out nonetheless, reminding me of my forgotten hard-on still locked away in my pants.
     I stop her movements long enough to tap her cheek, a usual redirection I use when she gets too mouthy with a fellow shinobi or an employer. "Don't do that, Sweetheart. I want to hear those pretty noises again," I confess, shifting her hips back and forth to damper my words for the second time.
     My student's head starts leaning backward, causing panic to rise in my chest. I don't think I can continue this with her looking at me. Not yet. My hands jump from her hips to grip her face, my fingertips gently digging into her cheeks. "Keep your head forward, Little One," I order, holding my breath as I wait for her response.
     The Sweet Thing goes back into position, neck straight and face forward, but only for a moment. Her head tilts to the side, adding innocence to this heated moment. Adding the small piece of approval I need to be sure she wants this too and that she won't follow an order she doesn't want to.
     "While you were gone I practiced my clone jutsu," she answers softly, flowing more blood to my dick as thoughts of destroying her innocent act fill my head. God it would be so good hearing her beg me to do dirty things to her, to see her pussy soaked and creamy from my cum. "Sensei?"
     The gentle question only jacks up my arousal even more. I want that word tumbling out of her as I stuff her full. "Sweetheart?" I call back, redirecting my hormones by rubbing her cheeks softly. When that isn't enough, I lean forward and press a kiss behind her ear, inhaling the scent of her shampoo as I do so.
     "If I can't look at you, how do I know it's really you?" The question is wrapped in more fake innocence, the clenching of her thighs tipping me off to the real reasoning. My youthful pillow princess is seeping in unchecked hormones with no outlet because of how much time we spend away from the village.
     As I think of an answer, I shift to the other side of her head, repeating my kiss behind her other ear this time. "Oh, little one, are you that desperate to see me? If I knew you'd miss me this much, I'd go on more outings while we're out of the village," I tease, tapping into the sweet girl's jealousy. Jealousy that I now know is jealousy and not just the usual pissy attitude most young Shinobis have.
     She huffs, and I'm sure her cheeks are dusted in pink and popped out like they always are when she's angry. "Oh, don't be so jealous, Sweetheart. I was actually busy this time," I shortly explain, trying to plan the best way to ease into this.
     My sweet girl wants this, and I sure as hell know I want it, but I don't want to scare her. I don't want her rushing into things or saying yes to everything because she doesn't feel safe. Or because she doesn't know any better.
     I'd be lying if I said I haven't sniffed around about my kunoichi's dating life. At the time it was for shinobi purposes, she couldn't have any loose ends in the village if we're traveling so much. The more I sniffed, the more I found out that as far as people know, she hasn't done anything. No boyfriend, no girlfriend, no reappearing visitor, and no signs of reoccurring or occasional one-night stands. Given, that doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but the signs sure do point that way.
     If we're going to mess up our current relationship, this extreme step is going to come with as many safety nets for her as possible. From possible first-time experience to whatever aftermath this will have, she will be safe and comfortable in any way I can provide.
     "Busy with what? Peeping into another bathhouse?" The questions come out soaked in jealousy, tugging at my heart even more. This sweet little thing is craving me so badly. I wonder how long her craving has been clawing at her.
     I laugh at her behavior before I can stop myself, still toying with the soft skin on her cheeks. "No. Believe it or not, I was meeting up with one of my under-covers," I answer honestly, as pieces of moving this forward click into place.
     "Lair," she huffs again, head shifting in my hold to tilt in the other direction.
     I laugh again at her answer, dipping my hands further down her face to cup it better. I push her head backward, finally ready to see her face. "Hello, Little One," I coo, soaking in her features. Her cheeks are bright red and her eyes are big and dewy with embarrassment as she scans over me too.
     "Hi," she answers, voice still soft as her sight snaps away from me.
     "Aw, come on, Sweetheart," I continue to coo, trying to soothe whatever emotions are rushing through her. "Don't do that. I want to see your pretty eyes. Look at me." It takes a second, but the little one shifts her focus back to me. "What an obedient student I have," I praise her, dipping down to place drawn-out kisses across her face.
     "Sensei?" She calls once my focus shifts to the other side of her face.
     "Hush, Little One," I order, knowing I won't last long if she keeps mewling for me. My hands slide down further, cupping her throat in my hands. Her neck seems small in my hold, reminding me how big of a man I am. I keep my touches light, worried I'll hurt her.
     "But - "
     "But nothing," I cut her off, hoping I'm cutting off another 'Sensei' instead of a 'no'. "I'm your teacher after all. Am I not? It's my job to teach you, to train you." I wait a second, scanning for a reaction out of the corner of my eye as I stay busy littering kisses across her skin. My Sweetheart's thighs rub together again, letting me know my plan is a go, she likes the idea of me being Sensei in bed.
     I try a gentle squeeze on her skin, starting my trial and error for her likes and dislikes. Her body jerks, her dewy eyes quickly filling with fear from the gentle kink test. I freeze my movements instantly, fingers jumping to rub her jaw and kisses forgotten. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to scare you," I apologize gently, trying to soothe her again.
     "It's okay," my sweet girl answers, the lust-filled eyes shifting back into place, her fear from a second ago completely forgotten. She feels safe, good.
     I go back to littering her with soft kisses, continuing to tune her hormones and keep her calm. "It's not. I won't do anything you don't want, Little One," I mumble, softly shifting her behavior. She needs to know her discomfort isn't okay and that her comfort is a top priority, always, but especially right now.
     The Pillow Princess shifts, a soft mewl falling from her, reminding me once again about both of our arousals. "Let's start your lesson, ya? Do you want to start your lesson, Sweetheart?" I ask, grip tightening as I try to ignore my needs. I want to toy with her and figure out her chirps and whistles so she enjoys this. Plus, if there are more times, I want to be ready right care for her needs.
     "Please?" My sweet thing whines, her needs soaking through the single word and seeping into my core.
     "Fuck. You sound so pretty," I praise, trying my best to chase away the thoughts of pounding her right here, right now. I let my hands drop back to my obedient girl's hips, lifting her and setting her on her feet, still facing away from me. I need to calm down my thoughts and keep my mind straight before I look at her again. "My pretty pillow princess," I continue to admire, sliding my hand into her loose hair.
     Again I wait and scan for a reaction, starting my mental list of 'yes's and 'no's. When no reaction comes, I tighten my hold, being careful not to pull too hard. "I'm going to start our lesson, okay? You tell me if there's something you don't want to do, got it, sweetheart?" I explain shortly, reiterating the importance of her comfort.
     "Got it," my sweet girl answers, thighs rubbing together again.
     My fingers relax in her hair, a small reward for the correct answer. "You need to learn some patience, to learn to wait for me and not rush into things. So, we're going to go nice and slow, okay?" I continue to explain, gently teasing her for being so impatient for my attention.
     Her head shifts forward, my princess tugging the locks of her hair as she attempts to physically reply to me. Her vocal cords rub together in a vocalized response, making my mind flicker to the thought of her humming around my dick.
     "I'm going to work out your orgasm, slowly. Soft little licks, slow curls, and pumps, and if you behave I'll give you a nice reward, okay little one?" I tease back, filling her head with thoughts like she's done to me all day. What a teasing little princess I have.
     "Yes, Sensei." The answer makes my dick pulse again. It's becoming almost painful, the lack of attention to my needs.
     It needs to stay like this though, slow-paced and gentle so my student doesn't get spooked. I repeat it in my head a couple of times, massaging my sweet girl's roots as I redirect my thoughts.
     Once my thoughts are straightened out, I shift my attention back to my sweetheart, my hands clinging to her hips again. I tug her backward, pressing her against me in an attempt to further my thoughts straight. "There's my obedient girl," I praise, positive reinforcement for her answer.
     My fingers curl around her shirt hem, the start of her first 'lesson'. My hands move slowly, sliding over every inch of her sides as I tug her shirt up. My sweet girl squirms from the touches, disappointing me a bit. "Or not," I mutter, my dick pressed against her ass from the movements. She was doing so good, waiting so well. "Let's try again, little one. I know you can do it," I continue to praise, hoping she'll pass the small test this time.
     My hands fall back down, resting for a second before I lift my hands again, going even slower this round. She passes this time, leading to me tugging her shirt over her head before tossing it to the floor. "Sweet, sweet thing. Are you ready for our next step?" I ask, soaking in the feeling of her stomach. It's so warm and soothing against my skin.
     My obedient girl is buzzing with nerves as she tries her best to obey me, staying still despite my purposefully teasing touches. "Yes," she answers, voice chipped and sharp as she struggles with her needs.
     I let myself fall backward, settling on the edge of the bed. "Come here, little one," I order, tugging her with me. She fits in my lap perfectly, my dick having presser added from my sweet thing sitting against it. "Turn around, Sweet Girl," I mutter, wanting to see her breasts more than I want attention to my penis.
     My student does as she's told, continuing to be my obedient girl, as my hands slide down to cup her ass. I tease the new skin in my hold, squeezing it as I admire her chest. Her boobs are perfect, just as I've imagined them to be.
     "What an obedient little thing. You're being so good. I'm going to play with your chest, okay sweetheart?" I begin with another praise, hoping it'll calm any nervousness my request brings.
     I test for a response, letting go of one of her butt cheeks to gently toy with her nipple. "Okay, Sensei," comes my sweet girl's answer, face dusted and eyes wide as her hands cling to my shoulders. "Why won't you touch me, Sensei?" My student asks, the question coming out as a whimper as she shifts her hips forward, ruining her obedient streak.
     "I am touching you, little one. You need to be patient if you want me to touch your pussy, okay? Be patient," I correct her vocally as my hand shifts to correct her physically. I don't want her rushing into things or psyching herself out.
     My sweet girl shifts back into place, quickly starting her obedient streak up again. Despite the obedience, a whine and puffed-out pouty lip come from her. "Stop pouting, sweet thing. I'll get you off after our lesson," I promise before wrapping my mouth around her nipple.
     I latch on, sucking on her as my hand toys with her free boob. I do my best to stay gentle, softly rolling and tugging at her with my lips and fingers. I constantly switch my mouth between the two, worried she'll start aching quicker than I'll notice.
     "You're being so good," I tell her, giving my mouth a rest from suckling. "So, so good," I repeat, licking her sensitive nipple before gently sliding my teeth over the bud. I repeat the action on the other side, wanting to keep her sensitivities as even as possible.
     I use my hold on her ass to tug her into my lap, wanting to see her arch as I toy with her chest. I press her pussy against my dick, needing even the smallest amount of relief. I scan my student's face wanting to see how she reacts to the added pressure on her pussy. Her face is scrunched up, worrying me a bit.
     "Sensei?" She calls, nails suddenly present against my shoulders.
     "Yes, Little One?" I ask, worry building in my chest. Which action doesn't she like? Which one needs to stop?
     "It's starting to hurt."
     I instantly pull myself away from her, my hand dropping back to hold her by her butt and lips going to work to soothe her aching skin. "Good job, sweet girl," I encourage, peace settling into my mind at her boundary. She'll set her boundaries and now she knows I'll follow them. "You're being so good. You deserve a reward," I tell her, not satisfied with only verbally encouraging my sweet thing.
     "For what?" She asks, her mind fogging from pleasure. Again, the thought of sliding into her soaked pussy and fucking her now coats my mind, but I can't do that. She needs prep to take me. We're not to the point where I can just slide right in and pace myself as she adjusts.
"For listening, for telling me when to stop. A good student knows their limits, knows when to not be obedient." I explain slowly, gripping her hips again.
     I rock my sweet girl's hips against mine, getting a "hey," rumbling out of her with a string of shaky breathes. My sweet little one clings to me, whimpers seeping out more than they're not.
It's not enough, rubbing her against me. I want to taste her, stretch her out, stuff my cock into her as she whines under me. "You're doing great, sweetheart. One more step and I'll give you what you want, okay? Be good and I'll fill you up," I promise, more for my needs than hers.
I stop shifting her around, my sweet girl tensing from the sudden lack of stimulation as she continues to cling to me. "Okay, Sensei," she mumbles against me, head resting against my shoulder. It would be so easy to slide into her propped against me like this. Bounce her on my dick until my sweet thing is lulled to sleep.
"For our next step, I'm going to spread you out all nice and pretty on the bed, okay? I'm going to taste you and play with you, and you're going to stay still the whole time, you understand?" I explain, mentally preparing my student for our next step and setting my expectations. "Are you going to let me spread you out?"
"Yes!" She squeals, her head lifted from my shoulder with her excitement.
I chuckle at her excitement, clinging to her as I stand up. I hold her against my chest, enjoying her body heat and her scent once again. I set my pillow princess on her feet, keeping her close to my chest as I mess with her waistband. I admire the sight of peeling her soaked pants from her legs, letting the clothing tumble to the ground.
"I can't wait to make you feel good, Little One," I confess, trailing kisses along her neck. I want to suck on her delicate skin, sink my teeth into it, and mark up my pretty kunoichi as mine. But, that'll have to wait for another time.
I move slowly, trailing my fingertips up her bare thighs as I litter more kisses cross her neck, forcing the feeling of her skin against my lips into memory. Once my hands are back to my Sweetheart's waist, I tug her back up my body for the second it takes me to set her on the bed. "Lay down princess," I direct, kissing the skin stretched across her shoulders.
My obedient girl does as I ask, lying on her back with her legs open. My eyes flicker around her body, scanning her face, rolling over her tits, and settling on her pussy for a beat before I do it again. She looks pale; is it from nervousness or fear? My sweet girl's head snaps upwards as her knees snap closed, eyes locked on the ceiling. "Jiraiya?" She calls, voice shaky and filled with the threat of tears.
"Hey," I answer gently, scanning her body language again. Her legs are shaking, her chest pumping on override, and her hands clench the bedsheets. I've pushed and probed too much. My sweet girl is overstimulated, overused by my slow pace and constant attention shifts. "What's going on in that smart little mind of yours?" I ask, rubbing her knees in an attempt to help her calm down.
"A lot," Comes her soft answer, breath a little less shallow this time.
I focus my attention on a different part of her, littering kisses across her smooth skin. I spell out praises with my lips, a silent form of comfort. "You're overwhelmed. It happens sometimes when you get stimulated for too long. We'll take a breather, give you time to calm down," I explain, ideas of how to calm my scattered princess swirling around my head.
I settle on wrapping her up against myself, offering warmth and compression to her body. I move slowly, shifting behind her and wrapping my sweet girl in my arms before settling her against my chest again. I press her legs together cocooning them between mine to help ball her up some more. Despite the possible negative effect, I rest my head in the crook of her neck, rubbing my nose against her skin as I enjoy her scent again.
I need to be more observant next time and watch out for signs of her overstimulation. I want her to enjoy this, and being overstimulated isn't a way to do that, at least not for our first time together. Why does my student have to be so young? It adds to the attraction - for both of us I'm sure - but it means she's not good at listening to her body. Or understanding it in the first place.
"Sensei?" My sweet girl calls, pulling a hum out of me in response. "I know what being overstimulated is," her statement comes out cocky, in her usual 'I think I know more than you' way, tugging a smile to my face as my lips ghost over her shoulder.
"Do you, sweetheart?" I tease, trying to get her mind off the feelings of her body. "I've spent about thirty minutes playing with you. After you enjoyed yourself in the shower and on my bed," I let my awareness of my student's eventful evening slip out, getting my little reward of embarrassment coating her face. "So, it's safe to say you've been going for a little over an hour. Do you regularly overstimulate yourself for that long, little one?"
My sweet girl stays silent, leaving my question unanswered. I poke her cheek, like I did earlier before letting my order slip out. "Answer me, Sweetie."
"No... I don't usually last longer than a couple minutes of it," Her answer was predictable, partly from her embarrassment and partly because of how little I've done to her so far today. It's going to be a lot of work increasing her physical and mental stamina in bed.
"Mhm, that's what I thought," I tease again before littering my sweet girl with more kisses. "My pretty, little, obedient girl," I utter, toying with her thighs to see how she'll react, to see if she's ready to start again or if she's spent for the night.
"Sensei?" She whimpers, legs eagerly spreading for me.
She clings to me, quickly grabbing for me as she struggles to find her words. A soft "please?" falls out instead of whatever she was trying to say.
I shift my pillow princess forward before pulling off my shirt. "How am I supposed to say no to a request like that?" I ask her, tugging my shirt over my head before adding it to the pile forming on the floor.
Again, I shift my sweet girl, this time back in place. The connection of her skin against my scared tissue stingings, but in a good way for once. It's a nice feeling, having her pressed against a part of me I don't let people see, let alone touch.
"Spread your legs wider, Sweet Girl," I emptily order, doing it myself before she has the chance to. I left them up, resting them on top of my own to move them easier if need be. "Good job, Little One," I hum, pampering her in another compliment as my hands dance across her inner thighs and my tongue enjoys the taste of the skin of her neck. "I'm going to touch you now, okay?"
"Okay," she agrees, head lulling against my shoulder. Her hands settle on my legs, fingers gently gripping me as she prepares for the attention she's spent the evening begging for.
My touches are soft as I jump around different parts of her pussy. I settle on her entrants, adding pressure to her ignored needs. My thumb goes straight to work, rubbing circles to her swollen clit through her panties. I turn my head toward her, our noses sharing a butterfly kiss because of it.
"Look at me, Sweetheart," I almost beg, fear of overstimulating her again swirling in my head. I get what I want, watery and pupil-filled eyes staring back at me. "There are those pretty eyes. Can I have a kiss, Sweet Girl?" I ask, my attention settling on her lips. They're pink and puffy and look so good.
"Yes." Once the word is out, I clash my lips against hers. As my lips work with hers, my fingers settle on tugging off her underwear, quickly adding it to the pile on the floor.
"Wider, Sweet Thing," Another empty request as I pull her knees further apart.
The movement causes her ass to rub against my dick, my even more forgotten needs stewing in my head. This is for her. Make her feel good. My student's needs come first.
"Fuck," I groan as my fingers work through her, scooping up the mess I've made. The thought of bouncing her on my dick circles my head again, swaying me from my path of focusing on my obedient girl.
"Open your mouth," comes the first real command to leave my lips in the past few minutes. She lives up to her nickname, lips parting and tongue teasing to poke out. I'm rougher than I mean to be as I shove my fingers down her throat. The noises my sweet girl makes forcing more curses from me. "I swear I could fuck you right now," the words tumble out faster than I can stop them.
"Please?" The stifled word almost makes me crack, the sound of her blocked plea making my pants even more uncomfortable if that's even possible at this point.
     I pull my fingers out of her mouth and quickly go back to prepping her pussy. I shift my focus back and forth, rubbing slow circles into her clit before dipping my fingertips into her hole. My eyes stay locked on my sweetheart, waiting for her tint of nervousness to disappear before pushing my fingers in.
     I chase the new depth with a kiss, hoping it'll help soothe anything that might swim around her mind. Again, when I'm satisfied with the fact she's enjoying herself, I curl my fingers, getting wider eyes and opened mouth. "Hey," My obedient girl whines, back arching a bit from the new feeling.
      "Hey," I mimic, shifting to a slightly faster pace as I finger and stretch the sweet thing spread out on my lap.
     I stay focused, watching for the tip of her orgasm. For how much I want my little one to finish on my fingers, I want her to finish on my tongue more. When I see it, the slight curl of her body as her orgasm approaches, I stop, pulling my fingers out of her for good measure.
     "Hey! That's... you can't do that," she whimpers, clinging to my legs as I soak in her desperation and her big doe eyes that beg me to keep touching her.
     "I can and I did, Sweetheart," I mock, busying my hands by cupping her breasts again.
I give in to one of my wants from earlier, littering her skin with open-mouth kisses as I test different levels of grips on her boobs. I suck on her skin, just enough to please myself but not enough to leave a mark as I scan for her reactions, all of which come back positive. "We're going to play a game," I mutter, licking the last place I sucked on, worried it was a bit too hard and will leave a mark.
     "We... we are?" Comes my Kunoichi's shallow question, the words overran by her panting.
     I let out a hum, not entirely sure what our game is going to be as I tug at her thighs. "You are going to sit nice and pretty on my face like the pillow princess you are. As long as you're talking I'll play with you. If you stop talking, I stop playing. Does that sound fun?" It's a selfish game, one that I know benefits me as much as it benefits her. I want to hear her voice, taste her, feel her thighs squeeze my head as she wiggles on top of me.
     "Ya, yes, yeah," my student almost begs, clinging to me as she leans closer. I litter her in a few short kisses before leaning in for a deeper kiss, a small break from the heat that quickly built back up.
     I shift my sweet girl again, reluctantly peeling her off of me long enough to tug my pants off. Her eyes widen as she looks me over, anticipation or fear? The way her mouth waters, I'm going to safely assume anticipation.
     "Come here, Sweet Thing," I mutter, gripping her thighs to tug her on top of me again. She settles on my lap, shifting a bit when I lay down. I scoot her forward, ending up with her hovering over my face. "Sit, Sweetheart," I ask more than I tell her. She glances down at me, worries on her face as she continues to hover, just a bit lower this time. "Where's my obedient girl at? I said sit," I mutter, trying to stay calm in hopes it'll calm her down too.
     I shift my hold back to her legs, tugging her down until she's sitting like I asked. I slither my tongue out, sliding it across her clit. "Jiraiya," My sweet girl whines as she shifts forward. Her fingers tangle in my hair as I hum in response, continuing to flick her clit with my tongue.
     My eyes shift up, taking in the sight of her chest hanging and pumping as she huffs for air. I tongue at her a few more times before stopping, waiting for her to follow through on her end of the deal. My sweet girl's eyes flicker for a second as she struggles, "I... I don't... please? Sensei please?"
      I dive right back in, her beg for me ringing in my head and sinking to my balls. "I don't... know what... what to talk about." Her words are broken, a mix of the pleasure I'm giving her and her heavy breathing. "I... I've... thought about this a lot and... oh my god," The words and the feeling of her fingers tugging on my hair aren't making this easy. I want to flip her over and sink into her right now.
     But I won't. I want her to feel good, to finish before I get my relief. My tongue jumps down, teasing her hole instead of her clit. If I can't fuck her with my cock, I'll fuck her with my tongue. I shove my tongue into her, trying to remember where I curled my fingers that got the best reactions as my tongue pokes around.
     "You're really hot. Like... really hot and... I hate... I hate it when you're a flirty jackass with everyone," My sweetheart continues, hands still tugging on my hair.
     I lift the girl, partly to tease her and partly to catch my breath. "That's because you're a jealous little thing," I poke, getting a huff and a whine in response to the lack of my mouth against her. "I'll stop being so flirty, sweet girl." My response is honest, for the most part. If these little rendezvous continue I'll have no interest in anyone else. If they don't, I'll try not to flirt in front of my student. Maybe.
     After my promise, I settle her back on my mouth, shifting between licking her clit and fucking her with my tongue again. "Oh... okay... that's... that's good... fuck." My sweet girl is leaking, coating my tongue in her juices as I help her forward. "I... um... I don't know... how... you're going to fit."
     The confession strokes my ego along with making me pulse again. She's going to look adorable, folded up under me as I pound her pretty pussy. Said pretty pussy clenches as I dip my tongue into her again, her orgasm promised to come soon. I decide to be a jerk, sucking on her clit for the first time tonight. It's the final shove she needs to tip over the edge.
     My sweet girl's hands cling to my hair, pulling on it as her hips shift forward. "Fucking Christ, Jiraiya. Holy fuck," She curses, back arched with her chest pushed out.
     I enjoy the reward of working my princess's orgasm out of her. My nose teases her clit, probably not the best choice since she was already overstimulated earlier, but I want her to squirm as I slurp up her cum. I let the bittersweet taste of her leak into my mouth, working to clean up every part of her before shifting her off my face.
     My sweet girl settles on my chest, panting as her wet pussy continues to leak. Her mess coats my scar, making it sting like it did earlier. I swear the feeling of it might make me cum without ever paying attention to my dick.
     "That was quick, sweet thing," I tease, scanning over her. My princess's chest is pumping faster than it should be, her legs shaking against my side, and her eyes a mix of panic and arousal. I shouldn't have kept playing with her clit, I pushed her too far again. "Maybe I shouldn't have toyed with you so much," I mutter, more to myself than her. My hands settle on her thighs, softly rubbing them to try and help her calm down.
     "I'm... I'm sorry," she rushes out, panic creeping into the unneeded apology.
     "You don't need to be sorry, Princess. You did a good job," I reassure her, scooping her into my hold again. Maybe a nap will help calm her down, and give her a chance to settle her panic and nervous. I move her around, wrapping her up on my chest, and securing her legs around my waist.
     I probably shouldn't but I press myself against her, letting her pussy juices soak into my boxers. I need at least some relief if I'm going to survive my needy student. I knot her fingers along mine, a precaution for the hissy fit I'm sure she's going to through when it settles in her head that I don't plan on fucking her right now.
     My obedient girl rests against me for a second before her head pops up, desperation coating her face. "Sensei, you said you'd fuck me. I behaved, I was good, I passed every step," her words are a mess, her whines, and heavy breath jumbling up her words.
     The sweet thing's body is as desperate as her words, pussy grinding against my dick in an attempt to get the relief she thinks she needs. The movements fog my mind a bit, making it even more difficult to deny her.
     "I know, little one, and I will, but you need to calm down again. You're getting too overwhelmed," I say, in an attempt to calm her down. I follow the explanation with a string of kisses, easing out the need and panic from her skin.
     "You promised. You promised me. You said if I'm good you'd fill me up. You're not being fair," my student continues to whine, my attempt to calm her falling flat as her hips move faster.
     My eyes scan over her, a smile tugging on my lips despite the scene in front of me. It's hot seeing how horny and needy my pretty little student is for me, because of me. I shake her hands around, thinking of another way to chill her nerves. My eyes flicker down, settling on the spot where her pussy rubs against me. She needs a nap and I need relief. It would be pretty watching her sleep as I use her as a cock warmer.
     "I'll make you a deal, okay?" I start, eyes staying in place as my sweet girl continues to stimulate the both of us. "I will nestle myself into you, filling you up like I promised, but we're going to take a nap, okay?"
     "A nap?!" She yelps in disagreement, more panic filling her face. "Sensei-"
     "Yes, a nap," I cut her off. "You're overwhelmed again, sweet girl. If I fuck you now, you're not going to enjoy it," I try to explain, scanning her face for an actual reaction under the layers of lustful panic. "I'll fill you up, all nice and full while we nap. Then, when we wake up I'll fuck you, okay? I promise, Princess." That's a promise I fully intend to fulfill.
     "Fine." The answer is short and still disappointed, but it's all I can offer without the worry of breaking her anymore. Once the word is out, I physically move my sweet girl, just enough that I can slide my boxers off, joining her in the nude.
     My hands grip her hips again, hovering her over my cock. My tip is red and pulsing from lack of attention and anticipation. "Nice and easy, Sweetheart," I mutter, gently sliding her down my shaft. Her face shifts back to pleasure, a long moan tumbling out of parted lips and begging eyes as I sink into her.
     She feels good, wrapped around me tight as I enjoy the warmth of her pussy squeezing me. My student looks good, filled to the brim with my cock. She'd look even better with my cum leaking out of her.
     "Nap time, Sweet Thing," I push out, tugging her to lay on top of me before my thoughts can outweigh my senses.
     Her head settles on my shoulder, fingers gently digging into my scar and making it sting in the new way only she seems to be able to make it. "I don't see why you can't fuck me now," my sweet girl whines once more.
     "Patience, Little One," I coo, rubbing her back as sleep starts to soak into me.

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