I Hate You #3 (Kakuzu)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to LPilz]

Requested by: I Don't Remember; Me, probably

Word Count: 3,391

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- In my minimal research, I found that Kakuzu could have gotten roughly thirty-five million yen for Asuma's head so I'm rolling with that stat
- Name Calling: Whiney, Bitch, Harlot, Rapist, Dick, Asshole, Dumb, Ass, Cry Baby
- Hair Pulling
- Attempted Assault (Kakuzu Receiving)
- Man Handling/Pushing
- Degrading
- Misogyny

Kakuzu's grunting greets me before he does. The door of the hotel room swings open, presenting me a very pissed-off assassin. His eyes land on me, his expression softening for a moment before he's back to being pissy. "Hurry up, Sasori is throwing a hissy fit about you using his shower. The sooner you use it, the less bitching I have to hear."
"Alright," I whisper, carefully climbing off the bed. The race across the room and the body slam started setting in while he was gone, making my legs feel like jello, my back stinging more than yesterday, and everywhere else ache.
"Whiney bitch," he grumbles, taking quick strides toward me. His arms wrap under my armpits, picking me up and dangling me like a rag doll. He shifts me back and forth as he carries me down the hallway, continuing his rag doll routine. "I hate you, Harlot."
"Okay," I mutter, trying not to take his distance personally. Most of the time neither of us knows how I'm going to react.
     Hateful? Full of attempted runaways and un-landed fists. Loving? Refusing to leave his side and wanting nothing but his attention. Overly emotional? Buckets of tears, rapid mood swings, and lacking energy. Unemotional? Feeling detached from him, not wanting affection from him - more so, his failing attempts at affection, and only feeling angry when I do manage to feel my emotions.
     Sometimes it's one reaction, sometimes it's a mix. Regardless, it's high stakes poked on Kakuzu's end. For the most part, he takes it like a champ.
At the moment I think my mind has settled on being unemotional. Kakuzu toying with me and saying his 'I love you' in code doesn't make me feel much. If anything, the back-and-forth jerking is starting to form bubbles of anger.
My annoyance is noticed and Kakuzu ends his shaking of me. A scowl is back on his face, his frustration building off of mine. "This is going to be a long day," he grumbles, setting me on my feet in front of a door a couple of numbers down.
My anger bubbles when he leads down, hovering over me to knock on the door. "I hate you," he whispers, a hand coming up to cup my face. "You know that right?"
"Sure, whatever, Kakuzu," I murmur, jerking my head away from his cheek.
Anger flickers across his face again, further evident when his hand buries into my hair, snapping my head back into place. "Say it back you ungrateful, Harlot."
"Or what? You'll kill me?" I bite back, mimicking his glare.
Kakuzu's hand tightens as his eyes snap closed, long slow breaths coming out as he tries to calm himself. "You are hurt, I hurt you more, you're coping."
His slight calm snaps back to irritation when the door swings open, an equally pissy puppet standing behind me. "I can't believe you two," Sasori bitches, walking away to leave the two of us in the doorframe.
"I can't believe us either," I whisper under my breath, turning around to walk into the room. Kakuzu's hand shoots forward, gripping my bicep as I walk through the room. The old man mutters to himself, voice rougher than usual as he trudges after me. "Could you let me go?" I mutter, shaking his hold on me once we're both tucked away in the bathroom.
"Just because I'm being nice doesn't mean you should act like a bitch," he bites back, reluctantly letting me go.
"Maybe if you hadn't been so rough I wouldn't be so bitchy," I continue, letting the fight brew between us. My hands fall to my clothes, quickly tugging them off so I can get my shower and patch up done quicker.
"Maybe if you hadn't cried I wouldn't have been so rough," Kakuzu yells at me, repeatedly tapping his knuckles against the sink counter in an attempt to control his anger. "Just get in the shower."
"Just get in the shower," I mock, peeling off the rest of my clothes before stepping into the tub. I leave the curtain, knowing he'll just snap it open if I try to close it.
"Why are you such a bitch?"
"Why are you such a rapist?" I snap back, glaring at him before slowly turning my attention to turning the shower on.
Kakuzu sighs, trying to even out his breathing and his anger again as I turn the water and shower head on. Once he calms himself, he walks over to me. He settles outside the shower, detaching the shower head to coat me in the water. My shower is quiet aside from swapped disapproving grumbles.
His hands on me, softly shampooing my hair, precisely cleaning my body and lingering wounds, make my anger tick more. The feeling of his fingers on me makes my skin feel like it's burning off the bone. This... this is why Kakuzu and I only have sex once or twice a month.
His eyes bounce over me as Kakuzu does his final once over, making sure all the soap is off of me and that all my wounds have been thoroughly cleaned. The shower head is popped back into place and turned off before his big hand is wrapped around my face, squeezing my cheeks, and forcing my eyes to lock with his. "I hate you," he whispers, as if the bathroom walls will tell his secret.
"I hate you."
"I heard you the first time."
"I hate you."
"Dear Lord, what the hell do you want to hear? I hate you too. There, feel better about yourself?" I snap at him again, trying to tug his hand off my face.
His eyes close, followed by his calming breaths as well. "Harlot," Zu says slowly, opening his eyes to lock them with mine again. "I hate you."
"I hate you too," I repeat softer this time, but I still pair it with an eye roll. "You're still a dick."
"You're still a bitch so I guess it works out," he grumbles, releasing me long enough to find a towel to pat me down with. It doesn't take long for my open wounds to start bleeding again, staining the hotel towel with my blood.
Grumbles of 'I hate you' and whines about money being simpler fill the steamy room, at least until Kakuzu is convinced I'm dried off. "Do you think you can get out and on the corner by yourself?"
"I don't need you," I lie between my teeth, sending him a glare as I wobble my way out of the tub.
Soft whooshes of Zu's breath replace his mumbles, his arms picking me up by my armpits again long enough to place me on the counter. "You need me. I know it, you know it, your mind is just trying to protect you."
"Maybe I'm just sick of your shit," I yell, leaning forward to swing at him. Kakuzu catches my fist without an issue, barely paying me any mind as he bends down to look for the first aid kit under the sink.
As he preps my medical attention, I fill the time trying to kick him away from me and trying to land a punch; all failing. When he's done prepping, he lunges forward, gripping my hair again to snap my head backward. "Are you done with your little hissy fit?"
"Die in a hole, Kakuzu."
"So, no," he sighs, keeping my head in place as he tries to coat a cloth in disinfectant.
Thoughts of swinging on him again flicker through my head, not going further than thoughts because of my position. At least not until he starts patting at the bite marks on my neck. "I hate you, like actually hate you, asshole!" I yelp, my hands shooting forward to scratch at his face again.
"I don't have a better option to use as disinfectant and I'm not running to the store for you. You're going to have to deal with the shitty hotel option." His bitching doesn't stop there, though it does grow quieter.
Despite his grumbles of displeasure, Kakuzu doesn't do anything to stop my scratching as he patches up my neck; coating the bruises in Aloe and bandaging the bite marks. He doesn't even stop the beating I give him when he drops down to focus on the huge groups of bruises on my thighs.
"Harlot," he finally huffs, snatching both of my wrists in one of his hands. "I have been patient enough. Knock your hissy fit off. I am getting annoyed."
Kakuzu uses his hold to tug me off the counter, balancing his latch on me and squirming me into clothes.
"I'm going to leave you," I yap, trying to kick him.
"No, you're not. You're angry and hurt. You'll be over it by tomorrow."
"I'm being serious. When we go to town I'm going to run away. I'll turn you in, you and the whole of the akatsuki. Fuck you, fuck them, fuck everything," I yell, continuing my failing attempts to assault him, paired with me trying to tug my arms free.
He continues to ignore me, giving in and letting my wrists go. Zu doesn't say anything, continuing to try and wiggle me into a shirt as I continue to beat my anger into him. I know it's not hurting him but it still makes me feel good.
"Harlot," he hisses, snatching my wrists again. "The misery of my life," he continues, tugging my hands forward until my palms are pressed openly against his chest. "The bane of my existence, calm yourself before I lose what little patience I have," Zu grumbles, tilting his head down to push kisses against each one of my fingertips. "You will be fine once I'm done washing up. You just need some time alone with your mind."
"You're a major dick."
Kakuzu lets out a long sigh, dropping my hands and turning away from me to walk out. I stand in the bathroom, staring after him. "You dumb Harlot. Get your ass over here," he shouts, pointing to the spot next to him.
His yelling jumps me into gear, along with startling his squad mates. I race out of the bathroom, falling into line next to him. "Dumb whiney ass bitch," he moans, digging his fingers into my bicep again, dragging me out of the room and shooting the blonde a glare. "My patience is gone for the day, so listen, and listen well. You are going to sit in the closet in your pretty little bubble of oblivion while I wash. While you're there, you're going to get your mind together, am I understood?"
"Yes sir," I mutter, my anger quickly sizzling away.
"I can't hear you," he growls, tugging on my arm so I'm lifted closer to his face, slightly losing my footing.
"Yes sir," I answer louder, the sadness of my life slowly starting to trickle in to replace my anger.

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