Patience #4 (Jiraiya)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Mattz4]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,216

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Titty Fondling
- Nick Names: Sensei, Little One, Sweet Thing, Princess, Obedient Girl, Kitten
- Masturbating
- Power Difference (Teacher/Student)
- Nude/Sexual Modeling/Pictures
- Oral (Female Receiving)
- Hair Pulling
- Overstimulation
- Cock warming

     "Little One," my Sensei coos, hovering behind me, his hands sliding under my shirt to cup my breasts. Jiraiya's thumbs toy with the edge of my bra, slowly dipping under it. "Guess what?"
     "What?" I whisper, trying to keep my breath even. Sensei's thumbs brushing over my nipples doesn't help me any, and neither does the fact that we're in the hallway that the Hokage's office is situated in. The thought of someone appearing and seeing my Sensei groping me is both embarrassing and very possible.
     "Tsunade agreed to give me some time off so I can work on my concept sketches for my new book," he whispers in my ear, nibbling on my earlobe once he's done speaking. Jiraiya's fingers work in tone with his mouth, pinching and twisting my nipples as he nibbles on me.
     "Oh, that's good," I mutter, trying to push his arms off me as the sound of people talking picks up down the hallway.
Jiraiya does what I want, readjusting my bra before his hands fall to my hips. "Yes it is, Sweet Thing," he starts, playfully toying with my dress, tugging it up my thighs as he pushes me down the hallway. "And you, Princess, are going to help your Sensei."
"How am I going to do that?"
"Well, you're the muse for my book so why not be the muse for the artwork as well?"
     "Don't worry about it, Little One. Just know you're going to be my pretty little model."


"Sensei," I whine, clinging to his shoulders as he tries to shake me loose. "I can't!"
"Yes, you can," he says softly, unlatching my arms from his shoulders before he settles my feet on the bottom of the tub. "I've seen you naked before, I've seen you in the shower before, I've gotten you off in the shower before. How is this any different?"
"Because you're watching me get myself off," I whimper, trying to grab at his shoulders again.
Jiraiya catches my wrists, holding both in one hand as he works to turn the shower on. "I have before. I watched you use a shower head to get off and then watched you hump a pillow. The only difference is I'm going to sketch it this time."
"Sweetheart," he says softly, using my wrists to tug me forward, resting his nose against mine as his eyes bore into mine. "We have three options. One, I pay a model to act out your little sins so I can do my concept art. Two, you can be an Obedient Girl and act out the scenes again while I sketch. Or three, you act out the scenes and I take photos to refer to. The choice is yours."
I whimper as I rub my thighs together. I know Jiraiya wouldn't mess with his models but I don't want him looking at another woman, even if it is just work. I also know if he had photos like that of me, he wouldn't do anything bad with them but it makes me nervous. "Option two," I whisper, getting rewarded with a soft peak to my lips.
"There's my Obedient Girl. Now, you get all wet and soaped up while I go get my pencils and sketchbook," he orders, popping the shower switch so the water starts raining down on me.
I let out another whimper, tugging the shower curtain closed as I let the water soak into my hair. I follow my orders, using the soap in Jiraiya's shower to suds up my body.
It's not long before the curtain is snapped open, Jiraiya standing there with a huge smile and his art supplies. "Let's fix your position, Princess," he mutters, setting his stuff down before his hands start to wander over my body.
He leans me against the wall, one hand pressed to it as the other one holds the shower head toward my pussy. Sensei gently pushes my back downward, making it arch before he spreads my legs apart a little more. "See? Perfect, and so sexy, Little One."
With that, Jiraiya settled in the toilet lead, pad in his lap and pencil already starting to sketch out the scene in front of him. His eyes shift back and forth between my form and the paper.
"Jiraiya," I whine, my pussy already starting to tingle from the stimulation.
"Sweet Thing?" He mutters, his eyes snagging between my legs for a beat longer than usual.
     "How long is this going to take you?" I stumble out, trying to bite down my moans. My pussy has started clenching, craving with the need for my Sensei's dick.
     "I don't know, Sweetheart. The whole detailed sketch will probably take thirty to forty hours but right now I'm just doing a rough outline. That'll take an hour or two."
     "I can't... two hours?! I can't do that," I whine, my first orgasm already balancing on the edge. "Sensei," I moan, my cum spilling down my legs, mixing with the water sliding between my thighs.
     "Princess," Jiraiya mutters, shifting his position. He settles on his knees next to the tub, using the end of his pencil to poke my legs open wider. "I gave you options. We can do option three if you prefer," he continues to mumble, his focus on my pussy as he disregards his supplies, replacing his pencil with his hand.
     My leg is lifted, and my knee settled on his shoulder. The hand not keeping my leg in place wraps around the hand I'm using to hold the shower head, keeping it in place. "Jiraiya," I whine, using my free hand to cling to his shoulder.
     He hums in acknowledgment, his tongue lapping my mess from my thighs as he continues to stimulate my clit, quickly building up my second orgasm. "I don't... what if... my photos get out?" I mumble, leaning my head against the shower wall.
     Sensei shifts forward with me, his head moving to plunge his tongue into my hole a time or two before he answers. "I'd never let that happen, Sweetheart. Whatever needs to happen for you to feel safe, I'll make happen. You can keep them, you can be around when I need them for my sketches, we can get a lock box for them, you can have the only key to the box, whatever you want," he rambles, occasionally cutting himself off to continue tongue fucking me.
     "Oh... okay... ya... that... that seems okay," I mutter, digging my nails into him as my second orgasm spills over.
     Moans tumble out of me, my noises only encouraged when Jiraiya works alongside the shower stream to toy with my clit. "Sensei," I hiss, balling his hair in my hand, tugging his head away from my pussy. "I can't... I can't take anymore. Please?"
     "Whatever you want, Princess," Sensei says, smiling up at me, a mix of my mess and the shower water dripping off his face. "Do you think you can hold on long enough for me to take some pictures? Are you going to be okay with that?" He asks, his earlier words going shallow as he runs the water streams up and down me. "Can Sensei take pictures of your pretty cunt?"
     I repeatedly shake my head yes, a third orgasm building up, making my legs shake. "What an Obedient Girl. You're so good to me," he coos, peaking my lips as he climbs to his feet. "You keep this right here," Jiraiya mutters, rubbing the water up and down my pussy once again before keeping it in place.
     "Yes Sensei," I mutter, my head lolling back and forth against the wall as my orgasm inches forward. Jiraiya kisses me once more before leaving me alone in the room.
     By the time he gets back, my third orgasm has washed over me, causing tears to spill down my cheeks. "Sensei," I whine, another kiss and a click of the camera in his grasp following my complaint. He takes the Polaroid out when it's done printing, shaking it before he sets it on the bathroom sink.
"Just a couple of photos, Sweetheart," he coos, pressing me back into my previous position. Jiraiya takes a few steps back, snapping another photo. He repeats his actions, taking the Polaroid, shaking it, and starting a stack. "Alright against the wall again, Princess," he orders, pressing my head against the shower wall again so I'm standing up straight.
"Just like that. You're such a pretty model. Who's Sensei's pretty model?" Jiraiya continues to praise, snapping more pictures and shifting my position around. "You did so good," he mutters, setting his camera on the neat little stack he's made.
Sensei snatches the shower head from me, coating my shivering body with the warm water before turning the shower off and placing the head back in place. "Let's get you warmed up," he coddles, grabbing a towel and wrapping me in it. "And get my pretty model a warm drink and some kisses," Jiraiya continues to coo, littering my nose in kisses. "And maybe a nap."
"And then you'll fuck me?" I ask eagerly, clinging to his shoulders as I'm lifted out of the tub.
"Yes, Sweet Thing. Then I'm fucking you," Sensei chuckles, situating my legs around his waist before carrying me out of the bathroom.

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