Object #8 (Akatsuki Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv Id]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 4,727

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- It got worse? Or maybe better? Idfk
- Characters Include: Deidara, Hidan, Kisame
- Name Calling: Explosion, Firecracker, Angel, Sacrifice, Whore, Bitch, Idiot, Guppy, Baby
- Knife/Blood Play
- Human Carving
- Oral (male and female receiving)
- Improper use of blood
- Boob-Job/Titty Fondling (I think that's what it's called. Correct me if I'm wrong)
- Toxic Religious Practices
- Face-Fucking/Humping
- Improper use of a knife (yes, like that; I need serious help)
- Biting/Bite Marks
- Praising
- Pussy Shot

     "My little explosion!" Deidara yells, getting a grumble from Tobi who's stretched out in my lap, enjoying the tummy rubs I've been giving him. "Marco?" The bomber calls from the hallway, making me softly giggle.
There's silence and then the pattering of feet along the hallway. Tobi continues to grumble, turning over to wrap his arms around me. "You should just stay here, okie dokie?"
"You have to share," I hum, sliding my fingers over his shirt again, focused on drawing out the symbols of the alphabet. He whines, arms tightening around me like that'll stop Deidara from ripping me out of his grasp. "You're fine, Tobs. We can hang out after I'm done with Deidara."
     The boy whines again but does roll off of me, settling by my side on his bed. "He's so boring. I'm much more fun. Stay here."
     "In your dreams," Deidara says, pushing the bedroom door open. A smile breaks out on his face when his eyes land on me, his metaphorical tail wagging. "There you are."
     "Here I am."
     The youngest member works his way into the room, his arms sliding under mine to lift me off the bed. "And now you're not here," he says, carrying me out of the room. Once we're across the threshold, I'm placed on my feet again, Deidara's fingers laced through mine to lead me forward. "We're going to go have sex."
     "I figured," I mutter, teasingly rolling my eyes at him. "Though you do know - "
     "Just oral, I know," he cuts me off, glancing at me before tugging me down the hallway again. "Getting head is nice," he mumbles, pushing his door open before I'm pulled after him. "And giving you head is great too," Deidara adds, almost buzzing as he pulls me toward the bed. I chuckle at the eager boy, tugging my hand out of his hold. "You should give me head. Right now," he pushes, gripping at my hand again.
     "I can do that," I answer, letting him cling to my fingers. "Do you want to sit down?"
"Yes," He pushes out quickly, falling to the edge of the bed. I can't tell if he's bouncing from excitement or almost body-slamming down. "Open your mouth, Firecracker," Deidara buzzes, his hands shoved down his pants to pull his dick out.
     I giggle at the ball of energy, sinking to my knees and letting my mouth hang open. My elbows rest on his knees, looking up at him as I wait for my next order. "Oh! Hold on!" He chirps, picking my elbows off of him before he leaves me alone by the bed.
     My eyes trail after Deidara, watching him shift through his drawers, pulling out one of his clay knives before settling back in his spot. "Come here, Firecracker," he mutters, positioning my elbows on his knees again. "I'm going to carve my owl into you this time," he continues, most of his focus on slowly sliding my dick into my mouth.
     I hum in response, puffing out my cheeks so I can take him easier. "Make sure you focus, my beautiful muse. Just because I enjoy your blood doesn't mean I enjoy mine," he teases, his fingertip trailing over my upper arm.
     Again I hum, slowly bobbing my head and doing my best not to move my arm around. As I start sucking, the tip of Deidara's knife starts trailing over my arm, quickly dipping further into my skin. On reflex my teeth try to clench, making it that much harder not to nip the dick down my throat.
     I bob my head faster, swirling my tongue around Deidara's cock. The sooner I can get him to finish, the sooner I can slide him out of my throat and stop worrying about nicking him. I know it won't be long until he finishes, the baby of the crew lacking the self-control to last after being untouched for so long.
     His eyebrows press together, the scope on his eye shifting to focus on my newest carving better. Though, he's probably focusing on not finishing so quickly if the mutters and noises attempting to hide under his breath are a hint to the thoughts behind his eye.
It doesn't work. The inexperienced bomber explodes down my throat, a small whine tumbling from him when he does. "That's not fair," he whines, disregarding his current artwork for a second, his hands cupping my elbows as he complains.
I pull myself off him, sending a smile his way. "How isn't it fair? You are the one that finished, not me."
"I know," he grumbles, using his hold on me to tug me to my feet. "My turn," Deidara cheers, his attitude doing a one-eighty once I'm off my knees.
I roll my eyes at the eager boy, crawling on his bed before situating myself on my back. "Always so eager to please, aren't you?" I tease, my hands instantly toying with his hair as the arsonist slides between my legs.
"Of course. I have to make sure my muse is taken care of," he says, Deidara's tone surprising me that there's not a 'duh' at the end of his sentence. "Relax, Firecracker. All you have to do is look stunning."
Again, I roll my eyes at his eagerness, toying with the end of his ponytail. The boy wastes no time, burying his head under my skirt and greedily sucking on the skin of my inner thighs. The forced bruises to my skin take away some stinging pain from my arm, but not all of it.
     Deidara hums to himself as he works, the sound getting muffled when his tongue starts to dance through my folds. "You're always so taste, my Pretty Explosion," he mumbles, layering my clit with short quick flicks of his tongue.
     "Thank you," I mutter, twirling his hair in hopes it'll help me not pull on it. "You always do such a good job."
     The praise only boosts his eagerness more, his arms hooking under my legs, dragging me forward to help himself bury further into me. An arm squirms out from around my knees, clumsily finding its way between us. "Deidara," I husk out, the tongue on his hand sliding out to start poking at my hole.
     "Firecracker?" He murmurs, his face shifting out to look at me as he starts sucking in my clit. His tongue slides in, sliding against my walls in time with the tongue circling my clit sucked into his mouth. I change my mind, Deidara's unnatural number of tongues is why he's my favorite.
     He takes his time, slowly prodding at my hole, softly sucking my clit while sliding teasing circles again it. The little pleasure top goes nice and slow, as if to punish me for being away too long, not that I mind. "Dara?" I breathe out, my orgasm following suit and slowly building up.
     He hums again, eyes still wandering over me to drink in my reaction. "Am I doing good?" He asks before falling back into place, the small break helping to push my finish forward.
     "Ya, yes. You always do such a good job. You're doing so good baby," I coo, twirling his ponytail before letting it tumble back into place. My cute little blonde.
     My thighs smoother his thin face, his eye lightening up as he releases what's about to happen. "Fuck," I hiss, Deidara's pace picking up, the boy as ecstatic as ever to push me over the edge and lap up the mess. "Slow... slow down a - " I cut myself off, a moan spilling out as I gush onto his tongues.
     "Yes," he mutters under his breath, dragging out the word he tried - and failed - to hide from me. Deidara's tongues go back to lightly dancing over me, trying to be gentle as they clean up my spill. "Stop squirming," he giggles, using his free hand to pin my hips to my bed.
     "Stop licking at me and I won't be squirming," I huff, squeezing his cheeks between my thighs again.
     He laughs again, his tongues leaving me as he pulls away. The material of my skirt is gently pulled back into place as Deidara decorates my knees in kisses. "Firecracker?" I let out a hum, eyes half-lidded as I watch him toy with his knife. "Now that you've finished, can I get head again?"
     I let out an airy chuckle as I sit up straight, cupping his cheeks to gently shake his head back and forth. "I just gave you head. How are you already hard again?"
     "It's your fault," he whines, crawling onto the bed next to me. "You make the prettiest sounds and the most beautiful face when you're enjoying my tongues," Deidara praises, his hands tugging at my legs, the teeth and tongues on his hands working at marking more of my skin. "Please?" He continues to whine, situating me between his knees, my arm back in place on his thigh so he can finish his carving.
      "I suppose I can do that for you," I mumble in a fake annoyed tone, my tongue already sliding over the tip of his penis.
     "Good," he breathes out, patting around the bed for his knife. A moment or two later, the sharp edge of the knife is badly digging into my skin, counting to carefully carve Deidara's owl sculpture into me.
     Just like last time, my main focus is on not accidentally snapping my jaw shut from the pain spilling from my upper arm. Despite his yearning to be sucked off again, I can tell he's not going to last as long this time; not that he lasted very long last time.
     "Slow down," he mumbles, his curving getting slower and eye blinking a mile a minute. Instead of being nice, I mimicked Deidara and pick up the pace. "Hey," he whimpers, dropping the knife back on the bed before his fingertips toy with the edges of the cut. "I said slow down."
"That's no fun," I shoot back before dropping back down his dick, the tip poking the back of my throat before sliding down nicely.
Another pitched whimper spills from him, marking the start of his orgasm seconds before he spills down my throat again. Deidara leans forward, his mouth cupping my new cuts and his tongue sliding over the valleys of it, slurping up my blood to hide away his noises. New pains spark from his curious tongue, a mix of the pain and having his dick so far down my throat prickling the corners of my eyes with tears.
When Deidara pulls away, fingertips wrapping up my hair to pull me off of him, a big toothy grin is on his face. His lips are stained with my blood, a stain that he transfers to my face when he litters me in kisses. "You should blow me again."
"Dead Lord, Dara," I chuckle, moving to situate myself on his lap, making sure the material of my skirt is between us. The last thing I need is to accidentally tease the hormonal boy under me and make his hormones spark even more. "Your dick is a little limb at the moment. How about we cuddle for a few minutes? It'll give both of us a nice break."
"Or I could eat you out again," he chirps, flipping us over. I lay out on the bed, letting him crush me under his weight. At this rate, I don't think I'll be able to go back to hanging out with Tobi. "Ready my perfect exploration?" Deidara asks, already tucking his head under my skirt.
Next time Pain takes me on an extended break, maybe I should bring Deidara with me cause Dead Lord does this boy have a sex drive. "Sure baby," I hum, situating my knees over his shoulders, preparing to be overstimulated for the rest of the time I'm with him.

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