Tiggie #3 (Itachi Uchiha)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to denggu_5]

Requested by: Anonymous

Word Count: 3,595

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Fugaku being a shitty dad
- Word 'Harlot' is used

     The beeping of the machines hooked up to Itachi mixes with the sound of the oxygen tank helping to pump air into his lungs. His sharingans are on as he looks at me, probably not the best idea with recent events and the state of his health but there's no use telling him to turn them off.
     It's the first time I've been able to see him since everything happened. Since he reanimated Lord Fourth, since his friend died for the jutsu to work, since the village went into an uproar and demanded Danzo was taken care of, since Lord Third has been barraging with the Uchiha clan and the village for a peaceful resolve. Since my brother lost his mind and threatened to tear Itachi into shreds for 'bringing me along for the ride'.
     Genma went a tad bit insane when he found out Itachi had been sniffing around. He went even more insane when I spilled everything to him. Of course, in his overprotective way, he didn't see any of it as my fault and blamed it all on Itachi. Since my little confession, he's been more overbarring than usual. Having his friends or underlings watching over me, trying to convince Lord Third - who has a hell of a lot more important things to worry about - to 'retire' me from the Anbus. Hell, even now some of his scouts are standing behind the hospital room door to eavesdrop and monitor my time with Itachi.
     "Do you know there's two - "
     "I know," I mutter, cutting his question off. "Genma is a little..."
     "Terrified of you being around me?" Itachi asks, finally turning off his eyes and laying his head back down on his pillows.
     "Yes." Silence falls between us, Itachi watching the ceiling as I watch his chest fall and jump back up again. "Rumor in the village is that your dad is going to take over as the fifth Hokage," I mention softly, feeling out to see how true the rumor might be. "The village is calling for Lord Third to step down or be overthrown."
     Itachi turns his head, the exhaustion evident on his face as he looks at me. "It's not a rumor. My father will be Lord Fifth."
     "Is that a good thing?"
     He hums, slowly nodding his head in agreement. "If the inauguration goes through the tension between the clan and the council should go down and hopefully end once everything settles."
     "And what about you?" I ask, shifting in my spot to get more comfortable.
     Itachi's eyes crawl over me, working slowly up to my face. "Lord Third and my father agree that there is a good chance I could take over after him. As for now, he wants me to stay in the anbus and be his sort of 'right hand' I suppose."
     "What do you want to do?"
     "Kiss you," he answers instantly, his eyes going wide once he realizes what he said. "I'm sorry, that wasn't very appropriate of me and not going to help our situation with your brother."
Itachi keeps rambling on with his apology as I lean forward, hovering my head in front of his. "Shut up, Tach," I mutter before pressing my lips against his.
He's cherry red when I pull away, sharingans back on as he looks up at me. "I... ah... thank you."
"Of course, it's the least I can do for our village's hero in the shadows," I mutter, brushing my lips against his once more before climbing to my feet. "I should get going before Genma gets back from his mission. I'll see you later."
"See you later," he echoes, eyes still trailing after me as I leave the room.


The locker room is buzzing with talk as I approach it, all the talk cutting off when I open the door. It's the first day I've been back since everything, it's also the mark of the first full week of Fugaku being Hokage, and not everyone is taking the change nicely. Not everyone is taking what Itachi did - and my connection to him - nicely either.
     Eyes are glued to me as I head toward my locker, even Squirrel tenses when I settle into my spot. "Welcome back, Tiggie," Captain's voice rings out, followed by his footsteps approaching me.
     "Doggie," I great back, turning to face him. "I'm glad to be back."
He lets out a hum, handing me a thin file. "The Hokage wishes to see you before you start your duty for the day."
"Oh," I mutter, taking a peak into my file. There's nothing in it but a sticky note with scratchy handwriting, the words 'stay beside Itachi; order by' written on it paired with Fugaku's signature. That's either really good or really bad; we'll see which one soon.
I quickly change, waving goodbye to the Captain before snapping on my mask and slipping out the door. My nerves shift as I make the short walk to the Hokage's office, every possible reason for this meeting running through my mind.
When I settle in front of the door, I give myself a few moments to fix my thoughts before knocking. Instantly, the door swings open, an exhausted Itachi standing in the doorway. His eyes light up when he notices me, a soft smile on his face. "Hello, Tiggie. What are you doing here?"
"I asked her to stop by," His father says, standing up from his desk.
"Lord Fifth," I mutter, bowing to the new ruler of our village.
"Go wait outside, Itachi. You can have your Tiggie in a moment," Fugaku orders, throwing his hand toward the door. Reluctantly, Itachi does as ordered, slowly leaving the room so I'm alone with his father. "Please. Sit." He orders, shifting his hand to the chair in front of his desk before sitting down in his chair.
I slide into the chair he motioned toward, sitting on the edge of it as I look at the new lord. "What can I help you with, My Lord?" I ask, running my fingertips over the underside of his desk, letting the material help soothe my nerves.
"Uchiha's don't marry outside of the clan," he says point blank, hands crossed on his chest and eyes pointed toward me.
"Oh...?" I mumble, shifting in my seat. Does Lord Fifth know about my relationship with Itachi? If he does, isn't it a little too soon to be talking about marriage? Aren't Itachi and me too young to be worried about marriage?
"Or at least that's how it was," he mutters, letting his eyes settle closed as he relaxes in his chair. That's good. "How it'll stay." That's not good. "But I'm deciding to make an exception." That's... good? "For you." That's really good. "On one condition." That's... not good? What the hell is up with Fugaku and his delayed speech? Just tell me everything at once.
"Oh?" I repeat, bouncing my knee as I wait for the slow speaker to finish his little speech.
"My son, as most people, is not useful if he is not at least semi-happy. Your brother is..." The Lord lets out a long sigh, gently rubbing his temples before setting his sights on me again. "Annoying, at best, and does not wish for you to continue as an Anbu. If you stop being an Anbu, my son will be distracted because of his... fondness for you. My son and you can... do as you please, as long as you keep his focus on work."
"How am I supposed to do that?" I mutter, letting my eyes jump around his office.
"Whatever you did to help him reanimate the Fourth Lord. Keep him happy and productive. In return, you will get a pay raise, which will hopefully keep your brother silent, and whatever comes of my son and you will be."
"Will be what?" I ask, slowly blinking at Fugaku.
"Fling, sexual, romantic, marriage, wherever it lands, it will stay despite the clan's disapproval. As long as Itachi stays productive and useful to me, and in turn the clan and the village."
What the hell is this conversation? 'Date my son so he'll be more useful to me'? 'If my son is useful and he falls in love, you can have him, just make sure he gets his work done'? What kind of father is Fugaku? A shit one, that's for sure.
"What if I can't? Or, or Itachi lose his 'fondness' of me? Then what?" You'll kill me? The question hangs in my head, daring to tumble past my lips.
"You will be disbanded from the Anbus, be knocked down to an everyday Shinobi. Then I shall find another harlot or something else to encourage Itachi's work ethic."
Harlot? Harlot?! Does the Lord think I'm sleeping with his son? Let alone think I'm sleeping with his son for some kind of payout? What kind of payout could I possibly get from Itachi? The village feeling unfavorited about me because of me aiding in reanimating Lord Fourth?
"Oh," I repeat for the third time, blinking like crazy as I try to process Fugaku's words; more so threat. Not even in office for a month and he's already abusing his power. Though, at least it's for his son, I guess.
"You are dismissed," he grumbles, trying to wave me out of his office. "As your duty order said, from now on your orders are to accompany Itachi with whatever tasks or duties he is doing for me. I have already informed your Captain that you are no longer under his service and will be under Itachi's from now on."
"Okay," I mutter, standing up before I walk out of his office. My head is so turned around it feels like I'm floating as I exit the room. Once the door closes behind me, I'm able to shake the cloudiness out of my head.
"Don't take it to heart," Itachi mumbles, his arms wrapping around me as he rests his head on my shoulder. "I will not fall out of... my feelings for you," he mutters, tightening his hold around my waist. "My father is a jerk and feels like he needs to hang something over my head. He's all bark, no harm will come to you."
I hope you're right.

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