Parasite #1 (Shino Aburame)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to Doomcaster]

Requested by: Myself

Word Count: 3,971

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Shino throwing (empty) insults every other breath

"Shino!" I call, slamming his bedroom door open as I storm into his room. "I was talking to your dad and - "
"Get out."
"He was telling me all about the butterfly field thing coming up soon!" I continue, ignoring Shino's request.
"They're not fields, they're trees," Shino corrects looking at me unamused from his desk. Today is a good mood day for the simple reason that Shino isn't wearing his sunglasses, giving me the rare sight of his eyes. They're almond-shaped, like a cat, and slit like one as well as he glares at me.
"Fields, trees, same thing, Kitty Cat," I tease, slipping out of my house slippers before settling on his bed. Chief Aburame bought them for me and started keeping them by the door during our school days. Since then, the Chief has replaced them as needed; his mediocre way of showing he cares and likes me around the house. The same mediocre care Shino inherited.
"Don't call me that," he says, a hint of irritation in his voice.
     "Just so you know, the answer is yes."
     "The answer to what?" He asks, turning away from me to go back to the lord knows what.
     "To you asking me to go to the butterfly thing. Your dad - "
     "Be respectful."
     "Chief Aburame said the clan camps out to watch it and do your weird insect things."
     "Exactly. The clan camps out. Not the clan and my personal jewel beetle," Shino grumbles, glancing at me over his shoulder before focusing on his work again.
     "Jokes on you," I start, climbing out of his bed before settling behind him. I rest my arms around his shoulders, chin on his head, and body weight fully pressed against him. "I've seen a picture of a jewel beetle and they're very colorful so I'm taking that as a compliment."
Shino mumbles under his breath, shaking his head in disagreement with himself. "You're not coming with me," he says, shaking his shoulders to try and get me off of him.
I do as he wants, pulling away before I settle on sitting on his desk, covering some of his papers. "Well, your dad - "
"Be respectful," he groans again, sighing in disapproval.
"Chief Aburame," I mutter, rolling my eyes at the moody boy. "Already said I could go if you want me to - "
"I don't want you there."
" - so I'm going," I finish, smiling at the bug boy.
"You are a parasite," Shino says slowly, tugging one of his papers out from under my legs.
"Well, you're more kikaichu than man so I don't see how one more parasite could hurt," I tease, leaning forward to check out what Shino is working on.
He sighs again, lips pursed as he looks at me. "What is it that you want?"
"I want to spend time with you," I mutter, picking up the scroll unrolled on his desk. Most of it doesn't make any sense to me but I get the jest of it; bla bla bla, butterflies, bla bla bla, medical aids.
"I am busy," he mutters, loosening my fingers from the paper before taking it from me. "I don't have time to spend with you."
"Well if you're busy, I can just chill here," I answer, leaning closer to read over the scroll alongside him. "What do your papers say?"
"Can you not read?"
"I can read!" I huff, crossing my arms and glaring at the bug boy. "I'm not a big bad shinobi like you. I'm also not an Aburame like you so I don't understand your bug shinobi science stuff."
Shino sighs again, face scrunching and fingers clenching his nose. "If you're not going to leave, can't you nap like usual?"
"I could," I answer, a smug smile on my face. "But I'm more hungry than tired."
He glares at me, huffing again. "If we get food, will you leave?"
Another groan, this time paired with his hands sliding up to rub his eyes. "What is it that you want?" He asks for the second time today, turning back to his work.
"I want," I start, jumping off the desk and shaking my head around in victory. "To go to a sit-down dinner, eat, and then a minimum of forty-minute nap together."
"Take out and dine together, then you leave."
"Sit down restaurant and thirty-minute nap," I counter, a wide smile on my face as I look at Mr. Hard To Get.
"Take out together, five-minute lay down, and then you leave."
"Take out together, twenty-minute nap, and then I nap alone so you can work."
Shino falls silent, looking at me blankly. "Fine."
"Yes!" I cheer, pumping my hands in the air at my victory. Shino knows that's what I originally wanted, just as much as I do. It's the same chess game every time I come over, and every time I get what I want from the annoyed bug master. Regardless, he never changes his counters and always gives in.
"You're obnoxious," he mutters, following after me as I scramble through his house.
"Mr Dad!" I call, Chief Aburame's head popping up from his work.
"Be respectful," Shino mutters again, sliding on his shoes and sunglasses.
"We're going to get takeout. Do you want anything?"
     "I'd appreciate it. Grab me whatever Shino gets," the Chief answers, sending me one of his rare smiles before turning back to his work.
"You need to be more respectful," Shino lectures, tugging at my ankle. My balance shifts, causing me to grip his shoulders to not fall. "You take too long to get ready," he continues to grumble, sliding my shoes on before dragging me out the door.

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