Birthright #9 (Uchiha Men Smut)

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[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Hikamory'chi & TempestDH]

Requested by: The Devil

Word Count: 4,431

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Brother/Sister Incest
- Father/Daughter Incest
- Name Calling: Baby Girl, Onii-Chan, Princess, Whore, Daddy
- Mentions of Virginity Loss
- Creampie
- Rape
- Spanking/Choking
- Emotional Manipulation
- Child Abuse/Bleeding
- Fingering
- Sex Toys: Belt, Vibrator
- Two more parts :)

- Eight

The sheets under me cling to my skin, soaking up the sweat coating every part of me. My head is buried deep into the bedding, shoulders pressed against the mattress too, and my on-show pussy clenching around nothing.
"Beautiful, Baby Girl," Onii-Chan coos, his hands rubbing against my ass that's arched into the air. "I think Leapfrog is definitely going to be in the top five."
"What?" I mutter, my words muffled even more because of the blankets.
"The position you're in," he starts to gently explain. "Your hips up," his hands squeeze my hips before sliding up my sides. "Your head and shoulders on the bed," he continues, his hands softly massaging my shoulders. "It's called Leapfrog."
After the loss of my virginity, Itachi insisted on another round even though we were on a time crunch. Hence, the position, my unhappily empty pussy, and the slow draining of his cum into my womb. It's a weird but erotic feeling, my brother's sperm dripping into the deepest parts of me.
His thumb ghosts over my pussy, teasing my aching hole as his eyes eat away at me, adding a burning hit to my sensitive spots. "I'm going to go shower real quick, you stay just like this while I'm away, okay, Baby Girl? By the time I'm out every ounce of me should be drained into your greedy womb."
"Stop calling me that," I whine, trying to smother my face deeper into the blankets. "I'm your Princess."
     "Yes, you are, and you always will be, but I already told you we need to get used to calling each other different things. It'll make life easier after the wedding."
     "What am I supposed to call you?" I ask, some of the chip of my tone gone because of the soft massaging Itachi is gifting to my lower back.
     "Anything you want, Baby Girl." My mouth clicks open, excited to extort the loop I see in his wording. "Except Onii-Chan." Just as soon as I see the loop, Itachi snags his wording, knotting the possibility of getting what I want.
     "I'm going to call you my little man because your dick is small," I snap, shaking my hips to try and knock his touch away from me.
     "Hey!" I yelp, this time jerking away because of the smack to my ass. "That was rude."
     "You're rude. Knock off the attitude," he snaps back, rubbing the sore spot in my butt. "Think of something else."
     "Dumb Lover Boy," I grumble, pulling a soft chuckle from Itachi.
     "That'll work, Baby Girl. I'll be right back, you just relax," he murmurs, dotting the smacked spot with a kiss.
     "Yes, Sir."
     His thumb swipes over the same spot, raking a new wave of aches through me before he steps away. His exit is signaled by my door swinging open and then clicking closed behind him.
     My body relaxes with his exit, more of my weight pressed into my shoulders. I do just as I was told, staying put as sleep slowly starts to overtake my senses.
     Just as my eyes droop closed, my door clicks back open. "You're back already?" I mutter, shifting my head so my cheek is pressed against the mattress. Is Itachi already done showering? How long has he been gone? Not long enough to shower, I don't think.
     A rough hand buries into my hair, picking my head up for a beat before shoving it back into the bed. "Oh, fuck," I whine, my cunt aching as he shoves his fingertips back into my pussy. "I can't take anymore. Please?" I whimper, squirming underneath him. The movement only makes me ache more.
     "Why the hell is your pussy stuffed full of cum?" Every drop of arousal drains out of me, quickly replaced with the icy voice of my Father. I try to sit up, stopped by his hand still buried in my hair. "Princess," the nickname feels like a pile of bricks between my shoulder blades, weighing me down. "Who took your virginity?"
     "I don't know," I whisper, squirming under his intense hold and the feeling of his eyes burning into my pussy.
     Daddy's dark chuckle wraps around me, squeezing my throat and stopping my airflow. "Fine, cover for your brothers. See if I care," he grumbles, his words barely covering the sound of clothes rustling.
     "Please don't!" I yelp, jerking away when the tip of his dick taps against my cunt. "I'm already sore. It's going to hurt so much, Daddy. Please?" He ignores me, shoving his length into me. Another yelp echoes in my room, forced out by the pain blooming from my pussy. "Stop. Please stop. Daddy, please? I can't." The word 'stop' shoots out after every one of his thrusts, slowly growing louder with more pain that builds up.
     By the time Daddy is moving full force ahead, slamming into me hard enough to inch me up the bed, my pleas and begs for stopping are just a heap of pain-soaked sobs. All I can focus on is the aches and the slight break every time he tugs his penis out of me.
     "I didn't know you were such a whore," Daddy barks, tugging on my hair so my neck arches, my head and upper body being lifted off the bed enough that I can look back at him. Sweat droplets drip down his face, forehead and lips scrunched in disgust, and his sharingans glowing in anger. "Look at you, crying your eyes out as I rape you. I'm sure you weren't crying when you let one of your brothers slip into your pussy. Do you not like Daddy raping you?"
     I quickly shake my head, no, my hands shooting back to dig my nails into his wrist. Daddy's hips jerk from my answer, the position making it easier for his tip to dig deeper into me, fresh waves of pain rattling through my body. "Maybe you should have thought about that before acting like a whore. Every time you let one of your brothers have sex with you, Daddy is going to rape you and beat your ass until you can't sit anymore."
     "Please don't," I wail, trying to tug his hand out of my hair. "I'm sorry, Daddy. Really! I won't let it happen again, I promise. Please just stop. Please stop raping me!"
     I must be in the grace of one God or another because I get what I want. Daddy curses under his breath, another rough shove of his dick into me before his movements stop. The newly found feeling of being filled with sperm shoots through my groin, tainting the stash Itachi left in me.
     "Fucking whore," Daddy growls, dropping his hold on me and tugging himself out of my pussy when he's done. My body crashes to the bed, legs shaking from the pain and chest pumping from the fear inked into my skin.
     His touch isn't gone for long, his thick fingers wrapping around my throat and gently squeezing. "Met me in the living room, just like this, in ten minutes or I swear I'll parade you around the council and show them how much of a used-up whore their future Chieftess is, am I understood?"
     "Yes, Daddy," I whisper, my eyes crunched closed as I try to will away the pain. The familiar sound of my door squeaking open and then clicking closed fills my room, a new sob filling the space left empty after my door closes.
     I allow myself to cry for a few moments, my focus shifting to trying to shove down my sobs. I didn't answer Daddy's question and I know all too well he always gets his answer. A new layer of fear coats my lungs as I turn over in bed and sit upright. I have no clue how he's going to get his answer, but I do know I won't like it.
     Slowly, I rest my weight on my feet and push myself off the bed. My legs wobble the whole way out, pain digging its sharp nails into my nerves as I inch out of my room and down the hallway into the living room. By the time I'm in the center of the room, Daddy's eyes bearing into me, fresh tears are sliding down my cheeks.
     His anger weavers, his scowl falling into a frown as he looks me over. "Come here, Princess," he murmurs, wiggling his fingers to beckon me forward. I make my way toward him, my steps as slow as a snail as I move.
     Daddy's arms wrap around me when I get close enough for him to snatch me. The strong safety of his arms around my waist counters the fear he left coating my skin, leaving me even more confused and forcing more tears from my eyes. "Shh, shh, shh," he softly hushes me, a thumb rubbing away my tears as his other hand balls up his robe. He softly pats my thighs causing the material to quickly get soaked and turn a darker color.
     My eyes stick to the soaked cloth, trying to figure out why the color is changing so deeply. "Daddy's sorry, he didn't mean to be so rough," he coos in my ear, tone soft and touch gentle. My sight rolls over my thigh, new fear blooming in my chest at the sight of blood gushing down my legs. I didn't bleed when Itachi fucked me, but he wasn't as rough as our Father. "I didn't want to make you bleed."
     "It's okay," I mutter, knowing it's what he wants to hear. A scream for Itachi sticks in my throat, wanting his comfort more than anything right now but that'll just make everything worse.
     "I'm still sorry, Princess. When I'm done dealing with your brothers we'll take a hot bath, okay? Then we can cuddle in bed and I'll get you an ice pack. Daddy loves you so much. I would never do anything to hurt you."
     Why is every time Itachi and Daddy want something - most times forgiveness - they remind me they love me? Why do they always insist they'll never hurt me even as they are or after they did? They confuse me so much.
     Daddy turns me in his lap so I'm sat sideways, his nose digging in my hair so he can slide his lips against my neck. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, wiggling in his lap to try and get more comfortable. After some trying I give it up, settling on the fact that I won't feel comfortable any time soon, if ever again.
     My eyes scan the room as my Father tries to make himself feel better about what he's done. He dragged two kitchen chairs into the living room, leaving them to rest across from where we sit on the couch. His belt sits on the coffee table, the warn-out brown leather one he uses on my brothers when they misbehave. The one I'm sure he used on Sasuke this morning.
     The pink vibrator he uses when he wants nothing more than to slurp me all night long sits next to it, making me squirm in more fear. It's not unusual for Daddy to leave me sobbing and squirming in overstimulated pain. He and Mom alike swear it's him just 'keeping control of his temper' and badgering me about 'not wanting Daddy to take his anger out on anyone else'.
"Be a Good Girl while Daddy punishes your brothers and I'll give you a reward," my Father mutters, his arms scooping me up again. This time, he lays me across the coffee table, ass in the air, and his hand buried in my hair to force my head upward.
My neck aches from being arched, my scalp yelling in pain from my roots being tugged on, the edge of the table digging into my stomach, and my pussy quivering in pain from the chill in the house alone. "What kind of reward?" I ask, trying to loosen his hold on my hair.
Daddy's hand does move around, pony-tailing my locks but still keeping a firm grasp on it. "Whatever you want, Princess. It'll be an open-ended reward. Anything you want, whatever time you want."
"Really," he echoes, coating gentle kisses down my spine. As soon as the moment starts, it ends, Daddy's only touch being his hand fisting my hair. "Itachi, Sasuke, come here!" Fear icicles down my back, replacing the soft love he wrapped around my spine.
My Father toys with my hair, flopping it back and forth as we wait for the boys. Sasuke appears first, poking his head around his doorframe. All the coloring melts from his face as he looks at us, his eyes large as he slowly slides into the room. "Father, how can I help?"
"Did you fuck Princess?"
"No," he rushes out, heat coating his face and almost shouting against the paleness of his cheeks.
"Sit down."
Sasuke does as ordered, sliding into one of the chairs. He tries his hardest to keep his eyes locked on our Father but does fail on occasion, flicking his sight down at me.
Itachi strolls into the room soon after, dressed in his clothes from earlier and his hair bone dry, not giving away his time in the shower. He tries to give off a calm vibe like he always carries, but the mask falls when his eyes trail over me. "What are you doing to my Baby Girl?" He hisses, fire flaring in his sight as he drags it up toward our Father. His anger doubles when he notices my blood soaked into Daddy's shirt. "What. The. Hell. Did. You. Do?" He carefully asks, his tone snapping more and more with every word.
"Sit down," Daddy sighs, his focus still on toying with my hair.
"I asked you - "
"Sit down," he repeats, eyes glaring back at Itachi with the same level of heat. "I came home to my poor Princess split open with her pussy stuffed full of cum. I'm curious to know which one of you took poor advantage of your sister."
"It wasn't me," Itachi answers evenly, trying to tie down his temper.
"Well, I sure didn't!" Sasuke snaps, jumping up from his spot. "I'm not getting another beating. I didn't fuck Princess. I'm not taking the blame for this."
"Both of you!" Daddy yells, yanking in my hair so I'm arched upward more, the edge of the table digging into my stomach deeper. "Sit. Down. Please." It takes a second but the heat between my brothers dies down and they both slide into their seats. Their eyes lock on me, Itachi's stoned and Sasuke's swirling with concern. "Since neither one of you wants to confuse, I'm going to beat Princess's ass until one of you cave."
     "Don't you dare."
     The boys answer at the same time, mixing with the arousal and fear in my groin. I knew it was coming, Daddy told me in my bedroom he was going to spank me until I couldn't even sit anymore. "Glad we're on the same page," he mutters, leaning over me to grab his belt.
     Daddy keeps me arched, making sure the boys can see my face. His hand rubs against my butt cheek, his fingertips and the worn leather massaging the flesh.
     "Onii-Chan!" The scream for Itachi rips from my lungs before I can stop it. I've been spanked before, plenty of times by Daddy and brother alike, but the pain has never itched into my skin like this.
     "Dad," Sasuke calls, his voice wobbling as his eyes flicker between our Father and me. Itachi doesn't flinch, the small squint of his eyes being the only change to his face.
     Daddy waits a moment, willing his sons to confess to their sins. When they don't, he turns back to his actions.
     Smack, smack
     A wet sob bubbles in my lungs, mixing with the sound of leather against my skin. Sasuke itches forward, sight fully locked on me. Itachi's eyes stay trailed on Daddy.
     Smack, smack, smack
     My hands shoot forward, trying to reach out for Itachi. My eyes have started to blur from my tears. "Make it stop! Onii-Chan! Please!"
     "Itachi," Sasuke hisses, flicking his eyes to the side. "Just confess already. Itachi did it," he points at our older brother, his face hard in a glare as he tips his head up toward our Father. "I'm telling you he did it, isn't that enough of a confession?"
     Smack, smack, smack. Smack, smack, smack
     "Please!" I wail because my ass feels like it's on fire from the constant assault on it. "Daddy, it hurts. It was Itachi! I promise it was Itachi! Stop!"
     The spankings stop for a moment, his hand back rubbing at the sores forming on my ass. It doesn't help, if anything it makes my skin sting more. "Is that true Itachi? Did you fuck Princess? Were you the one reckless enough to finish in your sister?"
     "No," Itachi answers without hesitation, his eyes not falling away from his stare off with Daddy. A sob of betrayal rakes through the room, quickly replaced with sobs of pain again.
     Smack, smack, smack
     My sobs are slowly morphing into screams of pain, screams for Itachi despite his betrayal. "Onii-Chan it hurts! Make it stop! Please? You're supposed to make it stop. You're supposed to keep me safe!"
     "Come on, Princess. You should know by now your Onii-Chan is a sad excuse of a man. He won't ever take care of you," Daddy utters, the words meant to hurt Itachi but managing to stab at my heart on their way.
     Smack, smack. Smack, smack. Smack -
     As I'm bracing for the next spanking, the belt falls short, resting against my butt instead of crashing down against my skin. "Shit," Daddy whispers under his breath, the belt and my hair slipping from his hands.
     My body hunches over the table, the pain from my lower regions so intense that it snacks up the bottom of my spine. The belt trickles to the floor, the metal of it clicking when it crashes against the wood. Warm liquid drips down my skin, quickly wiped away by Daddy.
     "I'm sorry, Princess. I didn't mean to, Daddy got carried away," he coos, his big and warm hands rubbing up and down my cheeks, attempting to massage the pain out of them as he spreads the sticky liquid around.
     Unshed tears wet Sasuke's eyes as he stares at me. Itachi's eyes have finally fallen, locked on our Dad's hands as angry fire flickers in his irises. "Look at what you two did. You want to save your asses so bad that you're willing to let your sister bleed for your sins." Oh, that must be the warm liquid leaking across my skin.
     Slowly, Daddy pulls me off the table, letting the two of us fall onto the couch. A shriek of pain crawls up my raw throat, the pain of sitting on my wounds being the moving force. He softly hushes me, tugging me closer until my back is pressed against his chest. "I know it hurts, Princess, but it won't be over until Itachi confesses."
     "I didn't do it."
     "Sure you didn't," Daddy mutters, his sympathy fake as he answers Onii-Chan. My shaky legs are moved, aching even more as they're hooked over his thighs, spreading me open so all three men can see my still-soaked pussy. The mess of my cum, Itachi's cum, and Daddy's cum is still coated over my pussy and caked on the inside of my thighs, keeping me slick.
     Daddy jerks forward, snatching the vibrator off the table before situating it against my clit. "Please?" I try begging, wrapping my fingers around his wrists. "I can't. I hurt, so much."
     "I know, Princess," he coos, switching the toy on and instantly turning it on to its top speed. Daddy's arms cage me in place as I try to squirm away from the vibrations. "The sooner your Onii-Chan tells the truth, the sooner I can stop it, but he's the only one who can save you right now."
     My head snaps toward Itachi, my whimpers on repeat as I try to use my eyes to will him to tell the truth. Daddy's nose slides against my neck, huffing in my scent as his fingers toy with my pussy, making my aching hole scream in disagreement again. "Itachi is so mean to you," he mutters against my neck, his lips replacing his nose against my skin. "Isn't he? Tell your Onii-Chan how much pain you're in because of him," he orders, shoving his fingers into me.
     "It hurts, Itachi. It hurts to sit on Daddy's lap. It stings having my clit rubbed against. I'm going to bleed again because of Daddy's fingers. I don't want my pussy bleeding again. It bled so much after Daddy played with me. Make it stop. Ple - "
     "Outside," Itachi cuts me off, shooting up from his chair.
     "That's not how this works," Daddy chuckles, picking up the thrust of his fingertips.
     "It is now. You made Princess bleed. I didn't make her bleed when I fucked her. There, happy? I confessed. I had sex with Princess. I took her virginity."
     Daddy's movements stall for a moment, his wicked smile pressed against my throat. "Let's go outside," he mutters, tugging his touch away before shoving me off his lap. I slump onto the floor, the wood sliding against my body roughly. "Be a good girl and enjoy your stimulation while we're gone," he orders, dooming me to remain in pain as they talk.
     A slap of Daddy's hand lands on my ass before he walks away, him and Itachi slipping out the door to stew in their fight outside.
     Once the door slams closed, the only sound in the house is the soft buzz of the vibrator, the soft sobs of pain spilling from me, and the mix of rough breathing from Sasuke and me. "Please?" I whine, managing to shift enough to look up at him.
     His lips are parted as he pants, eyes swirling with arousal and anger as he looks down at me. "I can't. Dad is already mad at me." His eyes scratch over my skin, his hand falling to his pants and giving it a soft squeeze.
     The chill from the action mixes with the heat of pain. I can't take anymore. I've already taken Itachi twice, had Daddy buried to the halt, have constant unwanted stimulation to my clit, and had Daddy's fingers toying with me. I can't, but Sasuke doesn't seem to care.
     He stands up from his seat, hands already shoving his pants and boxers down enough for his dick to spring out. His tip is red and already leaking, angry from being the only penis in the house that hasn't been inside me yet today. "I'm sorry, Princess, really." Sasuke whispers, falling to his knees behind me. A hand wraps around his dick, ready to aim it as his other hand grips my hips, dragging me across the floor.
     "Don't. Please? You can't. Daddy is going to be so mad, he's going to rape me again. Sasuke, don't!"
     He keeps apologizing as he lines himself up, his tip toying with the edges of my pussy. "Dad won't find out, he's too busy fighting with Itachi. Even if he does find out, why can't you get raped just once more? It's not fair that you're willing to get raped and beaten for Itachi and not me. Why don't you love me as much as you love Itachi?"
     "I do love you, but please, I can't - "
     "You can and you will," he whispers, shoving himself into me. Why did Sasuke have to get Mom's looks and Daddy's attitude?
     Once he's in me, his hand on my hip hangs on tighter and his other hand wraps around my mouth, muffling the sounds of pain and disagreement slipping past my lips.
     "I'm sorry. Really. I'm sorry, Princess. I can't help it. It's just not fair. Why do Dad and Itachi get to enjoy your barely used pussy and I'm stuck using Mom's warn out cunt? I want your pussy squeezing me. Not mom's, not Sakura's, yours. I want you all to myself but I can't have that because Itachi is so much more important than me," Sasuke rambles, his hips jerky and rough as he thrusts into me. He doesn't have the rhythm Dad does or the self-control Itachi does.
     My fight quickly dies, my body slacking against the floor as I take the continued sex. There's no point trying to stop it when I can't. Sasuke isn't going to stop and I'm stuck with the painful vibrations against my clit until the toy dies or until Daddy decides I've had enough.
     "Damn it," Sasuke hisses, his thrusts somehow getting less patterned. "I won't finish, not yet. Who knows the next time Dad and Itachi will both leave you unattended? I can't finish yet, I can't." Despite his words, his body doesn't obey. He leans more of his weight against me, his tip gaining another half inch because of it. "Fuck. Fuck you. Fuck Dad. Fuck Itachi," he grumbles, his hands balled up as they press against the floorboards.
     More sperm is shot into me, slushing around my groin and adding pressure to it. I've been filled too much, have too much cum filling my womb. I wouldn't be surprised if my stomach balloons because of how full the men in my life have made me feel today.
     Sasuke's breath coats over my shoulder, chilling some of the sweat drenching my skin. "I'm sorry. Really, Princess, I mean it." He nuzzles his nose between my shoulders, his hands sliding down to rub my stomach. One slides further down, pulling the vibrator away from my clit. "See? I'm willing to get in trouble for you. Itachi isn't, you know why? Because he's not sorry. Princess - "
     "It's okay," I babble, barely able to form the two words. I want that hot bath and the ice pack Daddy promised. I hurt so much and I'm too groggy to focus on anything except the pain. "It's alright, I forgive you."
     "Okay," he whispers against my shoulder, brushing a kiss across it. Sasuke leans more of his weight against me, crushing me between the floor and his body. "I'm really sorry."
     "It's fine, Sasuke. I'm not mad."

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