Our #3 (Shikamaru Nara Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to RikaMello]

Requested by: lainydethmqn

Word Count: 3,494

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Hickies/Burn Marks
- Nick Names/Name Calling: Spoiled/Brat, Pretty Girl, Good Girl, Sir
- Hair pulling/Choking
- Praising
- Bedroom Toys: Collar, Restraints, Vibrator
- Soft Domination
- Spanking
- Temperature Play
- Breeding Kink (for the last five seconds)

     Almost desperate open-mouth kisses are pressed into my chest as Shikamaru messes with the door. He stumbles a bit when he gets it open, causing his teeth to graze me. "That was a drag," he mutters, kicking the door closed behind us as his mouth sucks on the burn marks littering my collarbone.
     Small whimpers and moans spill from me as Shika walks around, his dick still present in me shifting with his movements. Again, my back is pressed to wood as he struggles to open our bedroom door. "Spoiled brat," he mutters,  managing to not stumble this time.
     "I know," I whimper into his skin, brushing kisses against his neck. "But that's all your fault."
     Shika hums in agreement, dropping me on our bed, leaving me unhappily empty. I bounce from the contact, looking up to see his usual bored expression. "You're a lot of work," he says, hand sliding up my thigh to shove up my dress. "Pretty girl," he praises before walking away from me. "Take your cloak off. Leave your dress on."
     I sit up, tugging my cloak off as ordered. As I do so, Shikamaru's request from earlier circles my head. The strategy prodigy had our quickie planned all day, didn't he? Probably.
     I roll my eyes at the thought, getting my hair balled up in Shika's fingers again. "Pretty girls don't roll their eyes at me," he whispers in my ear, tugging my head backward.
     Tap, tap, tap.
     Gentle smacks to my hips follow the sentence. Shika's ring softly digs into my skin as it makes contact with me.
     "Pretty boys would have fucked me against the tree on their first smoke break," I answer back, being met with a spark of interest in his eyes.
     "How smart," he coos, a smirk present as he kisses along my jaw. The hand on my hip massages my skin, toying with the sensitive spot he keeps tapping.
     A kiss jumps up, being placed against my lips before I'm released. My eyes trail after my boyfr - fiancé, watching as he drags his desk chair across the room, leaving it to sit in front of the body mirror.
     I continue to watch as he tugs open the top drawer of our dresser, my curiosity sparked. Shikamaru is a lazy man, which means he's not above using aids in the bedroom to get me off or to get me to behave if it means less work for him.
     "Come here," he calls, glancing over his shoulder at me. I ignore the request, tilting my head and continuing to watch him cursorily. "Why can't you be a good girl?" Shika grumbles, leaving the drawer to walk back towards me.
     "If I behaved all the time you'd get bored," I tease, sticking my tongue out.
     Shikamaru catches it between his fingers, looking down at me with his usual boredom. His eyes light up a bit as he tugs my tongue out more and uses his free hand to shift my head up further. "You look so pretty like this," he praises, the fingers that were holding my tongue now being shoved down my throat. "And now you're even prettier."
     The prodigy knows what he's doing, he knows my shallow headstrong act will crack if he keeps praising me. "If you don't behave, I can't make you feel good. I want to make you feel good, so be my pretty girl, okay?" Just like that, my defiance is drained.
     I know this game just as well as he does. Shika will act gentle, litter me in praises, coo at me like I'm the softest thing in the world, and then, when he gets me where he wants, it'll be back to fake disappointment, fake boredom, and calls of being spoiled. I swear Shikamaru sees the whole world as a big game of shogi. And somehow he wins every time.
     "Are you going to be my pretty girl?" He asks, tugging his fingers out of my mouth, using it to clench my cheeks and forcefully shake my head yes.
     "Yes sir," I mutter, eyes scanning down Shika's body. I want his clothes off, I want to feel his skin against mine, and I want to see his bare waist. I'm a sucker when it comes to Shikamaru's waist, the way it dips, the years of trained muscles, the pretty white of his skin tone. I'm pretty sure I'd die from joy if I ever manage to talk him into wearing a corset.
     "You're drooling," he mocks, using his grip on my face to force my eyes upward. "Be a pretty girl and go sit in front of the mirror," the order is encouraged by a deep kiss on my lips and a tease of his tongue sliding past my lips. "Be my pretty girl."
     Shivers run down my spine. I both adore and can't stand when Shika calls me his pretty girl. It always makes my pussy pulse and always manages to crack me, leading me right into his hand. "I'm your pretty girl," I murmur, eyes falling to his clothed waist again.
     "You're my pretty girl," he echos, pecking my lips before leaving me for the dresser again.
     I scurry off the bed once I'm released, quickly settling in front of the mirror on my knees. My head tilts back, watching Shika pull stuff out of the drawer, tossing them on his chair.
     My legs rub together as I look over the items; the dark green ribbons he uses to tie my limbs, my vibrator, and Shika's favorite collar. He wasn't kidding when he promised to spend the night making me feel good.
     My eyes catch on Shikamaru when he moves, shifting the toys to the floor before he sits in the chair. "Come here, pretty girl," he mutters, leaning forward to wrap his hand around my throat, using the hold to tug my head backward. My back arches from the force, my head resting in his lap as his fingertips massage my neck.
     As aspected, he's stretched out, half lying in the chair. Shika's head is rested against his fist, free arm propped on the arm of the chair as he looks down at me, as unamused as always. His eyes rack down me, snagging on my chest before jumping down further.
     "I change my mind." The sentence makes my stomach drop, the promise of my orgasm washing away with the words. My disappointment must be evident on my face because Shika's face shifts, a smug smile crossing his face. "You should wear more skirts instead of dresses. You'd look prettier in a skirt. No shirt and one of your pretty bras on."
     A sigh of relief leaves me, the promise of my pleasure back in place, even if it comes with Shikamaru's cockiness. "Yes sir," I mutter, already piecing together my outfit for tomorrow.
     Shika lets go of me, but I stay in place, determined to behave so he has no reason to back-step on his promise. His eyes stay locked on me, daring me to move as he bends down. When Shikamaru is sat straight again, my makeshift collar is hanging by his fingertips.
It's a slip-chain necklace, black enough to match Shika's hair, with bright gold hearts on the ends. I stay still, staring contest in per suit as it's slipped around my neck. "I said I'd behave."
"Ya? I don't believe you," the prodigy says, the loose heart resting around his middle finger. The metal is pressed into my neck as Shika's fingers slide up the back of my head, knotting themselves into the roots of my hair. "You don't have the best track record for behaving."
The chain clicks as his hand slides up my head, scooping up more of my hair and tightening the metal around my throat. "Let's play our game again," Shikamaru whispers, bending down so his lips are pressed to my ear.
"You promised you wouldn't smoke in the house."
     "I won't," he answers, the sexiness of his tone dropping with the two words. "We'll play it a little differently this time," he continues to whisper, tone back to being cool and deep. "Sit on my lap, pretty girl."
     "Yes sir." I stay still for a second, soaking in the position before I climb to my feet. I do my best to crawl into his lap, still facing the mirror with my head tilted back from Shika's hold.
     I'm unbalanced as I straddle his lap, but the imbalance doesn't last long. His free hand drops to my hips, helping me position myself on his lap. "Look how pretty you are," Shikamaru says, shifting my head up so I can see myself in the mirror. "The prettiest chieftess the Nara clan has ever had," he continues, hand going gentle, massaging the roots of my hair.
     His eyes lock on mine in the mirror, going soft as he looks me over. "You're so good for me," he whispers, hand dropping down to cling to my hip. My necklace jingles as Shika lets go of it, his head following the jingles, and resting on my shoulder. "Are you ready for our game?" He asks against my skin, brushing kisses to my shoulder.
     "Yes sir," I answer, shifting in his lap to ease my knees.
     I watch in the mirror as Shikamaru shifts down again, this time dragging up the ribbons when he sits up. Kisses are littered over my limbs as his hands stay busy tying the emerald-colored strands around me. My ankles are knotted in place against my thighs, keeping my knees bent. Kisses are pressed into my wrists as Shika ties them together behind my back.
     "My pretty girl," he repeats for the hundredth time, tugging on the ribbon wrapped around my hands. "Are you going to sit still for me?"
     Tap. Tap.
     "Yes, what?"
     "Yes sir."
     "This one is a little more fair," he teases, tugging on my chain again. Loud clicks fill the room as he tightens the metal, forcing it into my skin as it cuts off my airway. "Instead of my cigarette, I'll use my lighter. If you pass I'll give you a nice reward."
     "And if I don't?" I squeeze out, fingers clinging to the chain, trying to tug it loose.
     "Well see," he says coolly, a smug smile back on his face as he looks at me in the mirror. The chain loosens, still snug but loose enough that I can filter air in more easily.
     Shika shifts down again, tugging me with him by my collar. When he resurfaces, my vibrator is in his hold. I shift my knees apart, spreading myself open. Shikamaru chuckles at me, yanking me backward so my head is rested on his shoulder. "What a pretty girl I have. So eager to play with me," he whispers in my ear, setting the toy on his thigh before digging through his pocket in search of his lighter.
     His lips are replaced by the lighter, the familiar snap of it turning on filling my ears. I jerk away, the chain around my neck snagging my movements as it clings to me.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
     "We just started and you already lost," Shika grumbles, rolling his eyes at me. I watch as he mumbles to himself, the word "spoiled" slipping out a few times. The lighter flicks on again, the flame enveloping a small part of Shikamaru's wrist.
     Once the test is done, his hands snake down, tugging the skirt of my dress up. The material pools on my stomach, exposing the mess between my thighs. "How pretty," he coos, fingers rubbing the dried mix of his cum and my wetness further into my legs. "Look at how pretty you are," Shikamaru orders, hand buried in my hair to drive my sight down the mirror.
     His free hand, still clinging to his lighter, shifts down between my thighs. Another snap, and soft licks of the flame run across my skin. My chest pumps as I hiss out a breath, trying not to shift away from the fire.
     Shikamaru watches me amused, shifting the flame along my thigh so my skin doesn't burn, simply leaving it sensitive and pink. "See? It's not that hard to behave," he teases, fingers releasing the spiral, snuffing out the flame.
     The hand in my hair falls, digging into my sensitive skin, once again making it hard not to squirm. Despite the harshness, my knees are pulled further apart, spreading me even wider before the vibrator is pressed to my clit. Shikamaru's head dips down, the skin of my neck being sucked on as the vibrator is clicked on.
     "Shik!" I whine, hips shifting forward in need of more stimulation.
Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
     The swats are hard, making my already sore hip sting even more. "Stay still," he hisses, tugging my chain to shift the focus of his mouth to the other side of my throat. "You are testing my patience." The soft warning is chased by slowly increased vibrations to my clit.
     At least until it's turned off completely, making me whine. "You promised," I whimper, shifting my head to look at Shikamaru.
     "I said," he hisses again, snapping my chain as tight as he can, cutting off my breathing again. "Stop moving." The chain shifts again, being let go completely so I can check my breath.
     "Why can't you just be my pretty girl? Why are you making this so difficult?" Shika's words come out coated in fake comfort as he turns my head, shifting my focus back to the mirror. "Look. You're so pretty. Why can't you be good?"
     "I'm sorry, sir," I whimper, pouting again as I look at him in the glass.
     "No, you're not. You're a spoiled brat. You think you can have whatever you want whether you behave or not."
     "You promised," I whine again, glaring at his reflection.
     "And you promised to behave," he shoots back, snapping the lighter back on. He runs it over my other thigh this time, letting the flame dance over me longer than last time. Shika's eyes are intense as he stares at our reflection, scanning for even a micro-movement.
     The lighter is snuffed again, a 'thank you' already forming in my throat as I wait for my compliment. My compliment that doesn't come. Even though I'm not praised, I am rewarded. My vibrator is buried between my folds again, this time on high from the get-go. "Shikamaru," I moan, jaw clenching as I focus on staying still.
Tap, tap.
     "Try again, pretty girl."
     "Sir. Sir, please," I whimper, teeth sinking into my tongue once the words are out.
     "One more round, then I'll fuck you. I promise."
     Relief floods my chest. One more round. One more and I get to be filled and pleasured for the rest of the night. One more round.
     The vibrator is turned off again and rested on Shikamaru's pant leg. My juices trickle off the toy, slowly soaking his clothing. His hand and the lighter fall between my legs again, but doesn't shift to either side. It rests right under me, the familiar snap of the flame filling my senses before the fire licks at my pussy.
    "Shikamaru!" I yelp, jerking myself up, kneeling the best I can instead of sitting on his lap like I was ordered.
     "You just can't fucking behave tonight, can you?" He husks out, snuffing the flame before I'm shoved back down in his lap. I don't stay there long though, Shika shifts me, laying me across his lap, ass in the air and head facing the ground.
     The vibrator and lighter tumble to the ground, forgotten alongside Shikamaru's patient.
Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
     Repeated smacks land on my ass, a hand shifting into my hair and forcing my face towards the mirror so I can watch my punishment unfold.
     "That wasn't fair. You weren't being fair!" I cry out, squirming in his lap, trying to escape the swats.
     "And you weren't being a good girl. I asked you to do two things: be a pretty girl and don't move. Why can't you listen?" The words come out harsh, stinging more than the repeating spankings.
Tap, tap, tap.
     "You can't even behave long enough to use the correct name. You're a spoiled fucking brat. Maybe I should spend the next week using your pussy instead of pleasing it. Maybe that'll make you behave."
     "I'm sorry," I whimper, making sure to catch Shikamaru's sight when tears start to spill over.
     I watch him fight with himself in the mirror. Tears break him in the same way being called his pretty girl breaks me. "Spoiled brat," he sighs, face softening as his hand slides down. Two of Shika's fingers sink into my pussy, slowly thrusting in and out.
     "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, sir," I rush out, more tears spilling down my cheeks. His fingers curl as a hissed breath escapes him. I can feel his boner growing, poking into my stomach as his eyes trace the sight of my tears. "Sir, please? Please let me cum. I'm sorry I won't be your pretty girl. I'm sorry."
     That's the final crack it takes to snap my soft dom, the promise of whatever I wish for being fulfilled following the break. "You are my pretty girl. Always," Shikamaru mutters, his fingers picking up the pace as he bends down, hand searching for my disregarded vibrator. "Say it," he orders, shifting me around again so I'm sitting in his lap.
     The vibrator is pressed against my clit again, full speed ahead as Shika continues fingering my pussy. "I'm your pretty girl." The words shuffle out, filling the space between my moans and my whimpers.
     "Always," he repeats, soft kisses littering my skin anywhere he can reach.
     "Always." The word comes out shaky, my eyes focused on Shikamaru's fingers disappearing into me. "Shika," I hiss, my pussy clenching around his fingers as I come undone.
     "There's my pretty girl," he coos, tongue sliding out to run up my neck. Shikamaru catches on my throat again, sucking more hickies into my skin. His fingers are slower now, helping me ease my orgasm out. "Say it again."
     "I'm your pretty girl," I say, desperation lacing my words as I repeat the phrase a few more times.
     "Yes, you are," Shikamaru continues to coddle, fingers tugging out of me before gripping my hips. "Be good, okay? Be good and watch yourself take my cock, okay?"
     "Yes sir," I slush out, eyes fluttering as I'm shifted back down in Shika's dick. I obey my order, watching as he grabs a hold of my chain again, wrapping it around his hand so it's tight around my neck.
     The tangled metal and his fingers cling to the back of my neck, keeping my sight set on his dick buried in my pussy. "Look how pretty you are when you behave," he hums out, freehand clinging to my leg, using it to help his hips bounce me in his length. "You are so pretty when you're good."
     "I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, sir," the words tumble out of me faster than I can process them. My pussy aches with sensitivity as Shika fucks me fresh off my orgasm.
     Everything feels so sensitive. My pussy, the skin of my thighs, my neck from the mix of my chain, and the fact it's more bruised than natural skin tone. Tears spill out again before I can stop them, the overstimulation getting to me.
     "Don't cry, pretty girl. You're too perfect for that." Despite the softness, the pulse of Shika's dick counteracts the words. I know he gets off to my tears, I know they turn him on.
     My head is tilted backward, my cheeks being met with his tongue lapping up my tears. "Fuck," he groans against my cheek, his thrusts quickly becoming sloppy. "You're so pretty when you cry," he whispers, shoving himself into me as deep as he can, my head being snapped forward so I can watch Shikamaru fill my pussy again.
     The warmth of his cum makes me clench, only encouraging him to attempt to shove himself deeper. "Keep milking me, pretty girl," he hisses out, fingers tightening on my neck. I do my best, making myself pulse around him.
     "Fuck," he groans again, hand falling off my neck to grip my other hip. Shikamaru looks good, chest pumping for oxygen, head leaned back in exhaustion as he clings to my body. "You know..." he mumbles, fingers kneading at my sore - and probably bruised - sides, "At this rate we're going to give our clan an heir before the wedding."
     "Shikamaru? Do you have a breeding kink?"
     "Kind of..." Shika's head flips up, eyes landing on mine in the mirror again. "You're going to look so pretty pregnant with our child. My pretty, pregnant wife."

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