Sweet Girl #1 (Shikaku Nara Smut)

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[Art work is not mine! Credit to Sadakiyo]

Requested by: My hormones

Word Count: 4,324

Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
- Cheating
- Name Calling: Sweet Girl, Commander, Cock Sleeve, Leftovers, Fuck Boy
- A like 20 year ago gap (boyfriend's dad)
- Voyeur (watching others having s*x)
- Unknowingly being watched during s*x
- Emotional manipulation (technically, but meh)
- Titty/Nipple Playing
- Degrading
- Praising
- Fingering/Oral (Female receiving)
- Overstimulation
- Pleasure Kink (cause I fully believe Nara mean live to serve their lovers)
- Choking
- Manhandling
- Creampie
- Begging
- Part two? ;)

     "Shika!" I call, tugging the key to his and his father's apartment out of the lock. After the loss of Shika's mother during the war, they downsized to a two-bedroom apartment and gave me a key so I could come and go as I pleased.
     "Shika!" I call again, hanging my purse on the rack next to the door. "I'm home early!" I continue, straightening my sundress. It's Shikamaru's favorite, a loose-fitted muddy green dress, with the skirt coming down to my mid-thigh. "My mission ended early," I start explaining, walking through the combined living and kitchen area, beelining toward the bedrooms.
     Shikamaru's door is closed, which sticks in my mind a bit. The only time I've ever seen his door closed is when he's... well... taking advantage of the easy excess my sundresses give him. "Shika?" I call softly, knocking on the door as I turn the handle.
     As I push the door open, his radio blaring music is the first thing that filters out. The second thing that filters out is the mix of Shika's routine praises and the moans of someone who isn't him and sure as hell isn't me.
     My heart drops when the door finishes swinging open. Shika stands facing his headboard, deep bruises decorating his back and neck, his hair loose and flopping in turn with his thrusts. The girl in front of him is arched in doggy style, the top of her blonde hair poking out over his shoulder. What the hell? Who the hell?
     My breath picks up as my heart shatters to pieces, the shards of it feeling like they're stabbing into my chest. My breath hicks as I watch the scene in front of me, tears threatening to spill out. "Wh... what are..." my voice is stuck in my throat, refusing to spill out unlike the water leaking from my eyes. The sound of the girl calling for my boyfriend, asking him to go faster, and him praising her only makes my tears storm out faster.
     "Hello, Sweet Girl," a voice echoes in my ear, sending fear and more sadness down my spine. The nickname gives way to who it is. It's Shikaku, my boyfriend's dad, my future father-in-law... who was going to be my father-in-law.
     Shikaku has always had the habit of calling me 'sweet girl', the name being a sort of praise every time I do something for the household; Cleaning the dishes, making them dinner, helping them pack for their missions. Every helpful task has been followed by a "What a sweet girl the clan has gained," or a "Lord, Shika, how'd you manage to catch such a sweet girl".
     "Commander Nara," I whimper, voice still soft and broken because my eyes refuse to pull away from Shikamaru's infidelity.
     "Shh, it's okay. I'm sorry, Sweet Girl," he hums in my ear, his hands sliding around my body, wrapping me up in his embrace. "I am so sorry. I raised my son better than this."
     "It's not your fault," I sob, my tears finally blurring my sight enough that I can no longer make out the scene in front of me.
     "I know, but still. I tried raising Shikamaru with a sense of respect, a sense of honor, a sense of loyalty. I'm so sorry that he didn't turn out that way," Shikaku whispers in my ear, the sound of his son's name pulling another sob from my lungs. "Hush, hush, hush," he coos, rubbing circles into my stomach, his fingertips clinging to the material of my dress.
     The feeling of his fingers toying with me makes me tingle, both in good and bad ways. Shikamaru's father shouldn't be sparking these feelings, shouldn't be making me tingle in the areas he is. But... on the other hand... Shika shouldn't be fucking someone that's not me, and he is. Right in front of my eyes... so if Shikaku and me...
     No! How could I even think about that? He's Shikamaru's dad! I've known the man my whole life. How could I think of Shikaku in that way? How could I miss read him comforting me in such a way?
     "Let me apologize on Shikamaru's behalf," he husks in my ear, his hands sliding up to cup my breasts.
Okay, maybe I'm not as perverted as I thought I was. "C... Commander?" I ask, my breath already picking up.
"Sweet Girl?" He purrs, his tongue softly coating the shell of my ear. Shikaku's hands grip my chest as he slowly makes them in circles. His fingers are rough, tempting bruises to form on my boobs. "Please let me apologize. It's the least I can do for raising such a disloyal brat."
"Commander?" I race out, using the name to push down my moan.
"Damn it, Sweet Girl," he groans, using his hold on my tits to push me against his growing bulge. "Keep saying my title like that. Keep calling me in that breathy tone. You're going to drive me crazy. Drive me crazy, Sweet Girl."
"Commander?" I call again, trying to keep my tone as even as possible. "We really... we shouldn't... You shouldn't... Shikaku?"
"I shouldn't what? Fuck my son's girlfriend? Why shouldn't I?" He taunts, his hands releasing my chest to crawl down my body. His fingers slide over my knees, gripping the hem of my dress before he tugs it up. His hands and the end of my dress rest against the band of my panties, making me tingle even more.
"Look at him," Shikaku orders, using his chin to shift my sights back towards his son still thrusting into the blonde bitch on his bed. "Do you think he gives a shit about you right now? Do you think he's thinking of you as he fucks that blonde girl? No, he doesn't. You're the last thing on his mind."
"Commander," I whimper, fresh tears starting to flow down my cheeks.
"Hey, hey, hey," he hums, pressing kisses behind my ear as his fingers toy with the waistband of my underwear. "I'm sorry, my Sweet Girl. That was mean of me. All I'm saying is that I'm here, I'm thinking of you. Let me enjoy you, Sweet Girl."
"You... you're just... you're just going to use this as... as a less for Shikamaru," I whimper, the sounds a mix of his fingers toying with me and my sadness.
"No, I won't. This is all about you. Let me apologize to you," he hums, hands tightening around my hips to tug me down the hallway. Shikaku's lips brush against my neck in time to his fingertips teasing me, poking under my band, and sliding across new skin before pulling back up.
     "Commander," I moan out, the feeling of him everywhere setting my nerves on fire. He lets a hum out, hands falling down my panties, poking at my hole. "C... C... Comman... Commander," I stumble out, snapping my knees together.
     Shikaku lets out a chuckle, his fingertip ringing around my entrance as his free hand messes with his bedroom door. "Sweet Girl? When's the last time you were fucked? Hmm? When was the last time Shikamaru paid your pussy any attention?"
"I... um... I don't..." The answer sticks in my throat, my mind going fuzzy with lust because of the finger toying with the edges of my hole and Shikaku gently guiding me toward his bed. "La... last month... I... I think."
"Aww, you poor thing. A whole month without any release? My poor, Sweet Girl," he coos as my knees bump into his mattress. His fingertip dips into me, no further than the first knuckle as he gently stretches me out. "Lay down. Spread yourself nice and wide for me."
"Yes, Commander," I mutter, my words coming out hazy. I do as I'm told, curling up on all fours on top of the bed before I crawl up his bedsheets.
Shikaku's hands slide down my hips, tapping my ass before letting me go. "What a Sweet Girl. How did the Naras get so lucky?" He praises, the feeling of his eyes bouncing over me as I move.
My pussy aches the soft touching and coos getting to me. Slowly I roll over, my head propped on the chief's pillows as I let my legs fall open. "No, no, no. Wider, Sweet Girl," he orders, his calloused hands clinging to my knees and spreading them apart. "Look at that," Shikaku says, his voice soft as he shoves the skirt of my dress up. "Lacey panties. I bet your bra matches, huh? What a wasteful son I raised."
His head dips down, pressing kisses into my inner thighs. The whole time his eyes stay locked on me, intense and slit as he reads my reactions. "H... h... hey," I moan out, the word broken up in my throat as it bubbles out. "What are... Commander?"
"Sweet Girl?" He whispers against my core, his tongue slithering out to run across the material already starting to get soaked by my arousal. Shikaku lets out a hum of approval, eyes rolling back as he enjoys sucking on the mess I've made in my underwear. "You really are a Sweet Girl, huh? You taste so sweet. How could Shikamaru waste something so tasty out?"
His fingertips slide under the middle of my panties, slowly pulling them down my legs. "God damn," he groans, eyes locked on my pussy as he moves my legs apart again. "Is there anything about you that isn't sweet?"
Shikaku's head ducks between my head again, nuzzling against my thigh for a second. "What the hell are you doing?" I yelp, the feeling of something wet and warm pressed against me.
His head tips up, eyebrows scrunched together as he looks at me in confusion. "I'm... going to eat you out, Sweet Girl. Have you not... Has Shikamaru never gone down on you?"
"Um... no..." I whisper, embarrassment crawling across my face as I look around his room.
"What the hell," he mutters, wrapping his arms under my knees before tugging me closer to his face. "I can't apologize enough, Sweet Girl. I've always told Shika that a woman's pleasure is more important than ours. I knew he was lazy, I didn't think he was that lazy," Shikaku murmurs the last part, dipping his head between my thighs again.
His tongue slides through my folds again, pulling a long moan from my lungs. A sharp whisper cuts through when Shikaku's tongue slithers across my clit. "There it is," he murmurs to himself, full focus on my nerve bundle. The Commander laps at me, tongue flat and slow as he runs over the same spot over and over again.
"Hey," I whine again, hands shooting down to cling to the ends of his ponytail. His eyes bounce up again, locked on my face, taking in my face I'm sure is a mess. "Shikaku," I call, tugging in his hair as my thighs clamp around his face, squishing his cheeks.
He pulls back for a second, spilling a chilled breath over my slick as he catches his breath. The air sends shivers up my spine, making me squeeze his face harder. "Come on, Sweet Girl. I want you to finish for me. Again and again and again," he mutters, tongue slamming into my hole.
"Fuck!" I yelp, back arching as I tug on his hair again. "Commander," I groan, the feeling of his tongue sliding in and out of me pushing my orgasm forward. The man chuckles at me, tongue jumping up to my clit again.
Shikaku's fingers skirt over my thigh, quickly walking their way back up to my hole. Soon his fingertips are ghosting over my rim again, gently tugging on it to continue stretching me out. Two fingers dip into me, slowly sliding against my walls before they're as far in as they can go.
An almost purring moan, tumbled around my throat, my closed mouth not letting the sound out. "Don't do that, Sweet Girl. I want to hear those noises. They let me know I'm doing a good job. Let me know I'm doing a good job."
With the soft order, my mouth falls open, all my noises spilling out as Shikaku's tongue and fingers work in time with each other. "Shikaku," I hiss, my fingers starting to hurt from pulling his ponytail so hard. "Shikaku!" I repeat louder this time, the feeling of my cum gushing out and costing my thighs in my juices.
Soft chuckles fall from the man, fingers slowing down but still thrusting in and out of me. His tongue falls away from my clit too, busying myself slurping up my mess from my folds, and my thighs. "I'm so sorry again, Sweet Girl. You deserve this treatment all the time. You're so pretty glistening like this, you taste so sweet. I could just eat you all day."
"Than... thank you... but, Commander... I..."
"Oh, I know, Sweet Girl. You're all worked up and sensitive, but your legs look so cute shaking because of me," he coos, nibbling at my thighs before his tongue slides over my clit again.
"Commander," I whine, my voice pitched high. "You're... I'm... Shikaku!"
"Sweet Girl?" He calls back, fingers picking up their speed again.
"Ah, ah, ah," the chipped moans chirp out, the sound on repeat as my next orgasm builds up quicker than the first.
Shikaku looks amazed with himself, the bottom half of his face dripping in the juices as his eyes jump around my body. "I want to see your titties, Sweet Girl," he tells me, laying out a flattened lick to my pussy in between each word.
"Yes... yes, Commander," I mutter, dropping my hold on his hair long enough to tug the top of my dress down. The material settles under my boobs, the lack of a bra being a good plan today.
"Damn, Sweet Girl. You drive me crazy," he groans, eyes snapping closed for a moment before snapping again. His dark eyes lock on my boobs, rolling over them, following their movement as I come undone on his tongue again.
Another round of chuckles rings through the room, Shikaku's cockiness growing with every orgasm he pulls out of me. "My pretty, beautiful, Sweet Girl," he mumbles, dipping his head again.
     "Wait," I whine, trying to push his head away. "I can't."
     "Yes you can, I know you can. One more and I'll let you rest. Sweet Girl, can you cum for me one more time? Just one more," he encourages, tongue poking at my hole.
     "Just... just one more," I babble, letting my head lull to the side. "Fuck," I cry when his tongue slides over my clit again, the pleasure quickly chased by sparks of pain.
     "Don't cry. Just breathe, in and out, deep and slow," Shikaku walks me through, fingers sliding back into place as his tongue crickets my clit, the pain daring to outweigh my pleasure.
     I repeat his words in my head, trying to model my breathing how I was ordered. The more he licks at me, the harder it is to keep control of my lungs. "Please?" I whine, knotting my hands in his hair again, trying to tug his mouth off of me. "I can't."
     "Yes, you can. I know you can. You can do it, Sweet Girl. Cum for me again, please?" Another round of jagged moans stick in my throat, struggling to come out.
     Shikaku's words roll around my head and his watchful eyes scanning me push me over the edge again. The pain of the overuse is twisted in with the pleasure of my third undoing, the unknown of whether it's pain or pleasure coated in my whines that spill out alongside my cum.
     "See? I know you could do it. You did such a good job. You're so good for your Commander," Shikaku coos, sitting on his knees before tugging his shirt off. "You're doing great, amazing. You're perfect. I'm so proud of you," he tells me, the praises flowing out as he uses his shirt to gently pat at the mess in my thighs.
     My watery eyes jump over the older man, sliding over the scars on his face before jumping down to his chest. His knotted undershirt clings to him, making my pussy pulse with more needs. "See? It's not that bad," he continues to soothe, throwing his shirt to the ground before leaning over me.
     Shikaku rubs his nose against mine, hands clinging to my dress as he lightly rolls it off of me. "You are gorgeous. The most beautiful diamond in the world." Compliments continue to spill for the older man as he coats my neck in kisses, hands pawing at different parts of my body. "You deserve admiration, praise, attention," he mutters, sloppy kisses tumbling down to my breasts.
     His hands scoop up my boobs, squeezing and toying with them like he did earlier. "Is that what you want, Sweet girl?" His thumbs ghost over my nipples, rubbing circles into them to encourage them to perk up. "Do you want me to continue to admire your body? Continue to praise you? Continue to give you the attention you deserve?"
     Now that my nipples are perky, Shikaku holds them between his fingers, pinching down on them. "Come on, Sweet Girl. Please answer your Commander."
     "Ye - ow," I whine, mellow pain echoing through my chest as Shikaku pinches harder. His eyes are trapped in my boobs, watching as he tugs on them, pulling my breasts toward himself. As he pulls, his hold starts to slip before giving way, my boobs jiggling as they fall back in place. "Commander," I whine again, arching my back as his pinches return. "That hurts."
     "You're fine, Sweet Girl," he hums, tugging until his hold gives out again. "You've been driving me crazy the past couple of months. Do you know that?"
     "No," I whimper, trying to arch more and take away some of the pain blooming through my chest.
     "You have been. All those short pretty dresses you wear. Walking around my house with no bra and your nipples poking through your shirt. Listening to those pathetic whimpers Shikamaru pulls from you. God damn, Sweet Girl," he grumbles, twisting my nipples now instead of tugging on them.
     "Ow, ow, ow," I whimper, wrapping my hands around his wrists and tugging on them.
     "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, that was a little much, wasn't it? I'm sorry, my Sweet Girl," Shikaku coos, hands soft and massaging my boobs as he litters them in kisses. "Sweet Girl?"
     "Yes?" I slur out, my head shifting back and forth as I soak in his soft touches.
     "Please let me fuck you. Let me enjoy you, let me worship your body like it's supposed to be worshipped," he whispers into my skin, his kisses trailing back up my body.
     "Oh... okay... okay, Commander," I murmur, the feeling of his hands snaking down my body setting my skin on fire again.
     "Thank you, Sweet Girl," he whispers in my ear, his hands leaving me kind enough to finish undressing himself. "You're so good to me, so good to us. That's why you deserve this, you hear me? You deserve to be cared for in the ways you care for my household."
     "I do?" I mutter, my eyes flickering down to Shikaku's length. My cheeks flush at the sight, the man easily being the biggest of the two men I'll have taken in my life.
     "You do," he hums out, leaning over me as his hands slide across the bed. "Lift your hips for me, please."
     Again, I fall into obedience, lifting my hips. Shikaku slides a pillow under me, adjusting it before pushing on my stomach until I lay on top of it. "You are a beautiful woman," he mutters, a hand fluttering over my hips as the other lightly rests on my neck, the pad of his fingers dipped into the sides of my throat. "You're so young, so pretty, and I get to enjoy all of it. The sweet taste of your pussy, your tight little cunt milking my cock, your soft skin, the fruity perfume you were."
     Shikaku slowly sinks himself into me, taking his time feeling me wrap around every inch of him. A deep moan rumbles out of him, his balk sack tapping against me once he's bottomed out. "You are the perfect little cock sleeve," he mutters against the shell of my ear, brushing kisses against it as he tugs himself back out to me.
     He never pulls fully out, leaving his tip dipped in me as his thrusts keep their slow rhythm. "Commander?" I whine, wrapping my arms under his, my nails clinging to his shoulder blades.
     "Ya? What is it, Sweet Girl? What can I do to make you feel good?"
     "Move faster. Please?" I ask, dragging out the last word. Shikaku gives me what I want, his speed picking up. "Fuck," I hiss, nails digging into his back as he fucks me into the mattress, the bed squeaking because of his pace. "Shikaku!"
     "Sweet Girl," he huffs out, lips roughly pressed across my face. The pillow arching my hips up makes it easy for the Commander to reach parts of me never touched, and I'm sure the bodies spilling from me let him know. "Hold... hold on," he mutters, tugging out of me.
     I let out a disappointed whine, being left empty upsetting me. I want him back in me, I want him to touch more new parts of me.
     Shikaku uses his grip on my throat to manhandle me, his hand tightening around my neck. I'm tugged around, the two of us being repositioned. He settles underneath me, my knees resting next to his thighs, my back arched and shoulders pressed to his chest. Commander's hand slides up my neck tipping my head back so it's pressed to his shoulder.
     "Look how pretty you are," he praises, lips brushing against my temple and his free hand shoving my hips down roughly.
     "Shikaku!" I yell the sudden fullness pulls his name and a whimper from my lips.
     "Oh, oh, oh," he hums, bouncing me on his dick as his lips slide across my jaw.
     "Dad?" A voice calls from the doorway, tugging Shikaku's attention from me.
     His hand jumps up, wrapping around my eyes, and keeping my head pressed to his shoulder. "Shikamaru," the Commander answers, his pace picking me up, causing my titties to bounce to the beat of his thrusts.
     "What... what the hell are you doing? Tell me you're kidding. You... you're not... that's my fucking girlfriend!" Shikamaru's voice rings out, distress and anger coating his words.
     "Ya and?" Shikaku mutters, his lips present on my body again, littering my neck in kisses.
     "'Ya and'? 'Ya and'? You're balls deep in my God damn girlfriend! What the fuck, Dad?"
     "Why do you care?" He asks, nibbling on my shoulder. "You were just in some girl's sandbox, what? Twenty? Thirty minutes ago? Why the hell do you care if I'm fucking my Sweet Girl? Do you care?" He asks, shaking his shoulder to get my attention.
     "What?" I whimper, Shikaku's nimble fingers newly drawing circles against my clit making it difficult to focus.
     "Are you upset I'm fucking you? Do you want me to stop?" He asks, his thrusts stopping with his dick still buried deep in me.
     "What?! No! Please don't. Commander, please, please don't!" I cry, wiggling in his hold to bounce myself on his penis. "Shikaku, please."
     The vibrations of his chuckles run across my back, his laughter followed by him thrusting into me again. "The fuck are you upset about, Shikamaru? You were just cheating, fucking Temari as 'your girl' was away serving our village. 'Your girl' that you never gave head to. I raised you better than that. I raised you to be a loyal partner, to serve your lady, to be a good man, and now what? You just go around pretending to be some kind of fuck boy?"
     "Dad, it's not... that's not... so what if I did? That doesn't give you the right to fuck my girlfriend!"
     "Last time I checked, she's an adult, and I am an adult. She wants it, I want it, seems like I have every right to fuck her."
     "You know what, whatever Dad. Fuck my leftovers, I don't give a shit."
     "Stay right fucking there," Shikaku grumbles, his thrusts losing their pace as the order spills out.
     "I'm not going to watch you - "
     "Fine, leave. See how quickly I strip you of your Shinobi rank," Shikaku says, cutting his son off as his huff for air fills my ears, the air tickling me as he breathes.
     "You can't do that!"
     "Ya, I can. How the hell is the village supposed to trust someone who can't even stay loyal to his girl? How am I supposed to know you won't betray the village when you'll betray her?"
     The two fall quiet, the sound of my noises and Shikaku's breathing being the only sound in the room. "Fuck," Shikaku groans, slamming me down on him once more. "That's it, Sweets. Milk my cock, take all my cum. Thank me for it, thank me for cumming in you."
     "Thank you. Thank you, Commander," I murmur, my hands moving up to cling to his wrist.
     "Thank you for what? What are you thankful for?"
     "Thank you for cumming in me. Thank you so much, Commander. Please... please do it again. Pretty please, Shikaku?" I beg, rotating my hips, trying to perk his dick up again.
     "Fuck you. Fuck both of you," Shikamaru says, his words shaky and broken before the sound of the door slamming fills the room.
     Shikaku's laughter roars out again, his lips coating my sweat-covered body, eagerly cleaning up the salty water from my skin. "What a Sweet Girl. Sweet, Sweet Girl."

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